Perhaps you have heard of the language C. It is one of the most popular languages around. It’s a simple language, and it’s used mostly for systems programming. Let’s take a tour of C.


C is a very popular systems programming language. Every developer needs to know C, whether or not they use it: it’s a kind of lingua franca, and as most high-level language’s runtime systems are written in C, knowing it helps you deal with the problem of leaky abstractions.

Some words to describe C are: Systems Small Popular Unsafe Low-level Unmanaged


C was once called NB, short for “New B” which, you might guess, was an evolution of the language B, which came from BCPL, which came from CPL. C basically dates from 1972 and has evolved a lot, and is still evolving!

Check out this brief bullet-point history of C, it’s quite good.

And of course, Wikipedia has a much longer history.


This 50+ year old language has seen a lot of growth and many revisions! Here’s a brief look:

VersionAKAYear AppearedLinksAbout
  1972The original version, never standardized, not very pretty by today’s standards. No longer in use.
K&R CC781978WikipediaThe version from the first edition of the famous book. Never actually standardized. Made several additions and breaking language changes from the original version. Interesting from a historical perspective, but no longer used.
1989WikipediaFirst version with a published standard. Motivated by the fact that vendors were making a lot of their own enhancements to K&R. Surprisingly, this version is still in use! This was standardized by ANSI in 1989 and by the ISO in 1990, which is why it goes by multiple names.
C95NA11995cpprefNot considered a "real" version. Just C90 with minor clarifications and new library modules.
C99 1999Wikipedia
A pretty big revision from C90, it added inline functions, a complex number type, variable length arrays, flexible array struct fields, and more. Still widely used.
C11 2011Wikipedia
A bunch of new features, most notably decent Unicode support, anonymous structs, and atomic operations.
No new language features, only clarifications and fixes applied to the previous standard.
A further modernization with a handful of new features.

Useful Resources

A lot of interesting material on C is really old and somewhat timeless because the essence of C has not changed that much over time. To understand what makes C the language it is, you should see this article on the development of C, written by Dennis Ritchie (the creator of C himself); Rob Pike’s notes on C programming; Steve Summit’s C programming course notes; and read the Kernighan and Ritchie book. Although this book only covers C90, it is an absolute classic.

But we want to be practical too! Versions prior to C11 are called “Classic C” or “Old C”; versions from C11 on are called “Modern C.” For Modern C, check out the C language reference at cppreference.com. This is a great resource for learning about the language, and it is kept up to date with the latest standards. There you’ll find an amazing language reference.

The Official Standard

C has an international standard, ISO/IEC 9899:2018, but it costs 250 USD, so use the cppreference.com site instead.

A very useful guide for both the learner and the security-minded expert is Andrew Koenig’s C Traps and Pitfalls. This guide can help you a lot.

Something Fun

You gotta browse the IOCCC, and especially don't miss the Winners Page.

Exercise: Which are your favorite IOCCC winners?

Learning By Example

Examples first, reference stuff later.

Hello, World

 #include <stdio.h>

 int main() {
     puts("Hello, World");
     return 0;

To compile, you really should specify the version:

gcc -std=c17 hello.c

This compiles the program, producing a.exe on Windows systems and a.out on pretty much every other system. If you want to compile and run in one shot, you can, on non-Windows systems, do:

gcc -std=c17 hello.c && ./a.out

and on Windows:

gcc -std=c17 hello.c && a

Rather than compiling all the way down to nearly-runnable code, you can generate assembly language only:

gcc -std=c17 -S hello.c

And you can compile without linking:

gcc -std=c17 -c hello.c

Wait...linking? What even is linking? We’ll explain later. We have more examples to cover first.

Variables, Conditionals and Loops

Here’s another simple example, showing off for and if statements, format specifiers for printf, and the fact that variables require type annotations:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    puts("     A     B     C");
    for (int c = 1; c <= 100; c++) {
        for (int b = 1; b <= c; b++) {
            for (int a = 1; a <= b; a++) {
                if (a * a + b * b == c * c) {
                    printf("%6d%6d%6d\n", a, b, c);
    return 0;


Type annotations are required for parameters and return types, too:

 * A program that makes an approximation to pi by generating a million random
 * points in the unit square and computing the ratio of those inside the unit
 * circle to the total number in the square. That value should be pretty close
 * to Pi/4.  The program displays the approximation as wella as the actual
 * value to 10 digits.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * Bad code, sort of. This program is simply approximating Pi using a million
 * probes, but a much better program would take a value as a command line
 * argument. Oh well. Okay for now.
#define NUMBER_OF_PROBES 1000000

double squareOfDistanceToOrigin(double x, double y) {
    return x * x + y * y;

 * Returns a random value in (-1..1)
double randomValue() {
    return 2.0 * rand() / RAND_MAX - 1.0;

int main() {
    int inside = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PROBES; i++) {
        double x = randomValue();
        double y = randomValue();
        if (squareOfDistanceToOrigin(x, y) < 1.0) {
        "Pi is about %12.10f (actual to 10 digits is %12.10f)\n",
        4.0 * ((double)inside / NUMBER_OF_PROBES), M_PI

    return 0;

Sizes and Addresses

As a system programming language, we often in C care very much about (1) how many bytes an entity takes up in memory, and (2) exactly at what address an entity resides in memory. We can answer the former question with the sizeof operator: it tells us the size in bytes of both types (if parenthesized) and values (if not):

