CMSI 185
Exam 1 Preparation


October 20-22, 2020.

Ground Rules

You will take the exam on Brightspace; it will be multiple choice with a 75 minute time limit. You MAY use books, notes, and web searches to look things up. You will not be spied on: there is no browser lockdown and hence no need to hide a mobile device in a bag of potato chips. However, you MAY NOT solicit answers in any way. There is to be no asking for help, no posting on forums, no communication with other humans or intelligent bots in any way; you can only “look things up.” You also MAY NOT post answers or help any other test taker either. You are bound by an honor code to follow these rules.

The exam becomes available at 8pm America/Los Angeles time on October 20 and becomes inaccessible at the start of class on October 22. You may complete the exam within any 75 minute period in that window.

Format of the Exam

An ideal assessment of your understanding of programming concepts would be to see how well you could explain the workings of simple programs, evaluate existing programs, and explain how you would build small scripts, all in an oral exam. However, given the online modality of the course and the number of students, we can’t really do oral exams well, so this assessment will be on your recoginition and understanding of concepts in the form of multiple choice questions.

How to Study

The quiz will cover the course notes from the beginning through Programming Basics. The exam will emphasize your fluency with booleans, numbers, strings, objects, arrays, and classes, and the structure of programs in both p5.js and Vanilla JavaScript. You should also know how to put together simple scripts, with well-named variables and functions, and that exhibit good separation of concerns.

As part of your exam preparation, make sure you can answer each of these questions: