LMU ☀️ CMSI 3801
HOMEWORK #3 Due: 2022-10-20

Learning Objectives

With this assignment you will demonstrate:

Readings and Videos



Submit your work in the private GitHub repository used in previous assignments (please ensure both Julian and I are added as contributors). Structure your repository as follows:

  ├── README.md
  ├── javascript/
  │   └── (existing files from previous assignments)
  ├── python/
  │   └── (existing files from previous assignments)
  └── java/
      ├── README.md
      ├── .gitignore
      ├── ExercisesTest.java            (Given to you below)
      ├── Exercises.java                (The “functions” you need to write)
      └── Quaternion.java               (The record class you need to write)

Install all your dependencies according to your own preferences. I ask only that your solution be compatible with the tests that I have given you, so that means JUint for Java. The suggested folder structure allows you to run Java tests (assuming a Unix-like shell) with:

$ javac -cp junit.jar:. ExercisesTest.java && java -jar junit.jar -cp . -c ExercisesTest

I will give you a “Homework Helper” video for you to watch on BrightSpace that shows you how to install JUnit into VS Code.

You will be graded on your programming style, so make sure you are set up so that your editor or IDE auto-formats your code. Use plugins for your editor that include formatter and perhaps a linter.

Your homework submission will be the state of your repository on the branch master, at 23:59 in the America/Los Angeles time zone on the due date above.

Submit to BrightSpace a link to your repo. Make sure your README has the names of all the students that have worked on the project.

The Code You Are To Write

Most of the code you are to write will be “ports” of the functions and classes you wrote in previous assignments into Java, with some slight modifications. There are brief descriptions of the problems below; for specifics, though, the unit tests provide the documentation you need! Write the following:

  1. A function that accepts a number of U.S. cents and returns an unmodifiable Java list containing, respectively, the smallest number of U.S. quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies that equal the given amount.
  2. A function that accepts a string and returns a new string equal to the initial string with all whitespace removed and then with the i-th character (Unicode scalar) repeated i times.
  3. A function that consumes successive powers of a base starting at the 0th power, namely 1. The function accepts three parameters: the base, the limit, and the consumer.
  4. A function returning an infinite stream yielding successive powers of a base starting at the 0th power, namely 1. (This is similar to the generator function problem for JavaScript and Python, but notice here your stream should not be limited as it was before—it’s fun to build infinite streams.)
  5. Something resembling a “chainable” function that accepts one string per call, but when called without arguments, returns the words previously passed, in order, separated by a single space. Since this function can return either a string or a function, your Java solution will have to be somewhat creative. Hints as to how you can do this can be gleaned from the unit tests below.
  6. A method that returns the lowercased version of the first string in a list that satisfies a given property. Return an Optional (since there might not be any such string in the list). Implementation restriction: your solution must be a single “pipeline.” Hint: Make a stream, then filter, then findFirst on it, then map the lowercasing operation.
  7. A function that returns the top ten players by points-per-game among the players that have been in 15 games or more. See the unit tests for details on the expected inputs and outputs. Note a slight twist from the previous assignment: the output will be a list of strings, not a list of objects. Implementation restriction: your Java solution must use streams and work similarly to the JavaScript solution form Homework #1.
  8. A Quaternion record class. Details in the unit tests below. Note that some things have been added compared to the the classes in the first two assignments. You new have some constants and some required checks in the constructor.

The Unit Tests

Add this file to your repository. Use it while developing. Unit tests are your friends.

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.IntConsumer;

public class ExercisesTest {

    public void testChange() {
        assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> Exercises.change(-20));
        assertEquals(List.of(0, 0, 0, 0), Exercises.change(0));
        assertEquals(List.of(0, 0, 0, 1), Exercises.change(1));
        assertEquals(List.of(0, 1, 0, 3), Exercises.change(13));
        assertEquals(List.of(2, 0, 0, 0), Exercises.change(50));
        assertEquals(List.of(0, 0, 1, 0), Exercises.change(5));
        assertEquals(List.of(15, 2, 0, 2), Exercises.change(397));
        assertEquals(List.of(1, 1, 1, 2), Exercises.change(42));
        assertEquals(List.of(40000000, 1, 1, 2), Exercises.change(1000000017));

    public void testStretched() {
        assertEquals("", Exercises.stretched(""));
        assertEquals("", Exercises.stretched("  "));
        assertEquals("", Exercises.stretched("  \t\n  \t"));
        assertEquals("Hiihhhiiii", Exercises.stretched("  Hi  hi  "));
        assertEquals("😁😂😂😱😱😱", Exercises.stretched("😁😂😱"));
                Exercises.stretched("hello world"));

    public void testPowersWithConsumer() {
        var a = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        IntConsumer addToList = i -> a.add(i);
        Exercises.powers(2, 1, addToList);
        assertEquals(List.of(1), a);
        Exercises.powers(-3, 81, addToList);
        assertEquals(List.of(1, 1, -3, 9, -27, 81, -243), a);

