
Language definitions should not be written on paper alone. They should be brought to life. There are many libraries out there that will help you define and process (parse, analyze, generate) languages. Ohm is but one of them, but it’s totally worth studying.

What is Ohm?

Ohm is advertised as a library for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, and more. With it you can quickly generate parsers simply by writing a grammar, then write whatever actions you like to work with the parser output. So with just one grammar you can write:

Yes, you can use Ohm to provide both a formal syntax of a language and a formal semantics (in the form of an interpreter!). Both the syntax definition and the semantics definition are executable in a real sense. Not just math equations on paper!

There’s even an interactive tool that enables to to interactively design grammars so that you can prototype new and beautiful programming languages!

Ohmu and Nausicaa

Ohm may not generate the fastest parsers but its cleanliness, simplicity, and flexibility make it stand out from the competition.

Ohm Home Page

You can find all about Ohm, obtain the source code, read all of its documentation, and find links to tutorials, examples, real-world projects, and the community Discord server, at the home page.
Ohm Tutorial

Pat Dubroy, a co-creator of Ohm, wrote a nice tutorial. It’s worth a look as well.

Getting Started

Here’s a short video in which we:

  1. Introduce the Ohm Editor and design a grammar for a tiny programming language of arithmetic expressions and print statements
  2. Write an interpreter for this language so that one can run programs directly on the command line.

By the way: if you can write a complete interpreter for a language, you can claim to have written a semantics—if you accept that it’s fine to say an interpreter is the semantics!

Here’s the result of the code-along from the video. If you did not watch the video, or don’t care to watch it, skip ahead to the Ohm Basics section.

import * as ohm from "ohm-js";
import fs from "fs";

const grammar = ohm.grammar(String.raw`PlusMinusLanguage {
  Program   = Statement+
  Statement = "print" "(" Exp ")" ";"
  Exp       = Exp "+" Term                   --plus
            | Exp "-" Term                   --minus
            | Term
  Term      = "(" Exp ")"                    --parens
            | num
  num       = digit+

const interpreter = grammar.createSemantics().addOperation("eval", {
  Program(statements) {
    for (const statement of statements.children) {
  Statement(_print, _leftParen, expression, _rightParen, _semicolon) {
  Exp_plus(left, _plus, right) {
    return left.eval() + right.eval();
  Exp_minus(left, _plus, right) {
    return left.eval() - right.eval();
  Term_parens(_leftParen, expression, _rightParen) {
    return expression.eval();
  num(digits) {
    return Number(digits.sourceString);

const match = grammar.match(fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]));
if (match.failed()) {
} else {

Ohm Basics

The best way to get started is to use the amazing Ohm Editor. While composing your grammar, write and execute lots of text cases. The tests will light up green for success and red for failure as you type. The parse tree will also appear as you type. The immediate feedback cycle is the best way to create.

Watch the video above for details, or if you prefer to save yourself the watching time and just want to read, try out the following famous grammar for starters:

Arithmetic {
  Exp   = Plus | Minus | num
  Plus  = Exp "+" num
  Minus = Exp "-" num
  num   = digit+

Write some test cases and explore the parse trees. Note how the operators are left associative.

Ohm Editor Screenshot

Now, let’s go through the basics in more detail, and build an actual interpreter!

Setting up a Project

Let’s make an interpreter for a real programming language, Astro. Begin as you would to make any Node.js project (with a recent version of Node.js, of course):

$ mkdir astro-interpreter
$ cd astro-interpreter
$ npm init -y

Then edit package.json to have a top-level property "type": "module".

Include Ohm in your project:

$ npm install ohm-js

Check package.json to make sure the Ohm package is there now.

Writing a Grammar

Create the file astro.ohm and populate it with the grammar:

Astro {
  Program     = Statement+
  Statement   = id "=" Exp ";"                         --assignment
              | print Exp ";"                          --print
  Exp         = Exp ("+" | "-") Term                   --binary
              | Term
  Term        = Term ("*" | "/" | "%") Factor          --binary
              | Factor
  Factor      = Primary "**" Factor                    --binary
              | "-" Primary                            --negation
              | Primary
  Primary     = id "(" ListOf<Exp, ","> ")"            --call
              | numeral                                --num
              | id                                     --id
              | "(" Exp ")"                            --parens

  numeral     = digit+ ("." digit+)? (("E" | "e") ("+" | "-")? digit+)?
  print       = "print" ~idchar
  idchar      = letter | digit | "_"
  id          = ~print letter idchar*
  space      += "//" (~"\n" any)*                      --comment
Design with the Ohm Editor

Especially when working with larger languages, the process of interactively designing with a live tool like the Ohm Editor is pretty much a necessity. Once designed, you’ll want to grab your grammar from the editor window and put it into a real software project.

