Problem Solving

Early AI was concerned, a lot, with how to solve problems.


Problem Solving Agent
An agent that tries to come up with a sequence of actions that will bring the environment into a desired state.
The process of looking for such a sequence, involving a systematic exploration of alternative actions.

Searching is one of the classic areas of AI.


A problem is a tuple $(S, s, A, \rho, G, P)$ where

Example: A water jug problem

You have a two-gallon jug and a one-gallon jug; neither have any measuring marks on them at all. Initially both are empty. You need to get exactly one gallon into the two-gallon jug. Formally:

A graphical view of the transition function (initial state shaded, goal states outlined bold):


And a tabular view:

(0,0)(2,0) (0,1)
(1,0)(2,0) (0,0) (1,1) (0,1)
(2,0)(0,0) (2,1) (1,1)
(0,1)(2,1) (0,0) (1,0)
(1,1)(2,1) (0,1) (1,0) (2,0)
(2,1)(0,1) (2,0)

To solve this problem, an agent would start at the initial state and explore the state space by following links until it arrived in a goal state. A solution to the water jug problem is a path from the initial state to a goal state.

Example solutions

There are an infinite number of solutions. Sometimes we are interested in the solution with the smallest path cost; more on this later.

Exercise: For the problem in which you have a 4-gallon jug and a 3-gallon jug, and need to get exactly two gallons in the 4-gallon jug:
  • How many states are there?
  • How many (legal) transitions are there?
  • Solve the problem by hand
Exercise: Consider the problem of writing a method s(a, b, c) which returns the action sequence necessary to get c gallons into the jug with capacity a, given that the other jug has capacity b. Assume that a, b, and c are all positive integers and a > b and a > c. Does this problem always have a solution? If so, prove it; if not, give values for a, b, and c meeting the above constraints for which no solution exists.

Awww Man.... Why are we studying this?

There’s this thing called the Problem Space Hypothesis, due to Newell and Simon: All goal-oriented symbolic activity occurs in problem spaces. If they’re right, we’re spending time wisely.

Exercise: What do you think of this?

Even if they’re not completely right, there are still zillions of problems that can be formulated in problem spaces, e.g.

8-puzzle Tile configurations Up, Down, Left, Right
8-queens (incremental formulation) Partial board configurations Add queen, remove queen
8-queens (complete-state formulation) Board configurations Move queen
TSP Partial tours Add next city, pop last city
Theorem Proving Collection of known theorems Rules of inference
Vacuum World Current Location and status of all rooms Left, Right, Suck
Road Navigation (Route Finding) Intersections Road segments
Internet Searching Pages Follow link
Counterfeit Coin Problem A given weighing Outcome of the weighing (less, equal, greater)
Exercise: Research the problems of VLSI layout and protein design and add them to the table above.

Problem Types

State Finding vs. Action Sequence Finding

A fundamental distinction:

Action Sequence Finding State Finding
We know the state space in advance. We know which states are goals. We have to find the sequence of actions that get us to a goal state. The sequence may be contingent, or expressed as an AND-OR tree, but the actions matter. We only know the properties that a goal state should have, but we don’t even know if any goal states exist. We just need to find a state that satisfies certain constraints! We don’t care what action sequence gets us there.
Optimality is concerned with "cheapest path" Optimality is concerned with the "best state"
Examples: 8-puzzle, water jug, vacuum world, route navigation, games, many robotics problems Examples: N-queens, integrated circuit layout, factory floor layout, job-shop scheduling, automatic programming, portfolio management, network optimization, most other kinds of optimization problems

Offline vs. Online Problems

In an online problem, the agent doesn’t even know what the state space is, and has to build a model of it as it acts. In an offline problem, percepts don’t matter at all. An agent can figure out the entire action sequence before doing anything at all.

Offline Example: Vacuum World with two rooms, cleaning always works, a square once cleaned stays clean. States are 1 – 8, goal states are 1 and 5.


Exercise: Determine the cheapest solution, starting in state 4, for a vacuum agent assuming each suck costs 2, and each movement costs 1.

Sensorless (Conformant) Problems

The agent doesn’t know where it is. We can use belief states (sets of states that the agent might be in). Example from above deterministic, static, single-agent vacuum world:

In State Left Right Suck
12345678 1234 5678 1257
1234 1234 5678 12
5678 1234 5678 57
1257 123 567 1257
12 12 56 12
57 13 57 57
123 123 567 12
567 123 567 57
56 12 56 5
13 13 57 1
5 1 5 5
1 1 5 1

Note the goal states are 1 and 5. If a state 15 was reachable, it would be a goal too.

Contingency Problems

Contingency Problem: The agent doesn’t know what effect its actions will have. This could be due to the environment being partially observable, or because of another agent. Ways to handle this:

Example: Partially observable vacuum world (meaning you don’t know the status of the other square) in which sucking in a clean square may make it dirty.

Exercise: Suppose that this world is fully observable, Show how to preplan a solution.

Can also model contingency problems is with "AND-OR graphs".

Example: find a winning strategy for Nim if there are only five stones in one row left. You are player square. You win if it is player circle’s turn with zero stones left.


In general then, a solution is a subtree in which

If the tree has only OR nodes, then the solution is just a path.

Search Algorithms


Hey, we know what a problem is, what a problem space is, and even what a solution is, but how exactly do we search the space? Well there are zillions of approaches:

Types of Problem Solving Tasks

Agents may be asked to be

An algorithm is

Search Trees

Search algorithms generate a search tree on the fly. Search trees contain nodes. Each node in the tree contains information about a particular path in the problem space. Nodes are not the same thing as states.

class Node {
    State state;
    Action action;
    Node parent;
    int depth;
    int cost;
    Node(State state, Action action, Node parent, int stepCost) {
        this.state = state;
        this.action = action;
        this.parent = parent;
        depth = parent == null ? 0 : parent.depth + 1;
        cost = parent == null ? 0 : parent.cost + stepCost;

Example: The water jug problem with 4 and 3 gallon jugs. Cost is 1 point per gallon used when filling, 1 point to make a transfer, 5 points per gallon emptied (since it makes a mess). The search tree might start off like this:


Compute a new search tree node from its parent
Generate, from a node, all of its children

Search trees have

Branching Factor ($b$)
The average number of children of a node
Depth ($d$)
Height of the shortest solution subtree
Max Depth ($m$)
Maximum depth of the search tree (can be infinite)

The complexity of most search algorithms can be written as a function of one or more of $b$, $d$ and $m$.


In general though there may be more states than there are fundamental particles in the universe. But we need to find a solution. Usually is helpful to

  1. Find ways to identify large subsets of states that could never possibly be goal states so you don’t have to ever visit them.
  2. Don’t revisit states