Preparation for Quiz 1 CMSI 485 Artificial Intelligence Quiz will be Thursday, 2006-02-23 =========================================== AI deals with Agents Decision Making Problem Solving and Search Knowledge Representation Logic / Inference Planning Uncertainty Learning Statistical Reinforcement Behavior Sensing (Perception) Communication (Language) Acting (Robotics) The quiz will cover only agents and basic problem solving (Chapters 1-5). Of course there really isn't much to test on from Chapter 1, but it's good stuff to know. Know Agents Kinds of percepts and actions Agent functions vs. agent programs Performance measures PEAS descriptions The meaning of rationality Why the vacuum world is interesting Environment classification fully observable - partially observable deterministic - stochastic episodic - sequential static - dynamic discrete - continuous single agent - multi agent How different kinds of agents operate reflex, deliberation, or both with or without models rational or not with learning or not How to define a problem how to define transition functions (successor functions) how to define the right states and actions for a problem The two kinds of problems action sequence finding goal state finding Offline vs. online Belief states and sensorless problems Contingencies Satisficing vs. optimizing Search Trees Nodes state action parent depth cost How search trees are built difference between generation and expansion How to describe the complexity of a search algorithm branching factor depth maximum depth What makes search algorithms faster pruning not revisiting states Characteristics and behavior of uniformed algorithms Breadth-first Depth-first with cutoff with iterative deepening Uniform-cost Backtracking vs. depth-first expansion About optimality in uniformed search algorithms That checking goals at expansion time is sometimes necessary for optimality Heuristic search Algorithms Best-first Greedy A* Memory issues Local Hill climbing Beam Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithms Constraint Satisfaction Defining them Incremental vs. complete state formulations Specification of each Complexity The importance of variable ordering Minimum Remaining Values Least Constraining Value Forward Checking Constraint Propagation Local Search for CSPs Problems on the exam will include - environment - PEAS - problems from the text or close cousins