A computation is made up of multiple lines of execution.
How exactly execution proceeds within a line is known as control flow.
There are (at least) five major types of flow:
Do this THEN this THEN this
Do this OR this OR this (choose based on the evaluation of a condition)
Do this WHILE this is true, or UNTIL this is true, or for EACH item
Do this OR this OR this (choose randomly among a number of alternatives)
Jump around, abandon, or recover
The three important components that contribute to control flow are:
In some languages, for example, C++, all of them are rolled into statements, so there is a declaration statement and an expression statement.
void f() { cout << "hello"; // expression int x = 10; // declaration if (x < 2) return; // statement }
Some languages don’t have statements at all—code is made up of entirely of expressions. These are called expression-oriented languages. They have while-expressions, not while-statements. Here’s an example in ML:
- val x = ref 5; > val x = ref 5 : int ref - val y = while !x > 0 do (print(Int.toString(!x)^"\n"); x := !x - 1); 5 4 3 2 1 > val y = () : unit
and in Ruby:
>> x = 5 => 5 >> y = (while x > 0; puts x; x -= 1; end) 5 4 3 2 1 => nil >> y => nil
and in Scala:
scala> var x = 5 x: Int = 5 scala> var y = (while (x > 0) {println(x); x -= 1;}) 5 4 3 2 1 y: Unit = ()
and in Algol68:
begin a := if b < c then d else e; a := begin f(b); g(c) end; g(d); 2 + 3 end # whole expression evaluates to 5 #
Now, let’s look at the five major types of flow.
Sequencing is the most basic control flow. It refers to doing elaborations, evaluations, or executions one after another. Not in parallel. Not out of order (unless a compiler can guarantee that such optimizations don’t change the meaning).
C uses semi-colons for sequencing statements and declarations, but uses the comma operator for expressions:
x = 5; y = x + 3; /* x is assigned 5 THEN y is assigned 8 */ x = f(a), g(b), 3; /* f is called THEN g is called THEN x is assigned 3 */ x = 1,000; /* x is assigned 0 */
Standard ML doesn’t have statements, but it can sequence expression evaluation. It uses the semicolon for sequencing:
val x = 5; val y = x (* x and y now both 5 *) val x = (f(a); g(b); 3) (* x now 3 -- note parens required BTW *) (* However "and" does parallel binding, NOT sequential *) val x = y and y = x (* Yes, it’s a swap *)
You do not always need a sequencing operator; you can get sequencing when calling functions. Here’s some Haskell:
(\x -> (\y -> "x is " ++ show x ++ " and y is " ++ show y)(x + 3))(5)
That gets hard to read, so you’ll often see syntactic sugar such as:
let x = 5 in let y = x + 3 in "x is " ++ show x ++ " and y is " ++ show y
So, yes, let
-expressions sugar function calls. Who knew?
Selection means we do one of several alternatives. The most well-known form of selection is probably the venerable if
// Java, C, C++, JavaScript - curly brace languages if (e1) { s1 } else if (e2) { s2 } else if (e3) { s3 } else if (e4) { s4 } else { s5 } /* For PHP, replace "else if" with "elseif" above */ /* For Perl, replace "else if" with "elsif" above */
# Ruby - terminal end if e1 s1 elsif e2 s2 elsif e3 s3 elsif e4 s4 else s5 end
# Python - indentation if e1: s1 elif e2: s2 elif e3: s3 elif e4: s4 else: s5
# Bash if e1; then s1 elif e2; then s2 elif e3; then s3 elif e4; then s4 else s5 fi
Some languages have a syntax that manages to avoid all those “else-ifs”:
if e1 -> s1; e2 -> s2; e3 -> s3; e4 -> s4; true -> s5; end.
; Common Lisp (cond ((e1) (s1)) ((e2) (s2)) ((e3) (s3)) ((e4) (s4)) (t (s5)))
-- Ada case e is when c1 => s1; when c2 => s2; when c3 => s3; when c4 => s4; when others => s5; end case;
// Java switch (e) { c1 -> s1; c2 -> s2; c3 -> s3; c4 -> s4; default -> s5; }
Ada even checks to make sure at compile time that the cases are exhaustive!
WARNING WARNING WARNING. Some languages bastardize the conditional so that once you found a truthy condition, you “fall through” and execute subsequent cases:
// Java, C, JavaScript, C++ switch (e) { case c1 : s1; // These "fall through", so you case c2 : s2; // ...will normally place a "break" case c3 : s3; // ...or a "return" after each case c4 : s4; default : s5; // NOTE: IN JAVA, USE "->"" NOT the ":" } // JAVA -> DOES NOT FALL THROUGH
In Go, you don’t fall through, but you can put in a fallthrough
// Go switch prizeLevel { case 4: fmt.Println("Car") fallthrough case 3: fmt.Println("Tent") fallthrough case 2: fmt.Println("T-shirt") fallthrough case 1: fmt.Println("Bandana") }
Fallthrough?Seems like nuts, right? It was designed by people thinking about hardware and solving some systems-level implementation ideas like “jump tables” which you might enjoy researching.
In our modern era, readability is in and cleverness is out (and machines are really fast), so it might be good to follow this advice: Avoid switches in languages with implicit fall-through. Even when people tell you “oh it is so amazing in these particular cases,” remember that those cases are pretty esoteric and you will come across them so rarely that they aren’t even worth worrying about.
Time for more conditional structures! Perl and Ruby have an unless
# Perl unless ($x >= 0) { # Braces required in Perl for compound statements die "must be non-negative"; }
Perl and Ruby allow if and unless to be used as modifiers for simple statements which read really nicely (at least in English):
# Perl die "must be non-negative" unless $x >= 0; die "must be non-negative" if $x < 0; # Same as above
Here’s something cool. Short-circuit operators can be used for selection too:
# Perl chdir $dir or die "Can’t change to $dir: $!"; open F, $file or die "Can’t open $file: $!"; @lines = <F> or die "$file may be empty"; close F or die "Can’t close $file: $!";
This is quite satisfying! One’s eye can scan the "normal" flow of control down the left margin.
. Check it out. What is different about it?
Iteration is executing code repeatedly, either for each value in a range or collection, or while (or until) some condition holds. Iteration is typically modeled in four ways:
Let’s look at each of these.
There seem to be 5 kinds of loops:
Here are examples of the first four kinds:
Forever Loop | |
while (true) b | Many languages |
loop b end loop; | Ada |
for { b } | Go |
Times Loops | |
5.times do b end | Ruby |
Logically-Controlled Loops | |
while (e) b | Java, C, C++, JavaScript |
while (e) {b} | Perl (braces required) |
while (e) {b} continue {b'} | Perl |
while e do b | ML, Pascal |
WHILE e DO b END | Modula-2, Modula-3 |
while e do b end | Lua |
while e do b end loop | Ada |
while e b end | Julia, Ruby |
b while e | Perl, Ruby |
repeat b until e | Pascal, Lua |
REPEAT b UNTIL e | Modula-2, Modula-3 |
until (e) {b} | Perl |
until (e) {b} continue {b'} | Perl |
b until e | Perl, Ruby |
until e; b; end | Ruby |
do b while (e) | Java, C, C++, JavaScript |
Looping through numeric ranges | |
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) b | Many languages |
FOR i := 1 TO 10 DO b END | Modula-2, Modula-3 |
for I in 1..10 loop b end | Ada |
for i = 1, 10 do b end | Lua |
for i = 1:10 b end | Julia |
for i in range(1,11): b | Python |
for my $i (1..10) {b} | Perl |
for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 3) b | Many languages |
FOR i := 1 TO 10 BY 3 DO b END | Modula-2, Modula-3 |
for i in range(1,11,3): b | Python |
for i := 1,10,3 do b end | Lua |
Many languages provide loop constructs that loop through, or enumerate, items in a collection, such as an array, list, set, string, lines in a file, files in a folder, and so on. (How the language identifies what kids of things are iterable is another matter, for now, we’re just looking at the syntax for the iteration):
# Python pets = ["dog", "rabbit", "rat", "turtle"] for p in pets: print(p.upper())
// JavaScript -- not that it is for-OF, ****not**** for-IN const pets = ["dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"]; for (const p of pets) { console.log(p.toUpperCase()); }
# Julia pets = ["dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"] for p in pets println(uppercase(p)) end
# Perl my @pets = ("dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"); for my $p (@pets) { print uc($p); }
// Java var pets = List.of("dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"); for (var p: pets) { System.out.println(p.toUpperCase()); }
// C++ vector<string> pets = {"dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"}; for (auto p: pets) { cout << p << '\n'; }
// Swift let pets = ["dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"] for pet in pets { print(pet.uppercased()) }
Oh hey, there’s something cool in Perl. You don’t always need a loop variable—the special variable $_
takes on that role. And that variable can even be implicit. The following three Perl statements are the same:
for (1..10) {print $_;} for (1..10) {print} print for (1..10)
Hey what about Go and Lua?Interestingly, we don’t have good examples for iterating only through the elements of a sequential collection in Go or Lua. Why not? We’ll see very soon why not.
Sometimes you need the index, in addition to the value, within a collection. Some languages offer a function or method, when applied to a collection, to yield Index-Value pairs:
# Python pets = ["dog", "rabbit", "rat", "turtle"] for i, p in enumerate(pets): print(p, 'is at index', i)
// Swift let pets = ["dog", "rabbit", "rat", "turtle"] for (i, p) in pets.enumerated() { print("\(p) is at index \(i)") }
// JavaScript const pets = ["dog", "rabbit", "rat", "turtle"] for (let [i, p] of pets.entries()) { console.log(p, 'is at index', i) }
// Go func main() { pets := [...]string{"dog", "rat", "rabbit", "turtle"} for i, p := range pets { fmt.Println(p, "is at index", i) } }
-- Lua pets = {"dog", "rat", "rabbit", "turtle"} for i, p in ipairs(pets) do print(p .. " is at index " .. i) end
What’s interesting about Go and Lua is that there is no way to iterate only over the values. To get just the values, you need to explicitly ignore the index! It’s common to do this by naming the index variable _
and just not touching it.
Of course, there are languages in which you have to use the index only and then grab the value by subscripting:
-- Ada for I in 1..10 loop ... A(I) ... end loop; -- BAD CODE for I in A'First .. A'Last loop ... A(I) ... end loop; -- ACCEPTABLE CODE for I in A'Range loop ... A(I) ... end loop; -- BEST WE CAN DO
# Python pets = {"Lisichka": "dog", "Clover": "rabbit", "Oreo": "rat"} for name, kind in pets.items(): print(name, 'is a', kind)
// Swift let pets = ["Lisichka": "dog", "Clover": "rabbit", "Oreo": "rat"] for (name, kind) in pets { print("\(name) is a \(kind)") }
// Go func main() { pets := map[string]string{"Lisichka": "dog", "Clover": "rabbit", "Oreo": "rat"} for name, kind := range pets { fmt.Println(name, "is a", kind) } }
-- Lua pets = {Lisichka = "dog", Clover = "rabbit", Oreo = "rat"} for name, kind in pairs(pets) do print(name .. " is a " .. kind) end
// JavaScript const pets = {Lisichka: "dog", Clover: "rabbit", Oreo: "rat"}; for (const [name, kind] of Object.entries(pets)) { console.log(`${name} is a ${kind}`); }
// Java var pets = Map.of("Lisichka", "dog", "Clover", "rabbit", "Oreo", "rat"); for (var e: pets.entrySet()) { System.out.println(e.getKey() + " is a " + e.getValue()); }
In Perl you can dispense with making an array to iterate over and just list the contents of your collection:
for my $count (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,"liftoff") {...} for my $count (reverse "liftoff", 1..10) {...}
But here’s something really cool. There’s this neat mix of definite and indefinite iteration in Algol 60, with this cool syntax:
for i := 1, i+2, while i<10 do ...
In Swift, the for
statement has a where
// Swift for i in 1...10 where i % 2 == 0 { print(i) }
And something else fancy! Julia can combine nested loops into a single loop:
for c = 1:40, b = 1:c-1, a = 1:b-1 if a * a + b * b == c * c println("$a, $b, $c") end end
Finally here’s something boring, and not fancy, but there seems to be no place else to put it. You can use that crazy for-loop syntax in C, Java, C++, and JavaScript to do some interesting things, like iterate through an old-school linked list:
/* C */ for (int* p = a; p; p = p ->next) ...
Building your own language? Think, then, about:
to jump inside an enumeration-controlled loop?
for (short i = 30000; i <= 32767; i++) {...}
This is a very popular alternative to for-loops:
# Ruby pets = ["dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"] pets.each {|p| puts p.upcase}
// JavaScript const pets = ["dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"]; pets.forEach(p => console.log(p.toUpperCase()));
// Java var pets = List.of("dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"); pets.forEach(p -> System.out.println(p.toUpperCase()));
// Swift let pets = ["dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"] pets.forEach {print($0.uppercased())}
Ruby and JavaScript use this technique to produce value and its index during iteration:
# Ruby pets = ["dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"] pets.each_with_index {|p, i| puts "#{p} is at index #{i}"}
// JavaScript const pets = ["dog", "rat", "fish", "rabbit"]; pets.forEach((p, i) => console.log("%s is as index %d", p, i));
Many languages have an each-function for dictionaries, too:
// Java var pets = Map.of("Lisichka", "dog", "Clover", "rabbit", "Oreo", "rat"); pets.forEach((name, kind) -> System.out.println(name + " is a " + kind));
// JavaScript const pets = {Lisichka: "dog", Clover: "rabbit", Oreo: "rat"}; Object.entries(pets).forEach(([name, kind]) => { console.log(`${name} is a ${kind}`); });
# Ruby pets = {Lisichka: "dog", Clover: "rabbit", Oreo: "rat"} pets.each {|name, kind| puts "#{name} is a #{kind}"}
Many languages use each
to build up dozens of methods that work on each item of a collection.
Examples include map
, filter
, every
, some
, and max
. The effect of all this is that you might find yourself writing
few, if any, loops when processing collections!
An iterator is an object that keeps track of where you are during an iteration. You don’t have to use them in a loop! You just call methods such as hasNext
and next
(or in some languages, begin
, and ++
// Java - variable types shown explicitly for emphasis List<String> pets = Arrays.asList("dog", "rat", "rabbit"); Iterator<String> it = pets.iterator(); System.out.println(it.hasNext()); // true System.out.println(it.next()); // dog System.out.println(it.hasNext()); // true System.out.println(it.next()); // rat System.out.println(it.hasNext()); // true System.out.println(it.next()); // rabbit System.out.println(it.hasNext()); // false System.out.println(it.next()); // raises NoSuchElementException
// C++ vector<string> pets = {"dog", "rat"}; vector<string>::iterator it = pets.begin(); cout << *it << '\n'; // dog it++; cout << *it << '\n'; // rat it++; cout << (it == pets.end()); // 1
when it
is at the end? What if you try it++
# Python pets = ["dog", "rat"] it = iter(pets) next(it) # "dog" next(it) # "rat" next(it) # raises a StopIteration exception!
# Python def colors(): yield 'red' yield 'green' yield 'blue' it = colors() next(c) # "red" next(c) # "green" next(c) # "blue" next(c) # raises a StopIteration exception!
The use of explicit iterators opens the possibility that your underlying collection changes while your iterator is still active. In some languages, this may cause your program to just crash; in others, doing this will trigger a concurrent modification exception.
// Java var pets = new ArrayList<String>(){{add("dog");add("rat");}}; var it = pets.iterator(); System.out.println(it.next()); // dog pets.add("turtle"); System.out.println(it.next()); // raises ConcurrentModificationException
A recursive function is one that calls itself (either directly or indirectly). You can design recursive functions to carry out iterative control flow. Recursion is:
and while
constructsRecursive code is:
What could go wrong?
(* THIS IS A REALLY STUPID USE OF RECURSION *) fun fact n = if n < 0 then 1 else n * fact(n-1)
evaluates as
fact 4 = 4 * fact 3 = 4 * (3 * fact 2) = 4 * (3 * (2 * fact 1)) = 4 * (3 * (2 * (1 * fact 0))) = 4 * (3 * (2 * (1 * 1))) = 4 * (3 * (2 * 1)) = 4 * 3 * 2 = 4 * 6 = 24
Here, all these pieces of partially complete computations take up a lot of space, hurting performance. Fortunately, there is an alternative approach.
Tail recursive code, in which a function returns the result of a recursive call to itself, can always be implemented efficiently. Contrast that last factorial implementation with this one:
(* ML, Tail Recursive *) fun gcd x y = if y = 0 then x else gcd y (x mod y)
-- Haskell, Tail Recursive gcd x y = if y == 0 then x else gcd y (x `mod` y)
// JavaScript, Tail Recursive const gcd = (x, y) => y === 0 ? x : gcd(y, x % y);
This evaluation is much cleaner:
gcd 444 93 = gcd 93 72 = gcd 72 21 = gcd 21 9 = gcd 9 3 = gcd 3 0 = 3
A tail recursive function returns exactly the result of calling itself — no partial results need to be stored. A good compiler can recognize tail recursion and generate code that has no calls at all: just reload the parameters and jump back to the top. It’s as if you wrote:
# Ruby def gcd(x, y) while true return x if y == 0 x, y = y, x % y end end
though the tail-recursive code is cleaner, and better because it has no side effects!.
In functional programming, the programmer will sometimes have to turn a non-tail-recursive function into a tail recursive one. The idea is to pass along arguments (like a counter or partial result) into the next call. So factorial can be written like this:
(* ML *) fun fact n = let fun f i a = if i = n then a else f (i+1) ((i+1)*a) in f 0 1 end
which is evaluated like so:
fact 5 = f 0 1 = f 1 1 = f 2 2 = f 3 6 = f 4 24 = f 5 120 = 120
and Fibonacci like this:
(* ML *) fun fib n = let fun f i last current = if i = n then current else f (i+1) current (last+current) in f 0 0 1 end
This yields:
fib 7 = f 0 0 1 = f 1 1 1 = f 2 1 2 = f 3 2 3 = f 4 3 5 = f 5 5 8 = f 6 8 13 = f 7 13 21 = 21
This sure beats the naive implementation, which requires 535,821,591 calls to compute fib(40)
Nondeterministic control flow occurs when the next computation step is made randomly (not arbitrarily) from a set of alternatives, something like:
select x := 4; or y := 6; or print "Hello"; end;
Generally each of the arms are guarded. To execute a select statement, first the guards are evaluated, then a choice is made among the open alternatives (those with true guards). A missing guard is assumed to be true. Example:
select when x > y => y := x * x - 3; or when not found => print x; or close(f); or when x % y >= 25 || finished => crash(); end;
What if all guards are false? In Ada, this raises an exception. In other languages, the statement simply has no effect.
Nondeterministic control flow can hide some asymmetries in code. Some examples:
select when (a >= b) => max := a; or when (a <= b) => max := b; end;
loop select when a > b => a := a - b; or when b > a => b := b - a; or when a = b => return a; end; end;
Nondeterministic constructs turn out to be very useful in concurrent programming, because random execution paths sometimes help to avoid deadlock. We’ll see how when we study concurrency later on.
Here are some constructs that enable you to do something other than the next thing that a typical control flow would suggest:
While indispensible for low-level programming, the goto
statement is not used much, if at all, in high-level languages.
Read about goto at Wikipedia.
Sometimes something goes wrong and you need to abandon the rest of a block (or function or program), indicating exactly what happened. This is frequently done by throwing or raising an exception. (Sometimes exceptions are simply called errors.)
The syntax varies widely among languages, so here’s some JavaScript just to have at least one concrete example:
console.log('Welcome to my script') throw 'Ha ha ha' console.log('You will never see this message')
Here’s how to catch in JavaScript:
try { // This is a contrived example that just illustrates a point console.log('Welcome to my script') throw 'Ha ha ha' console.log('You will never see this message') } catch (e) { console.log(`Caught: ${e}`) }
In JavaScript, you can throw any value at all. In other languages, you can only throw objects of a certain type. To be fair, JavaScript does recommend you throw objects having the Error
type (or any of its subtypes):
throw new Error("Sorry, I don't accept words like that.")
There are a lot of built-in error types in JavaScript (and in other languages too):
> let a = [10, 20, 30]; > a.length = -5; RangeError: Invalid array length > a = null; > a[3] TypeError: Cannot read property '3' of null > @#@*($#*(; SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
, ClassCastException
, IllegalArgumentException
, IllegalStateException
, NullPointerException
, NumberFormatException
, UnsupportedOperationException
Avoiding exceptions: Errors Are ValuesMany languages intentionally omit exceptions because they are complex and the language values simplicity. Sometimes a language leaves out exceptions because the language designers dislike them immensely. After all, exceptions are a disruptive control flow and can lead to very convoluted and ugly code.
Without exceptions, a language will encourage an errors as values approach. This approach is taken in Go, Zig, Rust, and many other languages.
Modern languages have a panic
construct which is loosely equivalent to a throw, but designed in such a way to discourage their overuse. That is, people sometimes use try/catch to build up normal looking programs instead of using them only as very last resort—to handle truly unexpected and very problematic cases.
The section in the Go FAQ on Go not having exceptions elaborates a bit.
Many languages give you opportunities to modify loop behavior. You can:
(C, Java, Ruby, JavaScript)
(Ada, Modula)
(C, Java, JavaScript)
(Perl, Ruby)
(Perl, Ruby)
Perl has an interesting continue
construct, where you can put code that is to be done at the end of every iteration, regardless of how the iteration ended (either normally or through a next
). It saves you from writing some convoluted if
# Perl LINE: while (<STDIN>) { next LINE if /^#/; next LINE if /^$/; # ... process $_ .... } continue { count++; }
Python allows else
clauses on its for
and while
statements. This is where you can put code that is supposed to run only when the loop finishes normally, not when the loop is prematurely terminated via a break
, return
, or raise
for place in places: if good(place): print(f"Ah, a good place: {place}") break else: print("No good places for you")
tries, guess = 0, None while guess != answer: guess = input("What is your guess? ") if malformed(guess): print("You are not playing fair, game over") break else: print(f"You got it, it was: {guess}")
Here are some questions useful for your spaced repetition learning. Many of the answers are not found on this page. Some will have popped up in lecture. Others will require you to do your own research.
statement, that fit nicely with the machine instruction set they were working with, but is hardly ever used in application programming. What was it? fallthrough
was added.if
statement? Integer
class called times
that takes a block and executes it the specified number of times. In C-like languages, you have to write a loop, and you have to remember to increment the loop variable.10.times {puts "Hello"}
and while
clauses on Python’s for
and while
statements do? break
, return
, or raise
.We’ve covered: