Data Types and Data Structures

Two terms, so often confused, but so different.

The Main Point

Do NOT confuse these two things:

Data type: a set of values together with operations (specified as input-output behavior)

Data structure: a physical implementation of a data type

One data type can be mapped to many different data structures. Some mappings make a good fit; others do not. By "good fit" we mean that the chosen data structure allows efficient implementations of the operations of the data type.

If you understand this distinction, you can become an accomplished computer scientist.

Some Data Types

Almost any noun can give rise to a data type.

Example: integer, date, string, complex number, person, employee, department, paragraph, bond, image, set, bag, vector, list, stack, queue, deque, priority queue, ring, dictionary, tree, graph.

Some nouns probably can't be reasonably warped into being a data type. Emotions or physical states such as love, mirth, hatred, pain, bliss and anger are in this category.

Exercise: What other nouns don't make good data types?

Data Structures

There are two fundamental kinds of data structures: array of contiguous memory locations and linked structures. You can even combine the two mechanisms.

Implementing Types with Structures

You can generally implement:

Example: You can have a data type called Stack, but data structures called LinkedStack, ArrayStack, etc. In Java, Stack would be an interface while LinkedStack and ArrayStack would be fully-specified, non-abstract (concrete) classes.

Some Things In Between?

There are a variety of constructs which are technically data types but are “low-level” in the sense that their operations are partially specified. For example, a binary search tree “implements” a set by performing lookups, insertions and deletions by "navigating left and right" — but the meanings of left and right depend on whether the items in the tree are stored in an array or are linked together. In a way, the binary tree feels like a structure, but it can actually be organized internally in different ways.


Moral: Don’t fixate too much on what is a type and what is a structure; rather, master the notion that interfaces specify behavior only while admitting implementation by multiple concrete realizations.

By the way, here are more in-betweener examples: binary search tree, AVL tree, B-tree, heap, pairing heap, hashtable, splay tree, trie, R-tree