Introduction to CSS

CSS is a styling language understood by practically every browser on the planet. Use it for the presentation aspects of your web applications.


Separation of concerns is a powerful technique for managing complexity. Here are three things that are good to separate:

In web applications:







Demos First!

Start by seeing what you can do with CSS. This collection of 20 examples is pretty good. You should try out each of them before moving on.

The old CSS Zen Garden is still around. Take a look. It’s worth exploring as it shows the power of separation of concerns. All of these sites have exactly the same HTML, but it’s hard to notice at first!


There are quite a few out there. HTML Dog has three good tutorials—one for beginners, one that is intermediate, and one that is advanced. You should do all three. They don’t cover all of CSS by any means (surprisingly, they completely ignore Flex and Grid layouts!), but they will get you started.

We will browse some of the examples in the HTML Dog Tutorials. The examples have a live editor and runner so we can explore all the different things that CSS can do directly within the HTML Dog site.

You can’t go wrong with this complete 11-hour tutorial, it’s by Dave Gray so it’s good:

Also excellent is the MDN Guide to Learning CSS. MDN also has reference material on CSS. And of course gory details are found at the CSS home page maintained by the W3C.

As you get good at CSS, one of your go-to sites will be CSS Tricks.

Technical Notes

Now that you have seen the demos and gone through a number of tutorials, let’s get technical.

(Also make a note of this fantastic reference site.)


A CSS style sheet consists of a sequence of statements. Each statement is either a ruleset or an at-rule.


A ruleset is a statement that tells the user agent (UA) how to render an element or elements.


You can condense rulesets as follows:

Instead of...You can write...
h1 {font-weight: bold}
h2 {font-weight: bold}
h3 (font-weight: bold}
h1, h2, h3 {font-weight: bold}
h1 {color: green}
h1 {text-align: center}
h1 {
  color: green;
  text-align: center;


There are hundreds of properties. In the early days of CSS1 there were just a few. CSS2 brought the count up to just over 100; CSS3 added hundreds more.

You might be interested in the W3C’s description of all the properties that were officially part of CSS back in 2010. Those are the most stable and widely supported.

Here is a sampling of most of the CSS3 properties:

Animationsanimation animation-delay animation-direction animation-duration animation-fill-mode animation-iteration-count animation-name animation-play-state animation-timing-function
Backgrounds and Bordersbackground background-attachment background-clip background-colo background-image background-origin background-position background-repeat background-size border border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-left-radius border-bottom-right-radius border-bottom-style border-bottom-width border-color border-image border-image-outset border-image-repeat border-image-slice border-image-source border-image-width border-left border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width border-radius border-right border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-style border-top border-top-color border-top-left-radius border-top-right-radius border-top-style border-top-width border-width box-shadow
UI (Level 3)box-sizing caret-color cursor nav-down nav-left nav-right nav-up outline outline-color outline-offset outline-style outline-width resize text-overflow
UI (Level 4)appearance caret caret-animation caret-shape user-select
Box Alignmentalign-content align-items align-self justify-content justify-items justify-self
Cascading and Inheritance all
Colorcolor color-adjust opacity
Displaybox-suppress display
Exclusionswrap-flow wrap-through
Flexible Box Layout align-content align-items align-self flex flex-basis flex-direction flex-flow flex-grow flex-shrink flex-wrap justify-content order
Fonts font font-family font-feature-settings font-kerning font-language-override font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-synthesis font-variant font-variant-alternates font-variant-caps font-variant-east-asian font-variant-ligatures font-variant-numeric font-variant-position font-weight
Fragmentation box-decoration-break break-after break-before break-inside orphans widows
Generated Content bookmark-label bookmark-level bookmark-state content quotes string-set
Generated Content for Paged Media bookmark-label bookmark-level bookmark-state footnote-display footnote-policy running string-set
Grid Layout grid grid-area grid-auto-columns grid-auto-flow grid-auto-rows grid-column grid-column-end grid-column-gap grid-column-start grid-gap grid-row grid-row-end grid-row-gap grid-row-start grid-template grid-template-areas grid-template-columns grid-template-rows
Image Values and Replaced Content image-orientation image-rendering image-resolution object-fit object-position
Inline Layout alignment-baseline baseline-shift dominant-baseline initial-letter initial-letter-align initial-letter-wrap vertical-align
Line Grid box-snap line-grid line-snap
Lists and Counters counter-increment counter-reset counter-set list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type marker-side
Masking clip clip-path clip-rule mask mask-border mask-border-mode mask-border-outset mask-border-repeat mask-border-slice mask-border-source mask-border-width mask-clip mask-composite mask-image mask-mode mask-origin mask-position mask-repeat mask-size mask-type
Multicolumn Layout break-after break-before break-inside column-count column-fill column-gap column-rule column-rule-color column-rule-style column-rule-width column-span column-width columns
Overflow continue max-lines overflow overflow-x overflow-y
Page Floats clear float float-defer float-offset float-reference
Paged Mediapage size
Positioned Layout bottom left offset-after offset-before offset-end offset-start position right top z-index
Presentation Levelspresentation-level
Regions break-after break-before break-inside flow-from flow-into region-fragment
Round Display border-boundary polar-anchor polar-angle polar-distance polar-origin shape-inside
Ruby Layoutdisplay ruby-align ruby-merge ruby-position
Scroll Snap scroll-padding scroll-padding-block scroll-padding-block-end scroll-padding-block-start scroll-padding-bottom scroll-padding-inline scroll-padding-inline-end scroll-padding-inline-start scroll-padding-left scroll-padding-right scroll-padding-top scroll-snap-align scroll-snap-margin scroll-snap-margin-block scroll-snap-margin-block-end scroll-snap-margin-block-start scroll-snap-margin-bottom scroll-snap-margin-inline scroll-snap-margin-inline-end scroll-snap-margin-inline-start scroll-snap-margin-left scroll-snap-margin-right scroll-snap-margin-top scroll-snap-stop scroll-snap-type
Speech cue cue-after cue-before pause pause-after pause-before rest rest-after rest-before speak speak-as voice-balance voice-duration voice-family voice-pitch voice-range voice-rate voice-stress voice-volume
Tableborder-collapse border-spacing caption-side empty-cells table-layout
Template Layoutchains flow grid grid-template grid-template-areas grid-template-columns grid-template-rows
Text Decoration text-decoration text-decoration-color text-decoration-line text-decoration-skip text-decoration-style text-emphasis text-emphasis-color text-emphasis-position text-emphasis-style text-shadow text-underline-position
Text (Level 3) hanging-punctuation hyphens letter-spacing line-break overflow-wrap tab-size text-align text-align-all text-align-last text-indent text-justify text-transform white-space word-break word-spacing word-wrap
Text (Level 4) hyphenate-character hyphenate-limit-chars hyphenate-limit-last hyphenate-limit-lines hyphenate-limit-zone text-space-collapse text-space-trim text-spacing text-wrap white-space wrap-after wrap-before wrap-inside
Transformsbackface-visibility perspective perspective-origin transform transform-box transform-origin transform-style
Transitionstransition transition-delay transition-duration transition-property transition-timing-function
Will Changewill-change
Writing Modesdirection glyph-orientation-vertical text-combine-upright text-orientation unicode-bidi writing-mode
Basic Box Model clear display float height margin margin-bottom margin-left margin-right margin-top marquee-direction marquee-loop marquee-speed marquee-style max-height max-width min-height min-width overflow overflow-style overflow-x overflow-y padding padding-bottom padding-left padding-right padding-top rotation rotation-point visibility width
CSSOM Viewscroll-behavior
Compositing and Blendingbackground-blend-mode isolation mix-blend-mode
Filter Effectscolor-interpolation-filters filter flood-color flood-opacity lighting-color
Motion Pathmotion motion-offset motion-path motion-rotation offset offset-anchor offset-distance offset-path offset-position offset-rotation
SVG Markersmarker marker-end marker-knockout-left marker-knockout-right marker-mid marker-pattern marker-segment marker-start
SVG Strokesstroke stroke-alignment stroke-dashadjust stroke-dasharray stroke-dashcorner stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width

This set was taken from this list of all properties at the W3C site.

A good reference with lots of examples is HTML Dog’s CSS Property Reference.


Some properties have values that are special tokens, specific to that property (or a handful of properties), for example:

font-family: serif
font-variant: small-caps
text-align: center
text-decoration: underline
margin-left: auto
border-left-width: medium
list-style-position: inside
list-style-type: square
white-space: pre
cursor: pointer
overflow: scroll
visibility: hidden
clear: both
display: table-row
position: absolute

The values inherit, initial, and unset apply everywhere. Some values are keywords (like pointer and scroll above), and some are fancy forms like linear and radial gradients. Sometimes the property value comes from a specific type. Here are some of the types in CSS:

integerJust an integer
numberA number with an optional dot (not exponential part)
percentageA number followed by a % character
stringDouble quoted or single quoted (use \A for newline)
urlA url wrapped in url( and )
lengthem, ex, ch, rem
vw, vh, vmin, vmax
cm, mm, Q, in, pt, pc, px
colorDefined here
imageDefined here
positionDefined here
angledeg, rad, grad, turn
durations, ms
frequencyHz, kHz
resolutiondpi, dpcm, dppx

And, you guessed it, you should see the HTML Dog CSS Value Reference. Also note the Official CSS Document from the W3C listing all values and units.

To find which values go with which properties, you should check the official docs for that module. There is also a convenient table of the mappings way back in the year 2010, so not all mappings are contained, but the most common ones are.

Speaking of color, here’s something you should watch if you think that red, yellow, and blue are primary colors (SPOILER: THEY ARE NOT):

As with any technology, there are tons of ways to get things wrong with CSS values. Here are some very common mistakes:

  p   { font-vendor: any }     /* Invalid prop.: font-vendor */
  h1  { font-style: 12pt }     /* Invalid value for prop: 12pt */
  h1  { rotation: 70minutes }  /* 70minutes is not a valid value */
  img { float: left here }     /* "here" is not a value of "float" */
  img { background: "red" }    /* keywords cannot be quoted in CSS2 */
  img { border-width: 3 }      /* a unit must be specified for length values */
  h3, h4 & h5 {color: red }    /* & is an invalid token- WHOLE LINE must be ignored */


Easiest to learn these by example. See:

Trivial examples, nothing fancy:

  h1 {
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 12pt;
    line-height: 14pt;
    font-family: Helvetica;
    font-variant: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-stretch: normal;
    font-size-adjust: none

  h1 { font: bold 12pt/14pt Helvetica }

  ol li {list-style: upper-alpha}
  ol ol li {list-style: upper-roman}
  ol ol ol li {list-style: lower-alpha}
  ol ol ol ol li {list-style: decimal}


An at-rule is kind of like an instruction to the CSS parser. The common at-rules are:

Cascade, Specificity, and Inheritance

The job of the user agent is to determine which styles to apply to each element. Easier said than done, right? After all:

You can find a great overview in the Cascade and Inheritance Section of MDN’s Learning CSS Guide. MDN also has reference sections for each as well ( SpecificityInheritanceCascade )


Oversimplifiying, inheritance has to do with nesting:

    <title>Another Example</title>
      body {color: green; background: white;}
      h1 {color: navy}
    <p>Here is an <strong>example</strong> of</p>
      <li>Style sheets</li>
      <li>Inheritance of properties</li>


There’s more, so check out relevant reference material.

Exercise: You can give a property the explicit value of inherit which means the corresponding element gets same value for that property as its parent. This seems to be default behavior. Look up and describe when you would ever want to do this.

The Cascade

In a large web app you’ll find styles that are defined in the user agent’s own stylesheet, author style sheets written by the app developer, and (in some cases) stylesheets applied by the app user. The Cascade defines the precedence of all these things.


Specificity determines which styles to use when an element is targeted in multiple rules. Somewhat oversimplifying, it’s computed by assigning a tuple (X, Y, Z) to each rule, where:

and sorting on these tuples, though inline styles (see below) are more specific than any rule from a stylesheet and then the dreaded !important is used even over that.

After reading some tutorials and docs and practicing, you can refer to because the examples are so good.

Connecting a Stylesheet to a Document

Quite a few ways:

  1. In an HTML <link> element
  2. In an HTML <style> element
  3. As a style attribute in any HTML element that allows it

The <link> element

You can specify the location of the stylesheet that is an external resource. This is the most common way and almost always the best. Example:

    <title>Another Example</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="plain.css" media="screen">

Possible values for media include: screen, tty, tv, projection, handheld, print, braille, aural, all.

The <style> element

You can add the styles directly in the head of a document. Example:

    <title>Another Example</title>
      body {padding: 2em; background: white;}
      p {font: 36pt serif}
You probably should not be using these.

Use only in tiny web page hacks and prototypes. You should be cleanly separating your content and presentation.

Inline styles

You can put styles right on a single element. Example:

<h1 style="color:blue; text-align:right">Hello</h1>
<div style="position:absolute; z-index:1; left:20px; top:160px; width:150px">
Do not use these in plain HTML.

As you can imagine, while these are tempting, (1) they can only be used on a single element making the style impossible to share, and (2) they kind of violate the concept of separation of concerns.

HOWEVER, if you have a framework like React, bundling styles closer to elements is actually a good thing, but the approach is slightly different. There’s a lit of nuance in programming sometimes.

Box Model



See A Complete Guide to Flexbox by CSS Tricks.


See A Complete Guide to Grid from CSS Tricks.


See About the Position Property at CSS Tricks.


Here is a talk and demo by Ana Tudor showing off what you can do with CSS and no JavaScript:

You should also browse her collection of code pens.

Media Queries and Responsive Design

Ideally you should make applications that work correctly on all kinds of different media—PCs, handhelds, phones, tablets, speech output devices, print, etc. All differ widely in resolution, color depth, bandwidth, etc.

You can learn the basics in the Responsive Web Design section of Google’s Web Fundamentals course.