CMSI 185
Exam 2 Preparation

The second exam will, like the first, check your familiarity and fluency with programming concepts. You’ve done quite a bit of programming already, and you will have a big term project. I will assess your programming aptitude in your programming assignments. The exams are about the concepts you’ve internalized, since it is possible to program without understanding.

There are two ground rules.

  1. You may use any source, online or offline, during the exam, except (1) other students and (2) sources where you can ask questions and have them answered by a human. That means you can use books, notes, online code runners, and web searches, but you cannot post questions to a forum or any question-answer site, nor solicit answers or help from any human, nor can you pull information off of other students’ exams.
  2. You may not broadcast answers either by voice, text, instant message, coughing, hand signals, chat, or any similar medium.

The exam will cover the course notes from the beginning through Unit Testing in JavaScript.

Nearly all of the questions will be about functions and classes (which of course will necesarily deal with expressions and statements). Make sure that you know how to create a function from scratch, know what it means to have a good name for a function, know how to choose which parameters a funciton should have, know what good naming of parameters entails, and know how to choose exactly what the function should be returning. Note the word "returning": functions hardly ever do console.log-ing.

To prepare for the exam I would suggest:

Think through answers to the following questions:

To prepare for the exam I would suggest: