LMU ☀️ CMSI 3802
Syllabus • Spring 2024

4 semester hours
Mondays and Wednesdays 1:45 p.m. – 3:25 p.m. in Seaver 200
Instructor: Ray Toal, Doolan 110, rtoal@lmu.edu, +1 310.338.2773
Teaching Assistant(s): Natalie Lau, Julian Gonzalez, and Saarah Peer
Slack channel (lmucs.slack.com): cmsi3802-spring-2024

Learning Outcomes

Students will:


Fluency in a high-level programming language such as JavaScript, Python, or Java. Courses (or demonstrated competency) in Programming Languages and Systems Organization.


As this course deals with fundamental theories of computer science, you will be expected to keep up with essential readings. Do not skip them!

You are expected to read the entirety [Bernhardt], supplemented with readings from [Sipser]. There will be assigned chapters from [Mogensen]. You must also read/watch the items in red from [Robins].

Details on the required readings and a handful of suggested additions follow:

Various papers and readings will be assigned throughout the course (including my own course notes, practice problems, and sample code). These readings will be posted on individual assignment pages. If you have projects or papers to work on, you’ll have to find some additional readings on your own. Make sure you take the time for effective self-study. Take advantage of classmates and friends; the computing industry is one of the most collaborative fields in which to work, and your course experience should reflect this.


In accordance with the LMU Credit Hour Policy, this 4-unit course will require 12 hours of work per week (including the time spent in lecture and lab).

Assignments and Grading

You’ll have several homework sets containing in-depth theoretical questions and non-trivial programming problems, and quizzes and a final exam with less difficult material. In this class you will write a complete compiler. You will have, as a starting point, an existing compiler provided by the instructor for a simple programming language. You may either extend the compiler or start from scratch. To keep you on track, the project will be turned in in pieces, specifically as part of the homework assignments for the semester. The assignments will also contain some theoretical problems for you to work out, too. You have to write a report documenting the architecture and design of the compiler; however, your writeup may appear on your wiki as opposed to a stodgy PDF. To help prepare you to meet industry expectations for college graduates, programming assignments will sometimes be required to be placed in version-controlled public repositories (most students tend to prefer GitHub). Exams may cover material from lectures not previously assigned for homework, so take care to learn concepts and not just memorize technical steps and recipes to answer questions.

Occasionally, you may be permitted to work in groups of students; however, while only one solution set is turned in per group, both students are responsible for understanding all of its content and may be asked at any time for an oral explanation of any solution. Collaboration with other groups is fine but must be limited: you may share ideas and approaches but not solutions. You must acknowledge any help received. Academic dishonesty may result in expulsion; be certain your work meets the standards set forth in the LMU Honor Code.

Your final grade will be weighted as follows:

Homework sets, including project checkpoints
60 pts
Quiz 1
10 pts
Quiz 2
10 pts
Final Exam)
20 pts

Letter grades are figured according to the usual scale: 90% or more of the total points guarantees you an A, 80% a B, 70% a C, and so on. Note the word guarantee: 82 points will earn you at least a B-; you might still get an A if 82 is or is near the top score. The lower bounds ensure grades measure your achievement of the learning outcomes, and can never punish you because you did very well but on the low end of a class full of high-achievers.

To ensure a degree of fairness for those who consistently perform timely course work, and to encourage everyone to pace themselves properly in completing assignments, late work is normally penalized 15% per 24-hour period. If there is an issue that prevents you from submitting an assignment on time (e.g., excellent surf conditions, personal or family issues, sickness, conference attendance, job interviews, a family ski trip, or personal emergencies), let the instructor know ahead of time.

Where assignments involve programming, the quality of your code, not just its correctness, will play a large part in determining your grade. Please refer to these resources and notes on clean code for information on expectations of code quality. Appearance of the grading policy in this syllabus constitutes fair warning of the consequences of poorly written code.

If the course has a contribution score, it will be computed by awarding you 1 point every time you: (1) correct me during class, (2) ask a profound question during class (where profound elevates the discussion in some sense), (3) answer a question during class as the first response, (4) post a good question on the class Slack channel, (5) post a detailed answer to another student’s question on the Slack channel, (6) recommend an article or video or tutorial (on the Slack channel) directly related to the course material. There is an expectation of 10 points throughout the semester, well-spaced. (Please do not dump 10 video recommendations on Slack during the first week of class and then shut down.)

Important Dates

2024-01-15 (Monday)No class (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
2024-01-26 (Friday)Homework 1 Due
2024-02-16 (Friday)Homework 2 Due
2024-02-23 (Friday)Midterm deficiency grades due
2024-02-26 (Monday)No class (Spring Break Monday)
2024-02-28 (Wednesday)No class (Spring Break Wednesday)
2024-03-15 (Friday)Homework 3 Due
2024-03-18 (Monday)Quiz 1
2024-03-27 (Wednesday)No class (Easter Break Wednesday)
2024-04-01 (Monday)No class (Cesar Chavez Day)
2024-04-05 (Friday)Last day to drop
2024-04-12 (Friday)Homework 4 Due
2024-04-15 (Monday)Quiz 2
2024-04-26 (Friday)Homework 5 Due
2024-04-29 (Monday)Final Exam

Student Rights and Responsibilities

You have the right to:

In return, you are expected to:

For online courses, I recommend your camera be turned on unless you have bandwidth problems or need to step away.

