SMIL (pronounced "smile") is the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language. It is an XML-based language in which you can write interactive multimedia presentations. You can describe the screen layout, timing and synchronization, and associate hyperlinks with media elements.

SMIL 1.0 became a W3C Recommendation on 1998-06-15 and SMIL 2.0 became one on 2001-08-07. I only have notes on SMIL 1.0. First some links for you.

  1. The Official SMIL Page at the W3C
  2. Webmonkey's SMIL Tutorial
  3. The SMIL 1.0 Offical Definition
  4. SMIL Quick Reference
  5. Google's directory page on SMIL

A simple first example

Before looking at the details of the language, you probably want to see a real SMIL document. Here is one:

  Trivial SMIL presentation that illustrates some sound,
  video, text and images, synchronized with seq and par
  elements, and layed out in three overlapping regions.

      <root-layout width="400" height="300" background-color="white" />
      <region id="r1" left="75" top="25" width="300" height="100" fit="fill"/>
      <region id="r2" left="150" top="100" width="150" height="100" />
      <region id="r3" left="20" top="110" width="272" height="60" z-index="1" />
      <audio src="shot.wav" type="audio/wav" repeat="2" />
        <text src="welcome.txt" type="text/html" region="r1" dur="3s" />
        <animation src="gradient.swf" region="r1" dur="3s" />
          <img src="face.gif" alt="face" region="r1" dur="2s" />
          <video src="copy.avi" type="video/msvideo" region="r3" />
        <img src="wolf.jpg" alt="wolf" region="r2" dur="3s" begin="2s" />

A more realistic and extensive example

Larry Bouthillier's SMIL Page is excellent. Look at his tutorial, and his article in WebTechniques. Definitely worth the time studying!

SMIL, the Language

SMIL only has 19 elements! They are

Document Structure Elements smil, head, body
Head Elements meta, layout, root-layout, region, switch
Synchronization Elements par, seq
Media Object Elements text, img, animation, audio, video, textstream, ref
Anchor Elements a, anchor


SMIL is not a huge language, so here is the entire DTD


    This is the XML document type definition (DTD) for SMIL 1.0.

    Date: 1998/06/15 08:56:30

        Jacco van Ossenbruggen <>
        Sjoerd Mullender       <>

    Further information about SMIL is available at:


<!-- Generally useful entities -->
<!ENTITY % id-attr "id ID #IMPLIED">
<!ENTITY % title-attr "title CDATA #IMPLIED">
<!ENTITY % skip-attr "skip-content (true|false) 'true'">
<!ENTITY % desc-attr "
        abstract        CDATA   #IMPLIED
        author          CDATA   #IMPLIED
        copyright       CDATA   #IMPLIED

<!--=================== SMIL Document =====================================-->
     The root element SMIL contains all other elements.
<!ELEMENT smil (head?,body?)>
<!ATTLIST smil

<!--=================== The Document Head =================================-->
<!ENTITY % layout-section "layout|switch">

<!ENTITY % head-element "(meta*,((%layout-section;), meta*))?">

<!ELEMENT head %head-element;>
<!ATTLIST head %id-attr;>

<!--=================== Layout Element ====================================-->
     Layout contains the region and root-layout elements defined by
     smil-basic-layout or other elements defined an external layout
<!ELEMENT layout ANY>
<!ATTLIST layout
        type CDATA      "text/smil-basic-layout"

<!--=================== Region Element ===================================-->
<!ENTITY % viewport-attrs "
        height              CDATA    #IMPLIED
        width               CDATA    #IMPLIED
        background-color    CDATA    #IMPLIED

<!ATTLIST region
        left                CDATA    "0"
        top                 CDATA    "0"
        z-index             CDATA    "0"
        fit                 (hidden|fill|meet|scroll|slice)    "hidden"

<!--=================== Root-layout Element ================================-->
<!ELEMENT root-layout EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST root-layout

<!--=================== Meta Element=======================================-->
<!ATTLIST meta
        name    NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
        content CDATA   #REQUIRED