Understanding Parsing Expressions

Ohm grammars consist of a name and a number of parsing expressions. Details are in the syntax reference, which you need to eventually read. But as you may be impatient, here are the Ohm parsing expressions:

"..."A literal string. Allows the usual escape chars \', \", \b, \n, \r, \t, \f, \\, \x$hh$, \u$hhhh$, and \u{$h...h$}.
$rulename$Just a rule.
$rulename$<$params$>A rule with parameters.
$e$*$e$, zero or more times.
$e$+$e$, one or more times.
$e$?$e$, zero or one times.
$e_1\;e_2$Match $e_1$ then match $e_2$.
$e_1\;|\;e_2$If $e_1$ matches, great. Otherwise try to match $e_2$.
&$e$Match $e$ without consuming it (lookahead).
~$e$Succeed if $e$ doesn’t match, without consuming anything (negative lookahead).
#$e$Lexify a syntactic rule.

Understanding Lexical and Syntax Rules

Lexical rules always start with lower case letters and syntax rules start with uppercase letters. Syntax rules allow tokens from the class space to be implicitly interspersed with other tokens.

Built-In Rules

There are several built-in rules:

Rule Arities are Important in Ohm

All alternatives for a rule must have the same arity. This is a small price to pay for the massive advantage you get from separating the grammar from the parsing actions that we will see later. But there is a cool short-hand to make it look like alternatives with different arities exist. For example:

Exp = Exp "+" Term  --plus
    | Exp "-" Term  --minus
    | Term

is an abbreviation for:

Exp       = Exp_plus | Exp_minus | Term
Exp_plus  = Exp "+" Term
Exp_minus = Exp "-" Term

Grammar Inheritance

Grammars can inherit from other grammars. When inheriting, use:

Any grammar you write yourself automatically inherits from the base Ohm grammar, where the built-in rules are defined.

Match Results

Given a grammar $g$ and source code $c$, $g$.match($c$) returns a MatchResult object, $m$. If $m$.succeeded() is true, $m$ wraps a parse tree, and you can apply a semantics object to it. If $m$.failed() is true, a detailed error message will be in $m$.message and a smaller error message will be in $m$.shortMessage.

In the Astro interpreter we’re building, create the file astro.js. This file will house the program. We can get started by populating it with:

import * as ohm from "ohm-js"
import fs from "fs"
const astroGrammar = ohm.grammar(fs.readFileSync("astro.ohm"))
const match = astroGrammar.match(process.argv[2])
if (match.failed()) throw new Error(match.message)
console.log("Syntax ok")

In your terminal, invoke

$ node astro.js 'print(3 + 5.5);'

And you should see the response:

Syntax ok

Applying Semantics

Once we have a parse tree we can process it with what Ohm calls a semantics object. You can write a semantics object to do anything you want with your parse tree, which is why Ohm is awesome.

Ohm’s Superpower

In other language processing libraries, like ANTLR and Bison, semantic processing rules are embedded inside the grammar. Ohm clearly separates them. This makes it easy in Ohm to write many sets of semantic actions for a single grammar.

The thing we are going to do with these notes is write an interpreter.

A semantics object is a collection of operations and attributes. Operations and attributes are applied to each node in the parse tree. Operations and attributes are similar: operations are functions (called every time), and attributes are memoized and called with property syntax. There are default things to do when a semantics object doesn’t have operations or attributes for all the rules. There’s a lot going on, because Ohm is so powerful. So let’s just jump right in to adding an interpreter to our running example.

Here’s the complete astro.js:

import * as ohm from "ohm-js"
import fs from "fs"

const astroGrammar = ohm.grammar(fs.readFileSync("astro.ohm"))

const memory = {
  π: { type: "NUM", value: Math.PI, access: "RO" },
  sin: { type: "FUNC", value: Math.sin, paramCount: 1 },
  cos: { type: "FUNC", value: Math.cos, paramCount: 1 },
  sqrt: { type: "FUNC", value: Math.sqrt, paramCount: 1 },
  hypot: { type: "FUNC", value: Math.hypot, paramCount: 2 },

function check(condition, message, at) {
  if (!condition) throw new Error(`${at.source.getLineAndColumnMessage()}${message}`)

const evaluator = astroGrammar.createSemantics().addOperation("eval", {
  Program(statements) {
    for (const statement of statements.children) statement.eval()
  Statement_assignment(id, _eq, expression, _semicolon) {
    const entity = memory[id.sourceString]
    check(!entity || entity?.type === "NUM", "Cannot assign", id)
    check(!entity || entity?.access === "RW", `${id.sourceString} not writable`, id)
    memory[id.sourceString] = { type: "NUM", value: expression.eval(), access: "RW" }
  Statement_print(_print, expression, _semicolon) {
  Exp_binary(left, op, right) {
    const [x, y] = [left.eval(), right.eval()]
    return op.sourceString == "+" ? x + y : x - y
  Term_binary(left, op, right) {
    const [x, o, y] = [left.eval(), op.sourceString, right.eval()]
    return o == "*" ? x * y : o == "/" ? x / y : x % y
  Factor_binary(left, _op, right) {
    return left.eval() ** right.eval()
  Primary_parens(_leftParen, e, _rightParen) {
    return e.eval()
  Primary_num(num) {
    return Number(num.sourceString)
  Primary_id(id) {
    const entity = memory[id.sourceString]
    check(entity !== undefined, `${id.sourceString} not defined`, id)
    check(entity?.type === "NUM", `Expected type number`, id)
    return entity.value
  Primary_call(id, _open, exps, _close) {
    const entity = memory[id.sourceString]
    check(entity !== undefined, `${id.sourceString} not defined`, id)
    check(entity?.type === "FUNC", "Function expected", id)
    const args = exps.asIteration().children.map(e => e.eval())
    check(args.length === entity?.paramCount, "Wrong number of arguments", exps)
    return entity.value(...args)

try {
  const match = astroGrammar.match(process.argv[2])
  if (match.failed()) throw new Error(match.message)
} catch (e) {
Lots to explain here!

Running the Interpreter

Let's see the program in action:

$ node astro.js 'print(3 + 5.5);'

$ node astro.js 'x = 5;
y = 3;
print(x ** y * sqrt(100));'

$ node astro.js '
dozen = 5 + 8 - 1;
print(dozen ** 3 / sqrt(100));
print(sqrt(5.9 + hypot(π, 3.5e-8)));

$ node astro.js '
print(x - 10);
y = 100 + x;'
Error: Line 3, col 8:
  2 |  print(5);
> 3 |  print(x - 10);
  4 |  y = 100 + x;
x not defined

Note the interpreter accepts the program to interpret as a command line argument. If your Astro program were in a file (say, hello.astro) you can still run the interpreter with:

$ cat hello.astro | xargs -0 node astro.js
Exercise: Change the interpreter so that it interprets a program stored in a file whose name is given as a command line argument.

Understanding Action Dictionaries

To a grammar, you attach a semantics object. To a semantics object, you can attach operations and attributes. The main property of an operation is an object called an action dictionary. The methods of the action dictionary correspond to rules of your grammar, with the left hand side as the method name and the right hand side as the method parameters, which are parse nodes. We saw this above.

But we need practice, and more examples. Here’s a sample grammar that illustrates the important things to know:

Sample {
  S = A B* C+ D? ListOf<E, ","> f

Let’s set up a semantics object with an operation called rep:

const semantics = grammar.createSemantics().addOperation("rep", { ... })

We’ll need a method for S. It will have six parameters, each of which are parse nodes. There are three types of parse nodes: (1) rule application nodes (for phrase rules), (2) terminal nodes (for lexical rules and literal strings), and (3) iteration nodes (when *, +, and ? are used):

S(a, bs, cs, ds, es, f) {
  // a is a *rule application* node
  // bs is an *iteration node* for the (0 or more) bs
  // cs is an *iteration node* for the (1 or more) cs
  // ds is an *iteration node* for the (0 or 1) ds
  // es.asIteration() gets you the *iteration node* for the es
  // f is a *terminal* node

In the body of S:

Don’t forget to use asIteration on your ListOf (and similar) nodes.

Official Documentation

These notes you are reading now are not exhaustive, but they will get you started! There is much more to Ohm. You will need to eventually check out the documentation.

Once you’re feeling pretty good, you will find the Syntax Reference, API Reference, and Patterns and Pitfalls most useful.

Time to move to examples.

Example Grammars

Let’s see Ohm in use with a few examples of our own. (There are more in the GitHub repo for Ohm.)

We’ll be going through these line by line, discussing not only Ohm specifics, but also a bit about language design in general and the intended meaning of each syntactic construct.


