LMU ☀️ CMSI 2310

Typeset your answers neatly and submit a hardcopy solution at the beginning of class on 2012-04-26. You should consider using LaTeX, but I will not force you to do so.

This assignment consists of reading or watching 10 articles, book chapters or videos, and for each, (1) sign that you have read or watched the entire source, and (2) give a less-than-100-word summary of the main point of the reading or video. You must completely capture the main point concisely.

You will be graded on getting the more-or-less right interpretation (to whatever extend that is possible), and on spelling and grammar. At least a few of the answers should link to the course objectives. You are of course encouraged to discuss your interpretations with other students, and with me, before turning in the assignment. The hope is for everyone to get a really high score here!

  1. Steven Pinker's TED Talk on Language and Thought.
  2. Chapters 13-14 of Eric Baum's What is Thought?
  3. The transcript of Hofstadter's talk, Analogy as the Core of Cognition, at the Stanford University Presidental Lectures in the Humanities and Arts.
  4. Alan Turing's paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence.
  5. Chapter 1 of Searle's Minds, Brains, and Science.
  6. Jeff Hawkins's TED talk How Brain Science will Change Computing.
  7. Jonathan Haidt's 2012 TED talk Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence.
  8. The film Victim of the Brain.
  9. Roger Penrose's Google Tech Talk Conscious Understanding: What is its Physical Basis?
  10. Sam Harris's 2012 Free Will lecture.