Authentication and Authorization

Time to talk about two related but very different topics in security.


In security land, the term IAM is short for Identity and Access Management.

Authorization is the identity part, authorization is the access part.


Validates the user is who they say they are



Determines which permissions a user has



Authenticating users can be done using many factors. Authentication factors can be:

Let’s go over some topics in Authentication.

Password Strength

Obviously if an attacker steals or guesses your password it’s game over. Good passwords must be hard to guess by an adversary. This means (1) not a common password, as this is subject to a Dictionary Attack, and (2) not be short, as this would be subject to a Brute-force Attack.

To make these attacks less successful, a system should make the validation check on the password very slow. That way an attacker can not try thousands or millions of guesses a second but only one per second or fewer.

In addition to being strong (hard to guess), you might want to make your passwords easy to remember:

Of course, if you use a password manager, remembering them no longer becomes important.

Required Reading

Read Troy Hunt’s article on password authentication.

Password Storage

So first, Where should we store passwords? Depends if you are the user or the application.

An organization should force users to create strong passwords (e.g., by enforcing minimum lengths), and never place too restrictive of limits on how long or how complex passwords should be. Stronger passwords are harder to crack, so even if the salted hashes get leaked, attackers will need a much longer time to get ready to do damage.

Exercise: Why hashed and why NOT encrypted?
Exercise: Not salting a hash is insecure, as precomputed hash chains and rainbow tables can be used in an attack. Do some research to see if there have been any cases of successful rainbow attacks against big companies that did not use salt.
Exercise: (Research Question) How do rainbow tables work?

If you are doing an authentication service, hash passwords with something like bcrypt. It is really good. And slow, because we want it to be slow. Actually, it can be configured to make it as slow as you like.

Exercise: Read about bcrypt.
Exercise: Why is slowness a good thing for password hashing? And, oh, by the way, how slow is slow enough?
Exercise: Check out hashcat.

On many Unix systems, passwords for users of a computer system itself, not the application, were traditionally stored in the file /etc/passwd, but today they are are stored in the shadow password file, /etc/shadow. The shadow file is owned by the root user, and contains the username, password hash, the datetime of last password change, min and max password age, warning and inactivity periods for password changes, and the datetime that the account was disabled, if any. The regular passwd file only contains the username, user and group ids, user full name, home folder, and preferred login shell.

On macOS there is no shadow file; credentials are store in plists (property lists) deep in the file system under /var/db. And yes, owned by the root user.

Exercise: Read some details on the difference between the password and shadow password files on modern operating systems. Also, for fun, if you have macOS, find your password hash in your user’s own plist. Happy hunting.

Wrong Password?

Important practices here:

Identity Tokens

We need to minimize the use of credentials because the more these things are used, the more chances they have of being compromised. So rather than supplying a password on every request, the first presentation of valid credentials gets you a token. The token has your identity in it, and is hopefully signed. The token has a short lifetime, after which it needs to be refreshed, or it is destroyed and a new token obtained with the credentials.

Exercise: Can (should) an application store tokens in local storage? If not, where then? Memory? Do some research.


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is simply the requirement to authenticate with more than one factor (and they should be from different groups). Remember the groups?

Generally it works like this:

  1. User submits credentials from the KNOW group, like a password
  2. System responds with “we‘ve sent a code to your device/mailbox.”
  3. User goes to their device/email and uses the code. Using the code involves either:
    • Physically type the code (often a 6-digit number) into the original app
    • Clicking on a confirmation web link
    • Tapping a big green OK button

Important: These codes or links must be very short lived.

For convenience, and to make sure you get things right and efficient, MFA often uses third-party authenticators like Duo, Google Authenticator, or Microsoft Authenticator. Users install these on their device. Codes typically last only 30 seconds on these things.

Is this inconvenient?

Not really. The MFA really just kicks in the first time you login on a new computer or device. You just use tokens after that for a bit, until you hard logout or some other infrequent expiration event occurs.

Password Reset

What if a user forgets a password?

Send them a short-lived token to their verified email address with a link to a password-change landing page. That’s it. That’s how to do it.

On the forgot-password form, the user types in an email address. Regardless of whether the email is known or not, simply say “Thank you, we’ve sent an email that that address.” What should the email say? Something like “We’ve received a password reset request. If you did not request it, you can ignore this email. If it was you, visit [SUPER SHORT LIVED LINK] to enter your new password.”

Exercise: What do the experts think of those “Security questions”?


Single Sign-on (SSO) allows one set of credentials to authenticate you for all the apps in a group. App groups are managed in an organization’s directory.

One-Time Password

This is like a 1FA using your mobile device. You ask to login and the app sends you a one-time-password (OTP) right to your phone which you use to log in, no password required. The session should be short-lived.

Password Reuse

You know, people use the same password across different sites. What can be done about this?

Exercise: Research the problems caused by people reusing passwords. Are there any solutions? How can we stop them from doing this?

If Building Your Own Authentication System

You need to:

In general:


Sorry, this section has some terminology. You’ll need to know these five terms: user, group, role, permission, and policy. Three other useful terms are identity, resource, and session.

Start with permission. Oversimplifying, a permission is something like READ, WRITE, UPDATE, INSERT, SEARCH, FETCH, DELETE, LIST, or similar verb. A permission is granted to an identity for the access or modification of a specific resource or class of resources, possibly restricted in time, either for an explicit start time and duration or for a given session.

Okay so a resource is a file, storage bucket, object in a storage bucket, configuration, program, machine, and all kinds of similar things. And you can infer what a time range or session is. But what about an identity?

An identity, the thing that the permission is granted to, is usually just a user. But because a system can have millions of users and hundreds of thousands of permissions, assigning lists of permissions to each user individually, so we can assign roles to users, and then attach permissions to the roles! Roles can be things like SUPERUSER, ADMINISTRATOR, MEMBER, GUEST, WRITER, MODERATOR, PROVIDER, ANALYST, REVIEWER, and so on. You can also put users into groups like engineers, salespeople, interns, executives, and then assign roles to groups. And you can even do one-off assignments of specific permissions to individual users, roles, or groups.

A policy defines the assignments of permissions to users, roles, and groups.

Oh yeah, one more: a principal is a user or role, just not a group.

One way to learn more about all this is to study policies and permissions of a specific large system. Get started by reading about policies and permissions in Amazon Web Services. Follow links as you feel so moved.

Exercise: Read this AWS article.
Exercise: Review the terminology in this section until you have a complete understanding of all the terms.

Important best practices for authorization:

Table Of Differences

Review time!

Are you who you say you are? Are you allowed to perform this operation?
Verification of credentials Granting of permissions
Users can choose own passwords Administrators configure permissions
Passwords, tokens, biometrics, PINs, nonces Roles, access control lists, permission matrices
Logging in and logging out Operation allowed or denied
3rd party authenticator apps exist Permissions are totally inside a server


We’ve covered:

  • The difference
  • What authentication is
  • Techniques for authentication
  • What authorization is
  • Techniques for authorization