LMU ☀️ CMSI 3802
HOMEWORK #4 Due: 2024-04-12

Learning Objectives

In this assignment you will demonstrate:

Readings and Videos

Read (or skim if suggested):

Skim these Wikipedia articles:

Follow the links from the Wikipedia articles to additional reading for the topics that interest you.


As usual, turn in a single submission for your entire group via BrightSpace. Remember to not simply partition the work among team members, as this reduces your learning.

Your team's BrightSpace submission should be an attached PDF or text file with:

  1. The names of every student
  2. For each student, an affidavit that each of the readings and watchings above were individually completed
  3. Answers to each ot the “Problems to Turn In,” numbered and neatly typeset
  4. A link to the public GitHub repository hosting your team’s project

Problems to Turn In

Solutions to these problems will appear in the beautifully formatted PDF that you will submit to BrightSpace. For problems involving code to write, host your code on GitHub or Replit or OneCompiler (or similar) and provide the link to the hosting site in your BrightSpace submission.

  1. In your own words, write one sentence for each of the four major theories of computation, conveying its central question and its areas of concern. Write as if your job depended on clarity, accuracy, and solid English writing skills. If you look to Chat GPT for help, do not just copy what the bot says; but feel free to try so see if it can even get close on this one. The scope of the four theories are kind of fuzzy, so stick with the definitions you’ve heard in class rather than Chat-GPT’s training set.
  2. Given $L_1 = \{0, 011, 10\}$ and $L_2 = \{10, 1\}$. What are:
    1. $L_1 \cup L_2$
    2. $L_1 \cap L_2$
    3. $L_1L_2$
    4. ${L_2}^*$
  3. Give grammars for the following languages (using the notation from class):
    1. The empty language
    2. $\{ 0^i1^j2^k \mid i=j \vee j=k \}$
    3. $\{ w \in \{0,1\}^* \mid w \textrm{ does not contain the substring 000} \}$
    4. $\{ w \in \{a,b\}^* \mid w \textrm{ has twice as many $a$'s as $b$'s} \}$
    5. $\{ a^nb^na^nb^n \mid n \geq 0 \}$
    (Note that not all of these are expressible with Ohm.)
  4. Here’s another look at the grammar for floating-point numerals (using single-letter variables for compactness):

    $\begin{array}{l} n \longrightarrow d^+ \; f? \; e? \\ f \longrightarrow \texttt{"."} \; d^+ \\ e \longrightarrow (\texttt{"E"} | \texttt{"e"})\; (\texttt{"+"} | \texttt{"–"})? \; d^+ \\ d \longrightarrow \texttt{"0"} .. \texttt{"9"} \\ \end{array}$

    Give the $(V, \Sigma, R, S)$-definition of this grammar. (Note this means you will have to desugar the rules with |, ?, and +.)
  5. Give Turing Machines that recognize the following languages. If any of the languages below are Type-3, you may (and are encouraged to) give a FA in lieu of a TM recognizer, if the FA is simpler.
    1. $\{w \in \{a,b\}* \mid w \textrm{ ends with } abb\}$
    2. $\{ w \in \{a,b\}^* \mid \#_a(w) = \#_b(w) \}$ (same number of $a$'s as $b$'s)
    3. $\{w \in \{a,b\}* \mid w \textrm{ alternates } a\textrm{'s and } b\textrm{'s} \}$
    4. $\{ a^nb^na^nb^n \mid n \geq 0 \}$
  6. Give Turing Machines that compute the following functions, where the input and output are binary numerals.
    1. $\lambda n. 2n + 2$
    2. one's complement
    3. The function described in Python as lambda n: str(n)[1:-1]
  7. For the JavaScript/Python expression 5 * 3 - 1 ** 3,
    1. Show a 3AC machine program to evaluate this expression, leaving the result in $r_0$
    2. Show a Stack machine program to evaluate this expression, leaving the result on the top of the stack.
  8. Characterize each of the following languages as either (a) regular, (b) context-free but not regular, (c) recursive but not context-free, (d) recursively enumerable but not recursive, or (e) not even recursively enumerable.
    1. $\{ a^ib^jc^k \mid i > j > k \}$
    2. $\{ a^ib^jc^k \mid i > j \wedge k \leq i-j \}$
    3. $\{ \langle M\rangle\cdot w \mid M \textrm{ accepts } w\}$
    4. $\{ G \mid G \textrm{ is context-free} \wedge L(G)=\varnothing \}$
    5. $\{ a,b \}^*\{b\}^+$
    6. $\{ \langle M\rangle \mid M \textrm{ does not halt }\}$
    7. $\{ w \mid w \textrm{ is a decimal numeral divisible by 7} \}$
    8. $\{ www \mid w \textrm{ is a string over the Unicode alphabet} \}$

For Your Project

Continue your compiler project in the public GitHub repository you created in the first assignment. You will be expanding your repo to have the following:

  ├── .gitignore
  ├── README.md
  ├── package.json            -- configuration because this is a Node.js app
  ├── .prettierrc.json        -- (optional, you don’t have to have one)
  ├── docs
  │   └── ...                 -- now with the companion website
  ├── examples
  │   └── ...                 -- lots of example programs
  ├── src
  │   ├── (yourlanguagename).js
  │   ├── (yourlanguagename).ohm
  │   ├── compiler.js
  │   ├── core.js
  │   ├── analyzer.js         -- with a completed static analyzer!
  │   ├── optimizer.js        -- change as indicated below
  │   └── generator.js        -- write this!
  └── test
      ├── compiler.test.js
      ├── grammar.test.js
      ├── analyzer.test.js
      └── generator.test.js    -- write this!

In this assignment you will be completing the following tasks:

Grading Rubric

To help you get a good score, here are all the things you will be graded on.

Make sure to make all corrections on your project and project companion site from the previous assignments.