Bella is one of the example languages for this class. Here is its Ohm grammar:

Bella {
  Program   = Statement+
  Statement = let id "=" Exp ";"                        -- vardec
            | function id Params "=" Exp ";"            -- fundec
            | Exp7_id "=" Exp ";"                       -- assign
            | print Exp ";"                             -- print
            | while Exp Block                           -- while
  Params    = "(" ListOf<id, ","> ")"
  Block     = "{" Statement* "}"

  Exp       = ("-" | "!") Exp7                          -- unary
            | Exp1 "?" Exp1 ":" Exp                     -- ternary
            | Exp1
  Exp1      = Exp1 "||" Exp2                            -- binary
            | Exp2
  Exp2      = Exp2 "&&" Exp3                            -- binary
            | Exp3
  Exp3      = Exp4 ("<="|"<"|"=="|"!="|">="|">") Exp4   -- binary
            | Exp4
  Exp4      = Exp4 ("+" | "-") Exp5                     -- binary
            | Exp5
  Exp5      = Exp5 ("*" | "/" | "%") Exp6               -- binary
            | Exp6
  Exp6      = Exp7 "**" Exp6                            -- binary
            | Exp7
  Exp7      = num
            | true
            | false
            | id "(" ListOf<Exp, ","> ")"               -- call
            | id                                        -- id
            | "(" Exp ")"                               -- parens

  let       = "let" ~idchar
  function  = "function" ~idchar
  while     = "while" ~idchar
  true      = "true" ~idchar
  false     = "false" ~idchar
  print     = "print" ~idchar
  keyword   = let | function | while | true | false
  num       = digit+ ("." digit+)? (("E" | "e") ("+" | "-")? digit+)?
  id        = ~keyword letter idchar*
  idchar    = letter | digit | "_"
  space    += "//" (~"\n" any)*                         -- comment


Carlos is another language for this class. It’s a bit more sophisticated than Bella.

Carlos {
  Program     = Statement+

  Statement   = VarDecl
              | TypeDecl
              | FunDecl
              | Exp9 ("++" | "--") ";"                        --bump
              | Exp9 "=" Exp ";"                              --assign
              | Exp9_call ";"                                 --call
              | break ";"                                     --break
              | return Exp ";"                                --return
              | return ";"                                    --shortreturn
              | IfStmt
              | LoopStmt

  VarDecl     = (let | const) id "=" Exp ";"
  TypeDecl    = struct id "{" Field* "}"
  Field       = id ":" Type
  FunDecl     = function id Params (":" Type)? Block
  Params      = "(" ListOf<Param, ","> ")"
  Param       = id ":" Type

  Type        = Type "?"                                      --optional
              | "[" Type "]"                                  --array
              | "(" ListOf<Type, ","> ")" "->" Type           --function
              | id                                            --id

  IfStmt      = if Exp Block else Block                       --long
              | if Exp Block else IfStmt                      --elsif
              | if Exp Block                                  --short
  LoopStmt    = while Exp Block                               --while
              | repeat Exp Block                              --repeat
              | for id in Exp ("..." | "..<") Exp Block       --range
              | for id in Exp Block                           --collection
  Block       = "{" Statement* "}"

  Exp         = Exp1 "?" Exp1 ":" Exp                         --conditional
              | Exp1
  Exp1        = Exp1 "??" Exp2                                --unwrapelse
              | Exp2
  Exp2        = Exp3 ("||" Exp3)+                             --or
              | Exp3 ("&&" Exp3)+                             --and
              | Exp3
  Exp3        = Exp4 ("|" Exp4)+                              --bitor
              | Exp4 ("^" Exp4)+                              --bitxor
              | Exp4 ("&" Exp4)+                              --bitand
              | Exp4
  Exp4        = Exp5 ("<="|"<"|"=="|"!="|">="|">") Exp5       --compare
              | Exp5
  Exp5        = Exp5 ("<<" | ">>") Exp6                       --shift
              | Exp6
  Exp6        = Exp6 ("+" | "-") Exp7                         --add
              | Exp7
  Exp7        = Exp7 ("*"| "/" | "%") Exp8                    --multiply
              | Exp8
  Exp8        = Exp9 "**" Exp8                                --power
              | Exp9
              | ("#" | "-" | "!" | some | random) Exp9        --unary
  Exp9        = true ~mut
              | false ~mut
              | floatlit ~mut
              | intlit ~mut
              | no Type ~mut                                  --emptyopt
              | Exp9 ("(" | "?(") ListOf<Exp, ","> ")" ~mut   --call
              | Exp9 ("[" | "?[") Exp "]"                     --subscript
              | Exp9 ("." | "?.") id                          --member
              | stringlit ~mut
              | id                                            --id
              | Type_array "(" ")" ~mut                       --emptyarray
              | "[" NonemptyListOf<Exp, ","> "]" ~mut         --arrayexp
              | "(" Exp ")" ~mut                              --parens

  intlit      = digit+
  floatlit    = digit+ "." digit+ (("E" | "e") ("+" | "-")? digit+)?
  stringlit   = "\"" char* "\""
  char        = ~control ~"\\" ~"\"" any
              | "\\" ("n" | "t" | "\"" | "\\")                --escape
              | "\\u{" hex hex? hex? hex? hex? hex? "}"       --codepoint
  control     = "\x00".."\x1f" | "\x80".."\x9f"
  hex         = hexDigit
  mut         = ~"==" "=" | "++" | "--"

  let         = "let" ~alnum
  const       = "const" ~alnum
  struct      = "struct" ~alnum
  function    = "function" ~alnum
  if          = "if" ~alnum
  else        = "else" ~alnum
  while       = "while" ~alnum
  repeat      = "repeat" ~alnum
  for         = "for" ~alnum
  in          = "in" ~alnum
  random      = "random" ~alnum
  break       = "break" ~alnum
  return      = "return" ~alnum
  some        = "some" ~alnum
  no          = "no" ~alnum
  true        = "true" ~alnum
  false       = "false" ~alnum
  keyword     = let | const | struct | function | if | else | while | repeat
              | for | in | break | return | some | no | random | true | false
  id          = ~keyword letter alnum*

  space      += "//" (~"\n" any)*                             --comment


Dax is a made up functional language.

Dax {
  Program     = Exp
  Exp         = ("-" | "!") Primary                         --unary
              | Exp0 then Exp                               --then
              | Exp0
  Exp0        = Exp0 "|>" Exp1                              --pipe
              | Exp1
  Exp1        = Exp2 "?" Exp2 ":" Exp1                      --ternary
              | Exp2      
  Exp2        = Exp3 ("&&" Exp3)+                           --and
              | Exp3 ("||" Exp3)+                           --or
              | Exp3
  Exp3        = Exp4 relop Exp4                             --compare
              | Exp4
  Exp4        = Exp4 ("+" | "-") Term                       --addsub
              | Term
  Term        = Term ("*" | "/" | "%") Factor               --muldiv
              | Factor
  Factor      = Primary "**" Factor                         --exponent
              | Primary
  Primary     = num
              | true
              | false
              | stringlit
              | let Dec (";" Dec)* in Exp kwend             --let
              | id Primary+                                 --id_call
              | id                                          --id
              | "(" Exp ")" Primary+                        --paren_call
              | "(" Exp ")"                                 --paren
              | "[" ListOf<Exp, ","> "]"                    --array
              | "{" id "=>" Exp "}" Primary+                --lambda_call
              | "{" id "=>" Exp "}"                         --lambda
  Dec         = id "=" Exp
  relop       = "<=" | "<" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | ">"
  then        = "then" ~idchar
  let         = "let" ~idchar
  in          = "in" ~idchar
  kwend       = "end" ~idchar
  true        = "true" ~idchar
  false       = "false" ~idchar
  keyword     = then | let | in | kwend | true | false
  id          = ~keyword letter idchar*
  idchar      = letter | digit | "_"
  num         = digit+ ("." digit+)? (("E" | "e") ("+" | "-")? digit+)?
  stringlit   = "\"" char* "\""
  char        = ~control ~"\\" ~"\"" any
              | "\\" ("n" | "t" | "\"" | "\\")              --escape
              | "\\u{" hex hex? hex? hex? hex? hex? "}"     --codepoint
  control     = "\x00".."\x1f" | "\x80".."\x9f"
  hex         = hexDigit
  space      += "//" (~"\n" any)* "\n"                      -- comment

A Java-like scripting language

Here is a small scripting language that is very Java-like in appearance, with a few simplifying features: (1) there are no classes, (2) the language needs little if any type inference, and (3) the standard library is both package-less and microscopic:

TinyJava {
  Program     =  Stmt+
  Stmt        =  Dec                        -- declaration
              |  Assignment ";"             -- assignment
              |  Call ";"                   -- call
              |  break ";"                  -- break
              |  return Exp? ";"            -- return
              |  print Args ";"             -- print
              |  if Exp Block
                 (else if Exp Block)*
                 (else Block)?              -- if
              |  while Exp Block            -- while
              |  for "("
                 (Type id "=" Exp)? ";"
                 Exp? ";"
                 Assignment? ")"
                 Block                      -- for
  Assignment  =  Increment                  -- increment
              |  Var "=" Exp                -- plain
  Increment   =  incop Var                  -- prefix
              |  Var incop                  -- postfix
  Dec         =  TypeDec | VarDec | FunDec
  TypeDec     =  struct id "{"
                 (Type id ";")*
  Type        =  Type "[" "]"               -- array
              |  primtype
              |  id
  VarDec      =  Type id ("=" Exp)? ";"
  FunDec      =  (Type | void) id "(" Params ")" Block
  Params      =  (Type id ("," Type id)*)?
  Block       =  "{" Stmt* "}"
  Exp         =  NonemptyListOf<Exp1, "||">
  Exp1        =  NonemptyListOf<Exp2, "&&">
  Exp2        =  NonemptyListOf<Exp3, "|">
  Exp3        =  NonemptyListOf<Exp4, "^">
  Exp4        =  NonemptyListOf<Exp5, "&">
  Exp5        =  Exp6 (relop Exp6)?
  Exp6        =  NonemptyListOf<Exp7, shiftop>
  Exp7        =  NonemptyListOf<Exp8, addop>
  Exp8        =  NonemptyListOf<Exp9, mulop>
  Exp9        =  prefixop? Exp10
  Exp10       =  Literal
              |  Increment
              |  Var
              |  NewObject
              |  NewArray
              |  EmptyArray
              |  "(" Exp ")"                -- parens
  Literal     =  null
              |  true
              |  false
              |  floatlit
              |  intlit
              |  charlit
              |  stringlit
  Var         =  Var "[" Exp "]"            -- subscript
              |  Var "." id                 -- select
              |  Call
              |  id
  NewObject   =  new id "{" Args "}"
  NewArray    =  new Type_array "{" Args "}"
  EmptyArray  =  new Type "[" Exp "]"
  Call        =  id "(" Args ")"
  Args        =  ListOf<Exp, ",">

