NP-Complete and NP-Hard Problems

There are so many.

Review the Definitions

P is the set of all decision problems solvable in polynomial-time.

NP is the set of all decision problems whose YES answer is checkable in polynomial-time.

co-NP is the set of all decision problems whose NO answer is checkable in polynomial-time.

A problem is NP-Hard iff a polynomial-time solution for it would imply a polynomial-time solution for every problem in NP.

A problem is NP-Complete iff it is NP-Hard and it is in NP itself.


Lots of folks have made lists of NP-Complete and NP-Hard Problems. Here are a few:

Yet Another List

Here are some of my favorite NP-Hard problems:

Does a given boolean forumla, in CNF, have a satisfying assignment?
Does a given boolean forumla, in CNF with exactly three literals per clause, have a satisfying assignment?
Min Vertex Cover
In a given undirected graph, what is the (size of the) smallest subset of the vertices covering all of the edges?
Max Independent Set
In a given undirected graph, what is the (size of the) larges subset of the vertices having no edges in common?
Max Clique
What is the (size of the) largest complete subgraph of a given undirected graph?
Min Set Cover
Given a set $S$ and a collection of subsets of $S$, what is smallest set of these subsets whose union is $S$?
Min Hitting Set
Given a set $S$ and a collection of subsets of $S$, what is smallest subset of $S$ containing at least one element from every subset?
Hamilton Path
Does a given graph have a Hamilton Path?
Hamilton Cycle
Does a given graph have a Hamilton Cycle?
Traveling Salesperson
What is the minimum cost Hamilton Cycle in a weighted, complete, graph?
Longest Path
What is the longest path between two given nodes in a weighted, undirected, graph?
Subset Sum
Does a given set of positive integers have a subset with sum $k$?
Can a given set of positive integers be partitioned into two subsets each with the same sum?
Can a given set of $3n$ positive integers be partitioned into $n$ 3-element subsets each with the same sum?
In a given Minesweeper configuration, is it safe to click on a particular square?
Does a given Sodoku puzzle have a solution?