Is NoSQL a fad or here to stay? What does it even mean?


Starting in about the 1970s, the relational model became so dominant that the world seemed to forget there was any other way to store data. But as data stores became larger and larger, this one-size-fits-all idea began to be challenged.

Why this challenge? When data stores become huge you start seeing:

So alternatives started popping up.

What Does NoSQL Mean?

The term NoSQL was coined as an abbreviation for “Not Only SQL” and basically means “you can use other kinds of data stores in your enterprise in addition to traditional relational databases.”

Informally, people usually use the term to mean “non-relational big data.”


The usual promise of (non-relational) NoSQL is better scaling, achieved through better distribution (often over commodity hardware) of data. But to do this, many NoSQL systems give up certain things. Some systems:

Exercise: The claim that meassive scalability cannot be achieved via relational systems is controversial; many people have defended relational databases for large-scale operations. Research and discuss the arguments for relational systems over non-relational systems. How are the claims of NoSQL's superiority refuted?

Kinds of Non-Relational Systems

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The CAP Theorem

Most NoSQL databases claim, as a selling point, that they are distributed. So let’s say you have a distributed database. That means when you write to a node, the writes have to propagate to other nodes, so you can read from anywhere (or, that reads somehow go to the “correct” nodes that have the most recent data):


Now suppose a couple links go down so the network gets partitioned:


Now writes to the top partition can’t be seen by clients hitting the bottom partition. Let’s define:

Now notice:

The CAP theorem says you can have at most two of three of C, A, and P.

Exercise: This is a trilemma. If you are philosophically inclined, read about the most famous trilemma of them all, the Problem of Evil.