<!--=================== The Document Body =================================-->
<!ENTITY % media-object "audio|video|text|img|animation|textstream|ref">
<!ENTITY % schedule "par|seq|(%media-object;)">
<!ENTITY % inline-link "a">
<!ENTITY % assoc-link "anchor">
<!ENTITY % link "%inline-link;">
<!ENTITY % container-content "(%schedule;)|switch|(%link;)">
<!ENTITY % body-content "(%container-content;)">

<!ELEMENT body (%body-content;)*>
<!ATTLIST body %id-attr;>

<!--=================== Synchronization Attributes ========================-->
<!ENTITY % sync-attributes "
        begin   CDATA   #IMPLIED
        end     CDATA   #IMPLIED

<!--=================== Switch Parameter Attributes =======================-->
<!ENTITY % system-attribute "
        system-bitrate             CDATA                #IMPLIED
        system-language            CDATA                #IMPLIED
        system-required            NMTOKEN              #IMPLIED
        system-screen-size         CDATA                #IMPLIED
        system-screen-depth        CDATA                #IMPLIED
        system-captions            (on|off)             #IMPLIED
        system-overdub-or-caption  (caption|overdub)    #IMPLIED

<!--=================== Fill Attribute ====================================-->
<!ENTITY % fill-attribute "
        fill    (remove|freeze)    'remove'

<!--=================== The Parallel Element ==============================-->
<!ENTITY % par-content "%container-content;">
<!ELEMENT par    (%par-content;)*>
        endsync CDATA           "last"
        dur     CDATA           #IMPLIED
        repeat  CDATA           "1"
        region  IDREF           #IMPLIED

<!--=================== The Sequential Element ============================-->
<!ENTITY % seq-content "%container-content;">
<!ELEMENT seq    (%seq-content;)*>
        dur     CDATA           #IMPLIED
        repeat  CDATA           "1"
        region  IDREF           #IMPLIED

<!--=================== The Switch Element ================================-->
<!-- In the head, a switch may contain only layout elements,
     in the body, only container elements. However, this
     constraint cannot be expressed in the DTD (?), so
     we allow both:
<!ENTITY % switch-content "layout|(%container-content;)">
<!ELEMENT switch (%switch-content;)*>
<!ATTLIST switch

<!--=================== Media Object Elements =============================-->
<!-- SMIL only defines the structure. The real media data is
     referenced by the src attribute of the media objects.

<!-- Furthermore, they have the following attributes as defined
     in the SMIL specification:
<!ENTITY % mo-attributes "
        region     IDREF           #IMPLIED
        alt        CDATA           #IMPLIED
        longdesc   CDATA           #IMPLIED
        src        CDATA           #IMPLIED
        type       CDATA           #IMPLIED
        dur        CDATA           #IMPLIED
        repeat     CDATA           '1'

     Most info is in the attributes, media objects are empty or
     contain associated link elements:
<!ENTITY % mo-content "(%assoc-link;)*">
<!ENTITY % clip-attrs "
        clip-begin      CDATA   #IMPLIED
        clip-end        CDATA   #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT ref           %mo-content;>
<!ELEMENT audio         %mo-content;>
<!ELEMENT img           %mo-content;>
<!ELEMENT video         %mo-content;>
<!ELEMENT text          %mo-content;>
<!ELEMENT textstream    %mo-content;>
<!ELEMENT animation     %mo-content;>

<!ATTLIST ref           %mo-attributes; %clip-attrs;>
<!ATTLIST audio         %mo-attributes; %clip-attrs;>
<!ATTLIST video         %mo-attributes; %clip-attrs;>
<!ATTLIST animation     %mo-attributes; %clip-attrs;>
<!ATTLIST textstream    %mo-attributes; %clip-attrs;>
<!ATTLIST text          %mo-attributes;>
<!ATTLIST img           %mo-attributes;>

<!--=================== Link Elements =====================================-->

<!ENTITY % smil-link-attributes "
        href            CDATA                   #REQUIRED
        show            (replace|new|pause)     'replace'

<!--=================== Inline Link Element ===============================-->
<!ELEMENT a (%schedule;|switch)*>

<!--=================== Associated Link Element ===========================-->
<!ATTLIST anchor
        coords          CDATA                   #IMPLIED