LMU ☀️ CMSI 3300




Print out the files comprising your answers to the following problems (2up to save trees) and turn them in at the beginning of class on May 2.

The Problems

  1. Complete your robot project. If you do not have time to mount a BB gun on a servo, nor attach a camera to recognize non CS majors, that's okay. All that is required is that the robot respond reasonably to three different sensory inputs (Homework #3 has some suggestions). Include a three-page informal writeup with the robot containing instructions for setup, and a brief description of its behavior.
  2. Write a utility in Java, Python, Ruby, ML, or Lisp that converts a propositional logic formula into CNF. You will have to come up with a way to represent forumulas. Provide extensive unit tests.
  3. Problem 13.8 in Russell and Norvig.
  4. Problem 13.15 in Russell and Norvig.
  5. Problem 13.16 in Russell and Norvig.
  6. Problem 22.3 in Russell and Norvig.
  7. Problem 25.2 in Russell and Norvig.