  boolean     = "boolean" ~idchar
  break       = "break" ~idchar
  char        = "char" ~idchar
  else        = "else" ~idchar
  false       = "false" ~idchar
  for         = "for" ~idchar
  if          = "if" ~idchar
  int         = "int" ~idchar
  length      = "length" ~idchar
  new         = "new" ~idchar
  null        = "null" ~idchar
  print       = "print" ~idchar
  real        = "real" ~idchar
  return      = "return" ~idchar
  string      = "string" ~idchar
  return      = "return" ~idchar
  struct      = "struct" ~idchar
  true        = "true" ~idchar
  void        = "void" ~idchar
  while       = "while" ~idchar

  keyword     =  boolean | if | break | else | int | for | new
              |  return | char | struct | null | while | real
              | true | string | void | false | length | print
  id          =  ~keyword letter idchar*
  idchar      =  "_" | alnum
  intlit      =  digit+
  floatlit    =  digit+ "." digit+ (("E"|"e") ("+"|"-")? digit+)?
  char        =  escape
              |  ~"\\" ~"\"" ~"'" ~"\n" any
  h           =  hexDigit
  escape      =  "\\\\" | "\\\"" | "\\'" | "\\n" | "\\t" | hexseq
  hexseq      =  "\\" h h? h? h? h? h? h? h? ";"
  charlit     =  "'" (char | "\"") "'"
  stringlit   =  "\"" (char | "\'")* "\""
  addop       =  "+" | "-"
  relop       =  "<=" | "<" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | ">"
  shiftop     =  "<<" | ">>"
  mulop       =  "*" | "/" | "%"
  prefixop    =  ~"--" "-" | "!" | "~" | char | int | string | length
  incop       =  "++" | "--"
  primtype    =  boolean | char | int | real | string

  space      :=  "\x20" | "\x09" | "\x0A" | "\x0D" | comment
  comment     =  "//" (~"\n" any)*
Exercise: Explain every line of this grammar. Note those things you find unconventional.


Yes, there is a full ECMAScript grammar in Ohm out there.


Brainfuck has a pretty trivial grammar. There are eight one-character instructions, and every other character is ignored.

Brainfuck {
  Program     = instruction+
  instruction = "[" instruction* "]"                 -- loop
              | "," | "." | "+" | "-" | "<" | ">"
  space       = ~instruction any
Exercise: Later, after learning about semantics objects in Ohm, write a semantics for this grammar to create a compiler that translates Brainfuck into C. See the Wikipedia article for hints.

Example Applications

Ohm can do so much more—so much more—than just generate ASTs. You can do just about anything in the semantics (parsing functions). Here are a few case studies:

Infix to Postfix Conversion

Here is a language of infix arithmetic expressions over numbers and identifiers. From lowest to highest the precedences are: (1) the left-associative additive operators, (2) left-associative multiplicative operators, (3) the prefix unary negation operator, (4) right-associative the exponentiation operator.

