LMU ☀️ CMSI 3300




Print out the files comprising your answers to the following problems (2up to save trees) and turn them in at the beginning of class on February 23.

The Problems

  1. Put together some pieces of the robot kit you purchased for Homework #1 and demonstrate that it can move in response to some piece of software you wrote yourself.
  2. Problem 3.8 in Russell and Norvig
  3. Problem 3.9 in Russell and Norvig
  4. Problem 4.1 in Russell and Norvig
  5. Would A* be optimal with an admissible heuristic if we checked for goal states upon generation rather than expansion? Give an articulate, solid proof or counterexample, whichever is appropriate.
  6. Problem 4.5 in Russell and Norvig
  7. Implement an N-Queens solver using random restart hill climbing.
  8. Problem 4.11 in Russell and Norvig
  9. Explain how to solve TSPs with hill climbing.
  10. Problem 5.5 in Russell and Norvig
  11. Problem 5.6 in Russell and Norvig
  12. Problem 6.3 in Russell and Norvig (It may help to do 6.1 first)