Two Tips for Success

You've probably seen hundreds of these, but there are two that stand out.

Generative AI and Your Learning

Academic honesty includes the appropriate use of technology as an aid for learning and productivity. This includes but is not limited to LLM-based generative artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot.

Modern GenAI provides fast solutions to a variety of computing problems but must be used responsibly to get the most out of your education. GenAI will not always be helpful, especially when asked to write code for scenarios it cannot recognize. It cannot independently validate the code that it produces, and will frequently produce bugs and security vulnerabilities, making things worse for you. It will not be available for job interviews. As a student and future software professional, you have a moral and ethical responsibility to deeply understand every line of the software you author and should therefore employ GenAI in your coursework sparingly, especially when its use might rob you of the stretch-zone learning that comes from crafting programs on your own.

That said, there are several acceptable use cases of GenAI in programmatic assignments, including:

Remember the four As

DO use technologies such as GenAI to augment ✅, amplify ✅, and accelerate ✅ your learning; NEVER use technology to avoid ❌ learning.

Be responsible!

Generally, using GenAI and related tools without knowing what you are doing often leads to poor homework submissions that rarely achieve a grade higher than an F on their own merits, simply due to hallucinations and an inability to carry out tasks as they were assigned (even with good prompts).

Also, instructors and TAs are GenAI users themselves and will be able to easily detect inappropriate student use of these tools. The teaching staff will try to steer you back on track should we feel like you are giving up on your learning.

If you would like to use GenAI appropriately as a learner, see this short introductory article. If you are a TA, see this article by Jeff Olson on how to help teach students to use GenAI.


What do we need to know to become a computer scientist?

Additional Information

LMU from above

Tentative Nature of the Syllabus. If necessary, this syllabus and its contents are subject to revision; students are responsible for any changes or modifications announced or distributed in class or posted online.

Course Evaluation. Student feedback on this course provides valuable information for continued improvement. All students are expected to fairly and thoughtfully complete a course evaluation for this course. Course evaluations for the Seaver College of Science and Engineering are administered online through the Blue™ evaluation system. You will receive an e-mail notification at your Lion e-mail address when the evaluation form is available. You may also access the evaluation form on Brightspace during the evaluation period. A few minutes of class time will be reserved for you to complete a course evaluation near the end of the semester. Please bring a laptop, smart phone, tablet or other mobile device to class on this date so that you can access the online evaluation platform.

Academic Honesty. Loyola Marymount University is a community dedicated to academic excellence, student- centered education and the Jesuit and Marymount traditions. As such, the University expects all members of its community to act with honesty and integrity at all times, especially in their academic work. Academic honesty respects the intellectual and creative work of others, flows from dedication and pride in performing one’s own best work, and is essential if true learning is to take place. As an LMU Lion, you are pledged to join the discourse of the academy with honesty of voice and integrity of scholarship.

Academic dishonesty will be treated as an extremely serious matter with severe consequences that can range from receiving no credit for an assignment or test to failing the class, to expulsion. It is never permissible to turn in any work not been authored by you without properly acknowledging the source. It is your responsibility to make sure that your work meets the standard of academic honesty set forth in the “LMU Honor Code and Process” which appears in the LMU Bulletin.

Special Accommodations. Students with special needs who require reasonable modifications, special assistance, or accommodations in this course should promptly direct their request to the Disability Support Services (DSS) Office. Any student who currently has a documented disability (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning, Physical, or Psychiatric) needing academic accommodations should contact the DSS Office in Daum Hall, as early in the semester as possible. All discussions will remain confidential. Please visit LMU DSS for additional information. Please request any needed assistance as early in the semester as possible.

Wellness. Please familiarize yourself with, and make use, of the resources at Lion Wellness as needed.

Reporting Requirements of Sexual or Interpersonal Misconduct. As responsible employees, faculty are required to report any case of suspected sexual or interpersonal misconduct and cannot protect student confidentiality. For information about confidential counseling on campus and for general information about consensual relationships, sexual harassment, and sexual assault, please visit LMU Cares.

Emergency Preparedness. To report an emergency or suspicious activity, phone the LMU Department of Public Safety (x222 or 310-338-2893) or at the nearest emergency call box. In the event of an evacuation, follow the evacuation signage throughout the building to the designated safe refuge area where you will receive further instruction from Public Safety or a Building Captain. For more safety information and preparedness tips, visit LMU DPS.