import * as ohm from 'ohm-js'

const grammar = ohm.grammar(`Infix {
  Program = Exp
  Exp     = Exp ("+" | "-") Term     --binary
          | Term
  Term    = Term ("*" | "/") Factor  --binary
          | Factor
  Factor  = "-" Factor               --negate
          | Primary "**" Factor      --binary
          | Primary
  Primary = "(" Exp ")"              --parens
          | digit+                   --number
          | letter alnum*            --identifier

const semantics = grammar.createSemantics().addOperation('post', {
  Program(body) {
    return body.post()
  Exp_binary(left, op, right) {
    return `${left.post()} ${right.post()} ${op.sourceString}`
  Term_binary(left, op, right) {
    return `${left.post()} ${right.post()} ${op.sourceString}`
  Factor_binary(left, op, right) {
    return `${left.post()} ${right.post()} ${op.sourceString}`
  Factor_negate(_op, operand) {
    return `${operand.post()} ~`
  Primary_parens(_open, expression, _close) {
    return expression.post()
  Primary_number(_chars) {
    return this.sourceString
  Primary_identifier(_first, _rest) {
    return this.sourceString

export function toPostfix(infix) {
  let match = grammar.match(infix)
  if (!match.succeeded()) {
    throw new Error(match.message)
  return semantics(match).post()

Unit tests:

import assert from 'assert/strict'
import { toPostfix } from '../infix-to-postfix.mjs'

describe('When converting infix to postfix', () => {
  it('works', () => {
    assert.equal(toPostfix('1 + 2'), '1 2 +')
    assert.equal(toPostfix('1 + 2 - 3'), '1 2 + 3 -')
    assert.equal(toPostfix('1 ** 2 ** 3'), '1 2 3 ** **')
    assert.equal(toPostfix('-1 ** 2 ** 3'), '1 2 3 ** ** ~')
Exercise: Write a command line application that does the infix to postfix conversion, using the module above.

Evaluating and Differentiating Polynomials 😍

This fun script illustrates multiple semantics for the same grammar.

import * as ohm from 'ohm-js'

const grammar = ohm.grammar(`Polynomial {
    = Poly "+" term               -- add
    | Poly "-" term               -- subtract
    | "-" Poly                    -- negate
    | term
    = coefficient "x^" exponent   -- coeff_var_exp
    | coefficient "x"             -- coeff_var
    | coefficient                 -- coeff
    | "x^" exponent               -- var_exp
    | "x"                         -- var
    = digit+ ("." digit+)?
    = "-"? digit+

/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const semantics = grammar
  .addOperation('deriv', {
    Poly_add(p, op, t) {
      return `${p.deriv()}+${t.deriv()}`
    Poly_subtract(p, op, t) {
      return `${p.deriv()}-${t.deriv()}`
    Poly_negate(_, p) {
      return `-${p.deriv()}`
    term_coeff_var_exp(c, _, e) {
      return `${e.value * c.value}x^${e.value - 1}`
    term_coeff_var(c, _) {
      return `${c.value}`
    term_coeff(c) {
      return '0'
    term_var_exp(_, e) {
      return `${e.value}x^${e.value - 1}`
    term_var(_) {
      return '1'
  .addOperation('eval', {
    Poly_add(p, op, t) {
      return x => p.eval()(x) + t.eval()(x)
    Poly_subtract(p, op, t) {
      return x => p.eval()(x) - t.eval()(x)
    Poly_negate(_, p) {
      return x => -p.eval()(x)
    term_coeff_var_exp(c, _, e) {
      return x => c.value * x ** e.value
    term_coeff_var(c, _) {
      return x => c.value * x
    term_coeff(c) {
      return x => c.value
    term_var_exp(_, e) {
      return x => x ** e.value
    term_var(_) {
      return x => x
  .addAttribute('value', {
    coefficient(whole, dot, fraction) {
      return +this.sourceString
    exponent(sign, magnitude) {
      return +this.sourceString

export function derivative(poly) {
  const match = grammar.match(poly)
  if (!match.succeeded()) {
    throw new Error(match.message)
  return semantics(match).deriv()
    .replace(/\-\-/g, '+')
    .replace(/\+\-/g, '-')
    .replace(/^\+/, '')
    .replace(/\+0(?!\d)/, '')
    .replace(/\^1(?!\d)$/, '')

export function evaluate(poly, x) {
  const match = grammar.match(poly)
  if (!match.succeeded()) {
    throw new Error(match.message)
  return semantics(match).eval()(x)

With unit tests even!

import assert from 'assert/strict'
import { derivative, evaluate } from '../polynomial.mjs'

describe('The differentiator', () => {
  it('detects malformed polynomials', () => {
    assert.throws(() => derivative('2y'))
    assert.throws(() => derivative('blah'))
    assert.throws(() => derivative('2x*6'))
  it('correctly differentiates single-term polynomials', () => {
    assert.equal(derivative('4'), '0')
    assert.equal(derivative('2238'), '0')
    assert.equal(derivative('x'), '1')
    assert.equal(derivative('4x'), '4')
    assert.equal(derivative('x^5'), '5x^4')
    assert.equal(derivative('2x^-4'), '-8x^-5')
  it('correctly differentiates multi-term polynomials', () => {
    assert.equal(derivative('-4'), '-0')
    assert.equal(derivative('-2238'), '-0')
    assert.equal(derivative('-x'), '-1')
    assert.equal(derivative('-x^5'), '-5x^4')
    assert.equal(derivative('-x^-5'), '+5x^-6')
    assert.equal(derivative('2x^-4    + 7x^2'), '-8x^-5+14x^1')
    assert.equal(derivative('   2x^-4- 7x^20'), '-8x^-5-140x^19')
    assert.equal(derivative('2x^-4       +7x^-2'), '-8x^-5-14x^-3')