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("_Bool size: %lu\n", sizeof(_Bool));
    printf("char size: %lu\n", sizeof(char));
    printf("short size: %lu\n", sizeof(short));
    printf("int size: %lu\n", sizeof(int));
    printf("long size: %lu\n", sizeof(long));
    printf("long long size: %lu\n", sizeof(long long));
    printf("float size: %lu\n", sizeof(float));
    printf("double size: %lu\n", sizeof(double));
    printf("long double size: %lu\n", sizeof(long double));
    printf("float complex size: %lu\n", sizeof(float _Complex));
    printf("double complex size: %lu\n", sizeof(double _Complex));
    printf("long double complex size: %lu\n", sizeof(long double _Complex));

    int x;
    printf("%lu\n", sizeof x); // No parens when taking size of expression

    return 0;

One run of this program, on an x86-64 macOS computer produced:

_Bool size: 1
char size: 1
short size: 2
int size: 4
long size: 8
long long size: 8
float size: 4
double size: 8
long double size: 16
float complex size: 8
double complex size: 16
long double complex size: 32

Fun facts about sizeof:

To find the address of a variable or function in memory, we use the address operator, &:

#include <stdio.h>

int square(int x) {
    return x * x;

double global = 6.28;

int main() {
    long z = 892300123888897;
    _Bool b;
    short s;
    double _Complex c;
    double x;
    float y = 2.99f;
    _Bool w;
    printf("square is at address %p\n", &square);
    printf("main is at address %p\n", &main);
    printf("global is at address %p\n", &global);
    printf("z is at address %p\n", &z);
    printf("b is at address %p\n", &b);
    printf("s is at address %p\n", &s);
    printf("c is at address %p\n", &c);
    printf("x is at address %p\n", &x);
    printf("y is at address %p\n", &y);
    printf("w is at address %p\n", &w);
    return 0;

One run of this program produced:

square is at address 0x10084fd90
main is at address 0x10084fda0
global is at address 0x100854010
z is at address 0x7ffeef3b3a20
b is at address 0x7ffeef3b3a1f
s is at address 0x7ffeef3b3a1c
c is at address 0x7ffeef3b3a08
x is at address 0x7ffeef3b3a00
y is at address 0x7ffeef3b39fc
w is at address 0x7ffeef3b39fb

Here we can see that global variables and executable code are in a very different region of memory than where the local variables go. It looks like the locals are allocated like this:

7ffeef3b39f8 │                 │  w  │
7ffeef3b39fc │           y           │
7ffeef3b3a00 │                       │
             ├           x           ┤
7ffeef3b3a04 │                       │
7ffeef3b3a08 │                       │
             ├                       ┤
7ffeef3b3a0c │                       │
             ├           c           ┤
7ffeef3b3a10 │                       │
             ├                       ┤
7ffeef3b3a14 │                       │
7ffeef3b3a18 │                       │
7ffeef3b3a1c │     s     │     │  b  │
7ffeef3b3a20 │                       │
             ├           z           ┤
7ffeef3b3a24 │                       │

On my machine, the local variables were allocated in the order they were declared, from high addresses down to low addresses. Sometimes you will see memory diagrams with high addresses above the lower addresses (which might actually be more common, but get adept reading it both ways.)

Note the padding. Memory alignment is a big deal; you’ll learn why in your hardware classes (or via a simple web search!)


A struct is a value with named fields.

#include <stdio.h>

struct { int x; char c; double y; } p = {3, 'A', 1.5};

int main() {
    printf("Size of p is %lu\n", sizeof p);
    printf("p at %p, p.x at %p, p.c at %p, p.y at %p\n", &p, &(p.x), &(p.c), &(p.y));
    printf("Value of p is {x=%d, c=%c, y=%g}\n", p.x, p.c, p.y);
    return 0;

One run of this program produced:

$ gcc -std=c17 structs.c && ./a.out
Size of p is 16
p at 0x105103010, p.x at 0x105103010, p.c at 0x105103014, p.y at 0x105103018
Value of p is {x=3, c=A, y=1.5}

which means the object was laid out in memory like this:

105103010 │          p.x          │
105103014 │ p.c |                 │
105103018 │                       │
          ├          p.y          ┤
10510301b │                       │

(Of course things might look different on your machine.)

When you assign structs or pass them as parameters, the entire struct is copied, no matter how big it is!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

typedef struct {
    double x;
    double y;
} Point;

int main() {
    Point p = {3.0, 5.0};
    Point q = p;
    assert(q.x == 3.0);
    assert(q.y == 5.0);
    p.x = 2.0;
    assert(p.x == 2.0);
    assert(q.x == 3.0);
    puts("All tests passed");
    return 0;

This shouldn’t really be surprising: after all, we created two struct objects in the above program, and they are laid out in memory like so:

│                       │
├          p.x          ┤
│                       │
│                       │
├          p.y          ┤
│                       │
│                       │
├          q.x          ┤
│                       │
│                       │
├          q.y          ┤
│                       │
Why is this a big deal?

Well, if you have very large structs, then assigning them, passing them as parameters, or returning them from functions can be quite slow, because a lot of memory needs to be copied, not to mention the program simply needs more space to run.

This is why similar code in Python, Ruby, Java, and JavaScript, do not copy by default. But is there a way in C to avoid copying? There is. We use pointers.

In order to allow a struct in one variable to be copied to another variable, the two variables have to be type-compatible, so we needed a type definition (typedef). There are some technical reasons why this is required, which you can read about here.


Having access to an object’s address is more than just a curiosity.

Working with addresses gives you quite a bit of power and control.

If you grab the address of an entity through the & operator, what you actually have is called a pointer. And you can do things with it! You can get access to the data that is pointed to.

You can make a pointer to an existing object by applying the & operator, or you can allocate new memory on the fly with malloc. In the latter case, you need to free the memory when you are done with it.

int x = 5;
int* p = &x;
int* q = NULL;
int* r = malloc(sizeof(int));
int* s = malloc(100 * sizeof(int));

printf("%d %d %d", *p, *r, s[20]);
printf("%d", *q); /* CRASH */

/* But do not free p or q */

This picture captures the basic idea:


If the pointer
is called
Then the referent
is called
and the field
is called
p*p(*p).x or p->x
If the referent
is called
Then the pointer
is called
and the field
is called

Pointers are usually used for dynamic, linked data structures. We’ll see some later.

Two things to watch out for:

Memory Leak

Failing to free up memory when you’re done with it

Dangling Pointer

Attempting to use a pointer after its referent is gone


An array is C is really just a consecutive block of items in memory. When you create an array, you state how many items it contains. But you can’t ask the array at run time for this size value back! You can get it programmatically with sizeof if you really, really need it.

Regardless of the allocated size of the array, arrays don’t really know how big they are, and you can read or write beyond the allocated memory:

#include <stdio.h>

void f(int i, int j) {
    int x;
    int ones[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
    int twos[4] = { 2, 2, 2, 2 };
    int y;
    printf("%p %p %p %p\n", &x, &ones[0], &twos[0], &y);
    twos[i] = 100;               // twos[4] likely at same loc as ones[0]
    ones[j] = 200;               // ones[-1] likely at same loc as twos[3]
    printf("%d\n", ones[0]);     // very likely 100
    printf("%d\n", twos[3]);     // very likely 200

int main() {
    f(4, -1);
    return 0;

One run of this program produced:

0x7ffeee0559d4 0x7ffeee0559f0 0x7ffeee0559e0 0x7ffeee0559d0

On my machine at least, the non-arrays were put in memory at the lower address and the arrays went at the higher addresses. And some padding got put in there so the arrays were aligned at 16-bit addresses. You might see different things on your machine. And sure enough, writing outside the bounds of the array corrupted nearby variables. Here’s the picture:

7ffeee0559d0 │           y           │
7ffeee0559d4 │           x           │   also ones[-7] and even twos[-3]
7ffeee0559d8 │                       │
7ffeee0559dc │                       │
7ffeee0559e0 │        twos[0]        │
7ffeee0559e4 │        twos[1]        │   also ones[-3]
7ffeee0559e8 │        twos[2]        │   also ones[-2]
7ffeee0559ec │        twos[3]        │   also ones[-1]
7ffeee0559f0 │        ones[0]        │   also twos[4]
7ffeee0559f4 │        ones[1]        │   also twos[5]
7ffeee0559f8 │        ones[2]        │   also twos[6]
7ffeee0559fc │        ones[3]        │
Exercise: Run the program on your machine and see if you get these values corrputed to 100 and 200. If not, adjust your program so you do (based on the output you see when printing addresses).
Exercise: Modify the program so that it modifies x and y by assigning to out-of-bounds indexes in either ones or twos.
Exercise: Modify this program to print the value of twos[8992322]. What happened?

So bounds checking is not automatic because arrays do not know how big they are; however, you can sometimes do it yourself, because sizeof might be able to help:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    double vector[] = { 3.5, 2.9, 3.8, -22.9, 3.3E17 };
    printf("The array is %lu bytes in size\n", sizeof vector);
    printf("The array has %lu elements\n", sizeof vector / sizeof(double));
The array is 40 bytes in size
The array has 5 elements

Hey, that was a cool trick to get the size of an array, right? Do you think it works for parameters? Let’s try it:

#include <stdio.h>

void worker(double v[]) {
    printf("In worker, the array is %lu bytes in size \n", sizeof v);
    printf("In worker, the array has %lu elements\n", sizeof v / sizeof(double));

int main() {
    double vector[] = { 3.5, 2.9, 3.8, -22.9, 3.3E17 };
    printf("In main, the array is %lu bytes in size \n", sizeof vector);
    printf("In main, the array has %lu elements\n", sizeof vector / sizeof(double));
In main, the array is 40 bytes in size 
In main, the array has 5 elements
In worker, the array is 8 bytes in size 
In worker, the array has 1 elements


Instead of passing the entire 40-byte array from main to worker, something else happened. Only the eight byte address was passed. This is incredibly important:

When an array is declared as a variable, e.g., int a[100] then space is allocated for the whole array, and sizeof will work. BUT when an array is passed as a parameter, the parameter variable just holds an address, not the array itself We still get to use [ ] to access the array elements, at least C takes care that that still works.

So why is only the address passed? Well think about it: arrays could actually be massive, and it would take a lot of time to copy the big ones. Fair, C is, after all, efficient.

But efficiency is at odds with convenience, here: since passing arrays as arguments only passes the address of the array and nothing more, then actually doing anything with an array that you pass to a function requires that we pass the length of the array as a separate parameter. Really, no kidding:

 * A program that displays all the prime numbers up to and including 1000,
 * using the famous algorithm of Erathostenes.  This is a C99 program, not
 * a C90 program.
 * The purpose of the program is only to illustrate arrays assuming one has
 * not yet seen pointers or command line arguments, so it isn't very good.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

// To get primes up to and including 1000, the sieve has to have a slot at
// index 1000.  But indices must start at 0, so there have to be 1001 slots
// in the array.

#define SIZE 1001

// Fills the first n slots of array s with the given value.

void fillArray(bool s[], bool value, int n) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        s[i] = value;

// This function writes false in each slot of the array corresponding to a
// nonprime number.  First, we know 0 and 1 are not prime. Then for each
// value starting with 2, if the value is still thought to be prime, we
// write false in each slot corresponding to its multiples.

void checkOffComposites(bool s[], int n) {
    s[0] = false;
    s[1] = false;
    for (int i = 2; i * i < n; i++) {
        if (s[i]) {
            for (int j = i + i; j < n; j += i) {
                s[j] = false;

// This function writes out all the values which correspond to positions in a
// vector containing the value true.  Each value is written to the standard
// output in a field of 8 characters.

void displayTrueIndices(bool s[], int n) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (s[i]) {
            printf("%8d", i);

// main() just calls the worker functions.

int main() {
    bool sieve[SIZE];
    fillArray(sieve, true, SIZE);
    checkOffComposites(sieve, SIZE);
    displayTrueIndices(sieve, SIZE);
    return 0;

What if you wanted to copy an array? You can write code to do it manually, element-by-element, or use a library function, like memcpy or memmove but we are not ready for such sorcery yet.

When assigning or passing structs, the whole struct is copied. When assigning or passing arrays, only the address is copied.

Pointers and arrays are closely related. The value of an array variable is a pointer to its first element (e.g. a == &a[0]), and

is the same as
*(e1 + e2)

For definitions pointers and arrays are different:

int *x;           /* is totally different from: */
int x[100];

int *a[n];        /* is totally different from: */
int a[n][100];

But for declarations, at least in parameter declarations, you can blur the distinction:

void f(int* a) { ... }
void g(int b[]) { ... }

An array of ints, or pointer to an int, can be passed to either.


Definitions from ISO/IEC 9899

So you can make a string with an array of characters with a zero at the end, or use string literals, which are sequences of (1) characters except \, ", and newlines, and (2) escapes (\a \b \f \n \r \t \v \' \" \? \\ \one-to-three-octaldigits \xhexdigits \ufour-hex-digits \Ueight-hex-digits). Let’s just do examples:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

// Crazy! macOS does not follow the standard!
typedef __CHAR32_TYPE__ char32_t;

void inspect_8(const char* s) {
    printf("\n%s\nUTF-8:  ", s);
    while (*s) {
        printf(" %02x", (unsigned)(uint8_t)(*s++));

void inspect_32(const char32_t* s) {
    printf("UTF-32: ");
    while (*s) {
        printf(" %08x", (unsigned)(uint32_t)(*s++));

void demo_the_basic_string_as_byte_array() {
    char just_a_char_array[3] = {'d', 'o', 'g'};
    char actually_a_string[4] = {'d', 'o', 'g', (char)0};
    char this_is_also_a_string[4] = {'d', 'o', 'g', '\0'};
    char s[4] = "dog";

    // String literals are arrays with the zero at the end
    assert(s[0] == 'd' && s[1] == 'o' && s[2] == 'g' && s[3] == (char)0);

    // The string takes up one byte per character + one for the zero
    assert(sizeof s == 4);

    // strlen does not count the zero
    assert(strlen(s) == 3);

void demo_char_stars_are_utf8() {
    const char* correct = "año";
    assert(strlen(correct) == 4);       // Because ñ is encoded as C3 B1
    assert(correct[0] == (char)0x61);   // 'a'
    assert(correct[1] == (char)0xc3);   // First byte of 2-byte encoding of ñ
    assert(correct[2] == (char)0xb1);   // Second byte of 2-byte encoding of ñ
    assert(correct[3] == (char)0x6f);   // 'o'

void show_strings_as_different_sizes() {
    // "" are utf-8 sequences; U"" are UTF-32 sequences

int main() {

Here is the output for this program on my Mac:

UTF-8:   61 c3 b1 6f
UTF-32:  00000061 000000f1 0000006f

UTF-8:   6b c5 8d 70 61 60 61
UTF-32:  0000006b 0000014d 00000070 00000061 00000060 00000061

UTF-8:   d0 bf d1 80 d0 b8 d0 b2 d0 b5 d1 82
UTF-32:  0000043f 00000440 00000438 00000432 00000435 00000442

UTF-8:   e4 b8 96 e7 95 8c
UTF-32:  00004e16 0000754c

UTF-8:   f0 9f 90 95 f0 9f 8d b1
UTF-32:  0001f415 0001f371

UTF-8:   f0 9f 87 a6 f0 9f 87 bd f0 9f 8f 83 f0 9f 8f bd e2 80 8d e2 99 80 ef b8 8f
UTF-32:  0001f1e6 0001f1fd 0001f3c3 0001f3fd 0000200d 00002640 0000fe0f
[/Users/ray/git-repos/personal-site/code/c] gcc str.c && ./a.out

UTF-8:   61 c3 b1 6f
UTF-32:  00000061 000000f1 0000006f

UTF-8:   6b c5 8d 70 61 60 61
UTF-32:  0000006b 0000014d 00000070 00000061 00000060 00000061

UTF-8:   d0 bf d1 80 d0 b8 d0 b2 d0 b5 d1 82
UTF-32:  0000043f 00000440 00000438 00000432 00000435 00000442

UTF-8:   e4 b8 96 e7 95 8c
UTF-32:  00004e16 0000754c

UTF-8:   f0 9f 90 95 f0 9f 8d b1
UTF-32:  0001f415 0001f371

UTF-8:   f0 9f 87 a6 f0 9f 87 bd f0 9f 8f 83 f0 9f 8f bd e2 80 8d e2 99 80 ef b8 8f
UTF-32:  0001f1e6 0001f1fd 0001f3c3 0001f3fd 0000200d 00002640 0000fe0f

Signed and Unsigned Integers

C allows both! Be careful!

 * This is an example of three cases where mixing signed and unsigned values cause
 * trouble.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void expect(int condition) {
    printf("%s\n", condition ? "Cool" : "Hey, WTF?");

/* FAIL! (Example from Bryant and O'Hallaron, page 77) */
int longerThan(char *s, char *t) {
    return strlen(s) - strlen(t) > 0;  /* FAIL */

int main() {
    int x = -1;
    int y = 1000000000;
    unsigned z = 3000000000;

    expect(x < y);
    expect(y < z);
    expect(x < z);
    expect(!longerThan("Jen", "Jennifer"));

Commandline Arguments

You can write the main() function with zero arguments, like we've been doing, or with two:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
        argc is the number of command line arguments
        including the name of the program.

        argv is an array of strings containing the command
        line arguments. argv[0] is the program name,
        argv[1] is the first argument (if present),
        argv[2] is the second, etc.
Exercise: Write a program to print the commandline arguments, one per line. Try using things like * or *.c as arguments. Try using quotes, too.
Exercise: Write a program called compute that takes in exactly three arguments: an integer, an operator (one of "+", "=", "*", or "/") and another integer, then prints the result of the computation.


A first example:

 * This is an inefficient program that takes two command line
 * arguments -- the first is the name of a file that should exist,
 * and the second the name of a file that should not exist ---
 * and creates the second file with the "capitalized" content of
 * the first.  If the second file already exists, it will be
 * overwritten.
 * This program is slow because it uses fgetc and fputc.  Also,
 * it assumes the files are text files, so the file size of
 * the output file might differ from that of the input file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (argc != 3) {
        puts("Exactly two commandline arguments needed");
        return 1;
    } else {
        FILE* in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
        if (!in) {
            printf("File %s does not exist\n", argv[1]);
            return 2;
        FILE* out = fopen(argv[2], "w");
        while (1) {
            int c = fgetc(in);
            if (c == EOF) break;
            fputc(toupper(c), out);
        return 0;

Most file operations are in <stdio.h>

Exercise: Run this program under Windows on a multi-line text file created on a Mac or Unix box, and note the difference in size between the two files.
Exercise: Clean up the capitalizer by using fread and fwrite.

Standard Input and Standard Output

There are two special filehandles that are always open and available to every C program: stdin and stdout. By default these are the current console, but they can be redirected, e.g.

$ myprogram < stuff.txt
$ myprogram > junk.txt
$ myprogram < stuff.txt > junk.txt

These functions automatically work on stdin and stdout:

NOTE: No one I know seems to have any idea how to make stdin and stdout behave as binary files. WTF????

Data Structures

This example shows both the use of arrays and pointers, and how to package things up so it looks like you have a class. Put the interface in a header file:

 * An abstract data type for sets-of-strings implemented as hashtables.

 * This module defines a type called HashTable.  The only way to
 * hide the representation of a type in C is to say that it is a
 * pointer to something, and define that something elsewhere.

typedef struct H* HashTable;

 * A hashtable must keep track of the hash function being used.
 * Since we are storing strings, the function must map strings to
 * ints.

typedef int (*HashFunction)(char*);

 * Hashtable operations.

HashTable createHashTable(unsigned int capacity, HashFunction hash);
void addItem(HashTable table, char* item);
void removeItem(HashTable table, char* item);
int containsItem(HashTable table, char* item);
void destroyHashTable(HashTable table);

Then, the implementation

 * Implementation of the abstract data type for sets-of-strings implemented
 * as hashtables.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "hashtable.h"

 * The hashtable will be implemented as an array of linked
 * lists of strings.  Here is the linked list part:

struct Node;
typedef struct Node* Link;

struct Node {
    char* item;
    Link next;

 * The table has the array of linked lists, its capacity (number
 * of cells in the array, and the hash function.  In the header file
 * we defined a HashTable as a pointer to a "struct H", so here
 * finally is the definition of struct H.

struct H {
    Link* data;
    unsigned int capacity;
    HashFunction hash;

 * Allocates a new node to hold the given initial values, and
 * returns a pointer to that node.  Returns NULL if the node
 * could not be allocated.
Link newNode(char* item, Link next) {
    Link result = calloc(1, sizeof(struct Node));
    if (result == NULL) return NULL;
    result->item = item;
    result->next = next;
    return result;

 * Creates a hashtable with the given capacity and hash function.
 * Returns a pointer to the newly created table, or NULL if the
 * table could not be created.
HashTable createHashTable(unsigned int capacity, HashFunction hash) {
    HashTable table = (HashTable)calloc(1, sizeof(struct H));
    if (table == NULL) return NULL;
    table->data = (Link*)calloc(capacity, sizeof(Link));
    if (table->data == NULL) return NULL;
    table->capacity = capacity;
    table->hash = hash;
    return table;

 * Adds the given item to the table, unless the item is already in
 * the table, in which case it does nothing.
void addItem(HashTable table, char* item) {

    /* Which bucket does the item hash to? */
    int index = table->hash(item) % table->capacity;

    /* Search the linked list - if already there, bail! */
    Link p;
    for (p = table->data[index]; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
        if (strcmp(p->item, item) == 0) {

    /* Didn't find it in the list - add it! */
    table->data[index] = newNode(item, table->data[index]);

 * Removes the given item from the table.  If the item isn't there,
 * this function does nothing.
void removeItem(HashTable table, char* item) {

    /* Which bucket does the item hash to? */
    int index = table->hash(item) % table->capacity;

    /* Bail immediately if this bucket is empty */
    if (table->data[index] == NULL) return;

    /* Special case: if the item to be removed is the
     * FIRST one in the list, the array cell must be
     * modified.
    if (strcmp(table->data[index]->item, item) == 0) {
        Link nodeToRemove = table->data[index];
        table->data[index] = table->data[index]->next;

    /* Check all the nodes besides the first one in the list;
     * remove immediately if found.
    Link p;
    for (p = table->data[index]; p->next != NULL; p = p->next) {
        if (strcmp(p->next->item, item) == 0) {
            Link nodeToRemove = p->next;
            p->next = p->next->next;

 * Returns 1 (true) if item is in table, otherwise returns 0 (false).
int containsItem(HashTable table, char* item) {

    /* Which bucket does the item hash to? */
    int index = table->hash(item) % table->capacity;

    /* Search the linked list */
    Link p;
    for (p = table->data[index]; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
        if (strcmp(p->item, item) == 0) {
            return 1;

    /* Didn't find it in the list */
    return 0;

 * Cleans up any memory allocated when we created the hashtable.
void destroyHashTable(HashTable table) {
    /* First free the linked list nodes */
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < table->capacity; i++) {
        while (table->data[i] != 0) {
            Link nodeToRemove = table->data[i];
            table->data[i] = table->data[i]->next;

    /* Then free the table struct. */

    /* Free the table itself, because createHashTable allocated space */

Unit Testing

A unit test for the hashtable module above

 * Unit test for the hashtable abstract data type.  It isn't very complete.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "hashtable.h"

int stupidHash(char* s) {
    return (strlen(s) == 0) ? 20 : s[0] * s[strlen(s) - 1];

int main() {
    HashTable table = createHashTable(6, stupidHash);

    addItem(table, "dog");
    addItem(table, "cat");
    addItem(table, "ear");
    addItem(table, "egg");
    addItem(table, "bag");
    addItem(table, "zoo");
    addItem(table, "pig");
    addItem(table, "cat");
    addItem(table, "gag");
    addItem(table, "bat");

    assert(containsItem(table, "pig"));
    assert(containsItem(table, "zoo"));
    assert(containsItem(table, "cat"));
    assert(containsItem(table, "ear"));
    assert(containsItem(table, "bat"));
    assert(containsItem(table, "pig"));
    assert(!containsItem(table, "hog"));
    assert(!containsItem(table, "fit"));
    assert(!containsItem(table, "git"));

    removeItem(table, "zoo");
    removeItem(table, "fig");
    assert(containsItem(table, "egg"));
    assert(!containsItem(table, "zoo"));
    assert(!containsItem(table, "fig"));
    assert(!containsItem(table, "git"));

    addItem(table, "zoo");
    assert(containsItem(table, "zoo"));


    puts("All tests passed\n");
    return 0;


The danger zone.

Non-converting Casts

This program shows off the kind of thing C is good for. It puts integers into 32-bit memory locations that interprets the data in those locations as floats and writes them (Gaaack! No, wait, it’s okay, this is what C is for!).

 * This program takes in two integer arguments (call them x and y) and writes
 * all the values in between them (inclusive) in hex, decimal, and as floating
 * point values.  Yikes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int low;
    int high;
    int x;

    if (argc != 3) {
        printf("You need exactly two integer arguments");
        return -1;

    low = atoi(argv[1]);
    high = atoi(argv[2]);
    x = low;
    do {
        printf("%08X  %10d  %#16.7e\n", x, x, *((float*)&x));
    } while (x++ != high);

    return 0;

Something Cool

This is a cool self-printing program written in original C, back when you did not have to give a type to main nor return 0 nor include a library to be allowed to use printf. Interestingly, bypassing these supposed language rules are but warnings, so you can still get a compiler to run it if you disable warnings.


Here’s how I got gcc to run it:

$ gcc -w self.c && ./a.out

$ gcc -w self.c && ./a.out | diff - self.c
Exercise: Try to write the shortest self-printing C program you can that doesn’t have any warnings.

Machine Code in a String

Here’s a fun one. It executes x86 machine code directly. Of course it will only work on an x86. C does not promise portability.

 * Illustration of executing machine code as a C string.
 * Works only on most Intel processors.

#include <stdio.h>

int (*f)() = "\xb0\x64\x0f\xb6\xc0\xc3";

int main() {
    printf("%d\n", f());
    return 0;
$ gcc -w onehundred.c && ./a.out
Exercise: Write the equivalent program for a different processor (perhaps SPARC, PowerPC, M1, MIPS, ARM).

Understanding the Memory Layout

Memory for a C program in execution is generally divided up into a static portion, a stack portion, and a heap portion. Sometimes there might be a bss section, of interest, and a text section, which holds code, not data. Some resources that might help:

C and Security

C is known to be an insecure language, meaning the programmer, not the environment or runtime, does the vast majority of checking.

Many security issues are low-level issues that can never happen in other languages, such as buffer overruns.

Secure coding in C is such a massive topic that we’ll handle it later. Here are some links that might be of interest until then:


Is C even a real programming language? Why do some even ask this question?

Read this discussion and the short linked article to see why.

Some Reference Material

Here is a very sparse collection of reference material.

Program Structure

A C program is spread over one or more files. Each file is a sequence of declarations. A declaration is either a (1) object declaration, (2) type declaration, (3) function declaration, or (4) a directive. Each file is compiled then the compiled units are linked together to form an executable program.

Reserved Words

Reserved words are those that cannot be used as identifiers.

auto         break         case        char        const
continue     default       do          double      else
enum         extern        float       for         goto
if           inline        int         long        register
restrict     return        short       signed      sizeof
static       struct        switch      typedef     union
unsigned     void          volatile    while       _Bool
_Complex     _Imaginary


C has 21 built-in types, one pseudo type, and five mechanisms to create user defined types.


In C you declare entities with declarators, which are pretty hideous in hindsight, though some people love them.


int x, *y, z[5], *r[7], (*s)[7], ***q, a(int), *b(int), (*c)(int), **d[5][9];

These mean



Here are the C operators, presented from highest to lowest precedence.

[], (), ., -> L subscript, call, structure field access, structure field access through pointer
!, ~, +, -, &, *, ++, --, sizeof
R logical-not, bitwise-not, unary-plus, unary-negation, address-of, dereference, increment, decrement, size
(type) L type conversion
*, /, % L multiply, divide, modulo
+, - L add, subtract
<<, >> L bitwise shifts
<, <=, >, >= L less-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than, greater-than-or-equal
==, != L equal-to, not-equal-to
& L bitwise-and
^ L bitwise-xor
| L bitwise-or
&& L logical-short-circuit-and
|| L logical-short-circuit-or
?: R conditional
*=, /=, %=, +=, -=
<<=, >>=,
&=, ^=, |=
R assignment
, L comma

Standard Library

C is a small language with an extensive standard library. The library features tons of global types and functions grouped into 29 library modules.

Here is a brief outline of the library. It lists all of the modules but only some of the contents. For a great summary of the library, see the documentation pages at cppreference.com, or the official standard itself. (The official standard will cost you a lot of money, but you can read this free, non-official, but unfortunately very old draft).

ModuleDescriptionSample Contents
<assert.h>Diagnostics assert
<complex.h>Complex numbers complex, _Complex_I, I, CX_LIMITED_RANGE, c[a]cos[h][f|l], c[a]sin[h][f|l], c[a]tan[h][f|l], cexp[f|l], clog[f|l], cabs[f|l], cpow[f|l], csqrt[f|l], carg[f|l], cimag[f|l], conj[f|l], cproj[f|l], creal[f|l]
<ctype.h>Character handling islanum, isalpha, isblank, iscntrl, isdigit, isgraph, islower, isprint, ispunct, isspace, isupper, isxdigit, tolower, toupper
<errno.h>Errors errno, EDOM, EILSEQ, ERANGE
<fenv.h>Floating-point environment fenv_t, fexcept_t, FE_DIVBYZERO, FE_INEXACT, FE_INVALID, FE_OVERFLOW, FE_UNDERFLOW, FE_ALL_EXCEPT, FE_DOWNWARD, FE_TONEAREST, FE_TOWARDZERO, FE_UPWARD, FE_DFL_ENV, FENV_ACCESS, fclearexcept, fegetexceptflag, feraiseexcept, fesetexceptflag, fetestexcept, fegetround, fesetround, fegetenv, feholdexcept, fesetenv, feupdateenv
<inttypes.h>Format conversion of integer types (see the C99 standard for these)
<iso646.h>Alternative spellings and, and_eq, bitand, bitor, compl, not, not_eq, or, or_eq, xor, xor_eq
<locale.h>Localization struct lconv, NULL, LC_ALL, LC_NUMERIC, LC_MONETARY, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_TIME, setlocale, localeconv
<math.h>Mathematics float_t, double_t, HUGE_VAL[F|L], INFINITY, NAN, FP_INFINITE, FP_NAN, FP_NORMAL, FP_SUBNORMAL, FP_ZERO, FP_FAST_FMA[F|L], FP_ILOGB[0|NAN], MATH_ERRNO, MATH_ERREXCEPT, math_errhandling, FP_CONTRACT, fpclassify, isfinite, isinf, isnan, isnormal, signbit, [a]sin[h][f|l], [a]cos[h][f|l], [a]tan[h][f|l], atan2[f|l], exp[f|l], exp2[f|l], expm1[f|l], frexp[f|l], ilogb[f|l], ldexp[f|l], log[f|l], log10[f|l], log1p[f|l], log2[f|l], logb[f|l], modf[f|l], scalb[l]n[f|l], cbrt[f|l], fabs[f|l], hypot[f|l], pow[f|l], sqrt[f|l], erf[c][f|l], (l|t)gamma[f|l], ceil[f|l], floor[f|l], nearbyint[f|l], [l][l]rint[f|l], [l][l]round[f|l], trunc[f|l], fmod[f|l], remainder[f|l]. remquo[f|l], copysign[f|l], nan[f|l], nextafter[f|l], nexttoward[f|l], fdim[f|l], fmin[f|l], fmax[f|l], fma[f|l], isgreater, isgreaterequal, isless, islessequal, islessgreater, isunordered
<setjmp.h>Nonlocal jumps jmp_buf, setjmp, longjmp
<signal.h>Signal handling sig_atomic_t, SIGABRT, SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGINT, SIGSEGV, SIGTERM, SIG_DFL, SIG_ERR, SIG_IGN, signal, raise
<stdarg.h>Variable arguments va_list, va_start, va_arg, va_end, va_copy
<stdatomic.h>Atomics ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE, ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT, ATOMIC_VAR_INIT, memory_order, atomic_flag, atomic_init, kill_dependency, atomic_thread_fence, atomic_signal_fence, atomic_is_lock_free, atomic_store, atomic_load, atomic_exchange, atomic_compare_exchange, atomic_fetch, atomic_flag, atomic_flag_test_and_set, atomic_flag_clear
<stdbool.h>Boolean type and values bool, true, false, __bool_true_false_are_defined
<stddef.h>Common definitions NULL, offsetof, ptrdiff_t, size_t, wchar_t, max_align_t
<stdio.h>Input/output FILE, fpos_t, size_t, BUFSIZ, EOF, FILENAME_MAX, FOPEN_MAX, L_tmpnam, NULL, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END, SEEK_SET, TMP_MAX, _IO(F|L|N)BF, stdin, stdout, stderr, remove, rename, tmpfile, tmpnam, fclose, fflush, fopen, freopen, set[v]buf, [v][f|s|sn]printf [v][f|s]scanf, [f]getc, [f]gets, [f]putc, [f]puts, getchar, putchar, ungetc, fread, fwrite, fseek, ftell, rewind, fgetpos, fsetpos, clearerr, feof, ferror, perror
<stdlib.h>General utilities EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS, RAND_MAX, NULL, MB_CUR_MAX, div_t, ldiv_t, lldiv_t, wchar_t, size_t, ato(i|f|l|ll), strto(f|d|ld|l|ll|ul|ull), rand, srand, calloc, malloc, realloc, free, abort, exit, atexit, _Exit, system, getenv, bsearch, qsort, [l][l]abs, [l][l]div, mblen, mbtowc, wctomb, mbstowcs, wcstombs
<stdnoreturn.h>No return noreturn
<string.h>String handling NULL, size_t, str[n]cpy, str[n]cat, str[n]cmp, strcoll, str[r]chr, strspn, strcspn, strpbrk, strstr, strlen, strerror, strtok, strxfrm, memcpy, memmove, memcmp, memchr, memset
<tgmath.h>Type-generic math acos, asin, atan, acosh, asinh, atanh, cos, sin, tan, cosh, sinh, tanh, exp, log, pow, sqrt, fabs, atan2, cbrt, ceil, copysign, erf, erfc, exp2, expm1, fdim, floor, fma, fmax, fmin, fmod, frexp, hypot, ilogb, ldexp, lgamma, llrint, llround, log10, log1p, log2, logb, lrint, lround, nearbyint, nextafter, nexttoward, remainder, remquo, rint, round, scalbn, scalbln, tgamma, trunc, carg, cimag, conj, cproj, creal
<time.h>Date and time CLOCKS_PER_SEC, NULL, size_t, clock_t, time_t, struct tm, clock, time, difftime, mktime, asctime, ctime, gmtime, localtime, strftime
<uchar.h>Unicode utilities char16_t, char32_t, mbrtoc16, c16rtomb, mbrtoc32, c32rtomb
<wchar.h>Wide character utilities wchar_t, size_t, mbstate_t, wint_t, struct_tm, NULL, WCHAR_MAX, WCHAR_MIN, WEOF, [f|s|vf|vs|v]wprintf, [f|s|vf|vs|v]wscanf, fgetw(c|s), fputw(c|s), fwide, getwc[har], putwc[har], ungetwc, wcsto(f|d|ld|l|ul|ll|ull), wcs[n]cpy, wmemcpy, wmemmove, wcs[n]cat, wcs[n]cmp, wcscoll, wcsxfrm, wmemcmp, wcschr, wcscspn, wcspbrk, wcsrchr, wcsspn, wcsstr, wcstok, wmemchr, wcslen, wmemset, wcsftime, btowc, wctob, mbsinit, mbrlen, mbrtowc, wcrtomb, mbsrtowcs, wcsrtombs
<wctype.h>Wide character classification and mapping utilities wint_t, wctrans_t, wctype_t, WEOF, iswalnum, iswalpha, iswblank, iswcntrl, iswdigit, iswgraph, iswlower, iswprint, iswpunct, iswspace, iswupper, iswxdigit, iswctype, wctype, towlower, towupper, towctrans, wctrans