
You don’t always want the most general representation for everything. If your domain is sufficiently restricted, you can use a special purpose representation for collections of your things. Bitsets are a classic example.


If you need to represent a dictionary where the values are small integers only, use an array where the indexes are the keys and the corresponding values are the array contents.

If you need to represent a set where the values are small integers only, you can use a boolean array.

Example: The set {1,5,6} can be represented with the array

  0 │ false │
  1 │ true  │
  2 │ false │
  3 │ false │
  4 │ false │
  5 │ true  │
  6 │ true  │
  7 │ false │

Of course you don't want to do this when the keys are arbitrarily large integers. (Though there are interesting data structures for sparse arrays.)


When representing sets, you don't really need one machine word to store a boolean: you only need one bit. We can pack the bits like so:

Example: The set {3,6,14,30} can be represented by


which is 1073750088 in decimal. If the range of values goes beyond 32 bits, a ByteArray will suffice.


Operations are incredibly fast. All operate in constant time provided the bitset fits in one word. If unbounded then, well, they're linear, but with a pretty small constant factor, making them useful even for large sets.

Exercise: Create a bitset class.


We’ve covered:

  • What a bitset is
  • Examples of bitsets
  • When bitsets can be used
  • How bitset operations are carried out with logical operations