describe('The evaluator', () => {
  it('detects malformed polynomials', () => {
    assert.throws(() => evaluate('2y'))
    assert.throws(() => evaluate('blah'))
    assert.throws(() => evaluate('2x*6'))
  it('correctly evaluates single-term polynomials', () => {
    assert.equal(evaluate('4', 5), 4)
    assert.equal(evaluate('2238', 19), 2238)
    assert.equal(evaluate('x', 3), 3)
    assert.equal(evaluate('4x', 10), 40)
    assert.equal(evaluate('x^5', 2), 32)
    assert.equal(evaluate('32x^-4', 2), 2)
  it('correctly evaluates complex polynomials', () => {
    assert.equal(evaluate('-4', 8), -4)
    assert.equal(evaluate('-2238', 11), -2238)
    assert.equal(evaluate('-x', 5), -5)
    assert.equal(evaluate('-x^5', 3), -243)
    assert.equal(evaluate('-x^-3', 2), -0.125)
    assert.equal(evaluate('2x^8    + 7x^2', 2), 540)
    assert.equal(evaluate('   2x^3- 7x^1', 4), 100)
    assert.equal(evaluate('2x^3       +7x^1', 4), 156)

More Examples

The Ohm repository on GitHub has a nice list of Examples.

Recall Practice

Here are some questions useful for your spaced repetition learning. Many of the answers are not found on this page. Some will have popped up in lecture. Others will require you to do your own research.

  1. What can you do with Ohm?
    (1) Define the syntax and semantics of a language, and (2) easily write parsers, interpreters, compilers, and more.
  2. Why is the Ohm Editor useful?
    It allows for an interactive programming language design by providing immediate feedback as you author the grammar.
  3. What is the difference between x and "x" in Ohm?
    x is a rule, "x" is a literal.
  4. What is the difference between lexical and syntax rules in Ohm?
    Lexical rules are for tokens, syntax rules are for phrases that are allowed to implicitly have spaces between components.
  5. What does the parsing expression e1 | e2 mean?
    Try to match e1, and if that fails, try to match e2.
  6. What does the parsing expression e* mean?
    Match e zero or more times.
  7. What does the parsing expression e+ mean?
    Match e one or more times.
  8. What does the parsing expression e? mean?
    Match e zero or one times.
  9. What does the parsing expression &e mean?
    Match e without consuming it (positive lookahead).
  10. What does the parsing expression ~e mean?
    Succeed if e doesn’t match, without consuming anything (negative lookahead).
  11. What is the built-in rule that matches the end of the input in Ohm?
  12. How do you represent “any character except a newline” in Ohm?
    ~"\n" any
  13. Why does Ohm require each branch of an alternation to have the same arity?
    So that parsing actions can take a fixed number of parameters.
  14. What cool shorthand does Ohm allow so that you don’t have to explicitly created separate related rules to make sure arity restrictions are followed?
    You can use --label at the end of alternatives.
  15. How does the match method on an Ohm grammar object work?
    It returns a MatchResult object that wraps a parse tree if the match succeeded.
  16. What are the main methods and properties of an Ohm MatchResult?
    succeeded(), failed(), message, shortMessage.
  17. How do you obtain a semantics object for a grammar $g$ in Ohm?
  18. What is the difference between operations and attributes in an Ohm semantics object?
    Operations are functions that are called every time, attributes are memoized and called with property syntax.
  19. What are the three kinds of parse nodes in Ohm?
    Rule application nodes, iteration nodes, terminal nodes.
  20. If you call an action method on a terminal node, but there is no associated method in the action dictionary, what happens?
    The special method _terminal is called, which by default returns this.sourceString.
  21. If you call an action method on an iteration node, but there is no associated method in the action dictionary, what happens?
    You will get an error, unless you have properly defined an _iter method in the dictionary.
  22. Is it a best practice to fall back to the _iter method?
    No, it is better to write myNode.children.map(c => c.rep()) directly each time you have to process an iteration node.


We’ve covered:

  • A good deal about Ohm
  • Where to find Ohm’s documentation
  • Example Ohm Grammars
  • Examples of semantic processing in Ohm