    public void testPowersStream() {
                new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
                new int[] { 1, 7, 49, 343, 2401, 16807, 117649, 823543,
                        40353607 });
                new int[] { 1, -3, 9, -27, 81 });
                new int[] { 1, 10, 100, 1000 });

    public void testSay() {
        assertEquals("A", Exercises.say("A").ok());
        assertEquals("", Exercises.say());
        assertEquals("A B", Exercises.say("A").and("B").ok());
        assertEquals("🐤🦇 $🦊👏🏽 !",

    public void testFindFirstAndLowerCase() {
                Exercises.findFirstThenLower(s -> s.length() > 10,
                Exercises.findFirstThenLower(s -> s.length() > 5,
                        List.of("hello", "world")));
                Exercises.findFirstThenLower(s -> s.startsWith("HELL"),
                        List.of("HELLO", "WORLD")));
                Exercises.findFirstThenLower(s -> s.contains("d!"),
                        List.of("Hello", "World!!")));

    public void testTopTenScorers() {
        assertEquals(List.of(), Exercises.topTenScorers(Map.of()));

                        Map.of("T1", List.of("A,30,300"))));

        var stats = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        stats.put("ATL", List.of(
                "Betnijah Laney,16,263", "Courtney Williams,14,193"));
        stats.put("CHI", List.of(
                "Kahleah Copper,17,267", "Allie Quigley,17,260",
                "Courtney Vandersloot,17,225"));
        stats.put("CONN", List.of(
                "DeWanna Bonner,16,285", "Alyssa Thomas,16,241"));
        stats.put("DAL", List.of(
                "Arike Ogunbowale,16,352", "Satou Sabally,12,153"));
        stats.put("IND", List.of(
                "Kelsey Mitchell,16,280", "Tiffany Mitchell,13,172",
                "Candice Dupree,16,202"));
        stats.put("LA", List.of(
                "Nneka Ogwumike,14,172", "Chelsea Gray,16,224",
                "Candace Parker,16,211"));
        stats.put("LV", List.of(
                "A’ja Wilson,15,304", "Dearica Hamby,15,188",
                "Angel McCoughtry,15,220"));
        stats.put("MIN", List.of(
                "Napheesa Collier,16,262", "Crystal Dangerfield,16,254"));
        stats.put("NY", List.of(
                "Layshia Clarendon,15,18"));
        stats.put("PHX", List.of(
                "Diana Taurasi,13,236", "Brittney Griner,12,212",
                "Skylar Diggins-Smith,16,261",
                "Bria Hartley,13,190"));
        stats.put("SEA", List.of(
                "Breanna Stewart,16,317", "Jewell Loyd,16,223"));
        stats.put("WSH", List.of(
                "Emma Meesseman,13,158", "Ariel Atkins,15,212",
                "Myisha Hines-Allen,15,236"));

                        "Arike Ogunbowale|22.00|DAL",
                        "A’ja Wilson|20.27|LV",
                        "Breanna Stewart|19.81|SEA",
                        "DeWanna Bonner|17.81|CONN",
                        "Kelsey Mitchell|17.50|IND",
                        "Betnijah Laney|16.44|ATL",
                        "Napheesa Collier|16.38|MIN",
                        "Skylar Diggins-Smith|16.31|PHX",
                        "Crystal Dangerfield|15.88|MIN",
                        "Myisha Hines-Allen|15.73|WSH"),

    public void testQuaternionConstructorErrors() {
        // That that NaNs are detected in each argument
                () -> new Quaternion(Double.NaN, 0, 0, 0));
                () -> new Quaternion(0, Double.NaN, 0, 0));
                () -> new Quaternion(0, 0, Double.NaN, 0));
                () -> new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, Double.NaN));

    public void testQuaternionAccessors() {
        // Java records give us these for free
        var q = new Quaternion(3.5, 2.25, -100, -1.25);
        assertEquals(3.5, q.a());
        assertEquals(2.25, q.b());
        assertEquals(-100.0, q.c());
        assertEquals(-1.25, q.d());

    public void testQuaternionArithmetic() {
        var q1 = new Quaternion(1, 3, 5, 2);
        var q2 = new Quaternion(-2, 2, 8, -1);
        var q3 = new Quaternion(-1, 5, 13, 1);
        var q4 = new Quaternion(-46, -25, 5, 9);
        assertEquals(q3, q1.plus(q2));
        assertEquals(q1, q3.minus(q2));
        assertEquals(q4, q1.times(q2));
        assertEquals(Quaternion.K, Quaternion.I.times(Quaternion.J));

    public void testQuaternionCoefficients() {
        assertEquals(List.of(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0).coefficients());
        assertEquals(List.of(2.0, 1.5, 10.0, -8.0),
                new Quaternion(2, 1.5, 10, -8).coefficients());

    public void testQuaternionToString() {
        assertEquals("Quaternion[a=0.0, b=0.0, c=0.0, d=0.0]",
                new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0).toString());
        assertEquals("Quaternion[a=0.0, b=-1.0, c=0.0, d=2.25]",
                new Quaternion(0, -1, 0, 2.25).toString());
        assertEquals("Quaternion[a=0.0, b=0.0, c=0.0, d=-1.0]",