LMU ☀️ CMSI 3520

Reading and Practice




Optionally read:


This assignment is to be done in a two- or three-person group. Do not “partition” the work: work together. Everyone is responsible for understanding the entire homework submission, so everyone should contribute to the entire assignment.

Please begin by creating a github repository for your team. It should be a private repository named <yourgithubname>/cmsi486. At the top level of this repository, create a folder called homework1.

Please make sure to add me as a committer. My github name is rtoal.

The Assignment

Build a game with the following requirements:

Start by forking my version of a subset of the game, which does not use Redis. Since this assignment is for a database class, your job is to replace the in-memory state management of the game with Redis. (Note that in a couple cases, my game does not meet all the requirements; for example, I don't bump inactive users.) Use this assignment as an opportunity to learn new things, such as how to write simple Node-based webapps, the basics of socket.io, and new modern JavaScript features.

You will be graded on your choice of Redis keys (their names and their types). You must use a sorted set for the player name and scores. After all, Redis is known for being good for scoreboards.