Known Vulnerabilities

It’s dangerous out there. Stay informed.

Why Study Known Vulnerabilities?

It’s good to make big-picture, generic categorizations, say, of:

Types of
Types of
  • Misconfiguration
  • Weak credentials
  • Lack of encryption
  • Lack of authentication
  • Lack of authorization
  • Insufficient monitoring
  • Insufficient validation
  • Insufficient bounds checking
  • Malicious insiders (!!!!!)
  • Code Injection Attacks
  • Man-in-the-middle (MitM) Attacks
  • Denial of Service (DOS) Attacks
  • Malware Installation
  • Phishing
  • Credential Theft
  • Information Theft
  • Enumeration Attack

But we need specifics, too! Knowledge of real vulnerabilities and exploits that have actually happened, those that have been in the news, and those that have well-known names is an important part of the discipline of software security. We need to understand history to know what people are doing, what they are trying, what is possible, and how the experts have reacted. Examples of specific attacks include:

Knowing the technical details of how these work help you create software that can prevent or defend against these attacks.

Exercise: Distinguish the following types of malware: spyware, viruses, trojan horses, ransomware.
Exercise: Injection is common because executable code happens in some surprising places, not just JavaScript or SQL. Research how executable code can be found in XML, Adobe Photoshop, and even JPEG images (hint: look up EXIF). Where else can you find interpretable code subject to injection attacks?

Terminology Review

These terms will be important in our discussion:

A shortcoming (e.g., poor design, substandard software implementation, sloppy deployment) in a system that could become a vulnerability.
A characteristic rendering an asset or assets open to exploitation.
The attack itself, or the payload used in the attack, resulting in a breach of confidentiality, integrity, or availability.

Interested in a comprehensive glossary? The NICCS has one. NIST has a smaller one.

Exercise: Browse these glossaries! Wielding language well is part of developing expertise in a subject area.
Weakness vs. Vulnerability

In practice, these terms are not too distinct. In the context of the famous CWE and CVE, they are slightly distinguished.

The CWE and the CVE

People learn from mistakes. So if weaknesses and vulnerabilities could be recorded and cataloged in a central, well-known location, we could all learn so much. Indeed, such catalogs do exist. We have (with descriptions quoted from the sites themselves):

The CWE™ “is a community-developed list of software and hardware weakness types. It serves as a common language, a measuring stick for security tools, and as a baseline for weakness identification, mitigation, and prevention efforts.” (See the FAQ)
“The mission of the CVE® Program is to identify, define, and catalog publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities.”

What are the main differences?

Common Weakness EnumerationCommon Vulnerabilities and Exposures
List of weakness typesCatalog of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities
~1000 entries100,000+ entries
Detailed descriptionsBrief descriptions
GeneralUsually product-specific

Common Weakness Enumeration


The CWE lists types of weaknesses, and covers both hardware and software. The list is contributed to by a large community. Each weakness gets a CWE number, and can appear in multiple views. Each entry has a pretty detailed description.

The list page is a great place to start

Definitely click on the TOP 25 link. Every year the Top 25 shift a bit; it’s fun to see the changes in this list over time. In the year 2020, the top 25 were (scores included):

1CWE‑79Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (Cross-site Scripting, XSS)46.82
2CWE‑787Out-of-bounds Write46.17
3CWE‑20Improper Input Validation33.47
4CWE‑125Out-of-bounds Read26.50
5CWE‑119Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer23.73
6CWE‑89Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command (SQL Injection)20.69
7CWE‑200Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor19.16
8CWE‑416Use After Free18.87
9CWE‑352Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)17.29
10CWE‑78Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command (OS Command Injection)16.44
11CWE‑190Integer Overflow or Wraparound15.81
12CWE‑22Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory (Path Traversal)13.67
13CWE‑476NULL Pointer Dereference8.35
14CWE‑287Improper Authentication8.17
15CWE‑434Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type7.38
16CWE‑732Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource6.95
17CWE‑94Improper Control of Generation of Code (Code Injection)6.53
18CWE‑522Insufficiently Protected Credentials5.49
19CWE‑611Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference5.33
20CWE‑798Use of Hard-coded Credentials5.19
21CWE‑502Deserialization of Untrusted Data4.93
22CWE‑269Improper Privilege Management4.87
23CWE‑400Uncontrolled Resource Consumption4.14
24CWE‑306Missing Authentication for Critical Function3.85
25CWE‑862Missing Authorization3.77

One nice thing about the CWE folks: they cross-reference many of their entries with other lists, such as rules from the CERT standards and lists from OWASP. We’re all in this together, right?

We’re going to browse the CWE

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures


The CVE is a list of publicly disclosed flaws. Each entry is pretty brief. (Interested in a brief overview of the CVE iteslf? RedHat has one).

There are over 100,000 entries here, so you don’t just download the whole list. It’s more useful to just do a search.

We’re going to browse the CVE®
Exercise: Search the list and see how many vulnerabilities you can find in some of your favorite applictions.



The Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. The OWASP Foundation provides resources, training, events, and more. One of their best known projects is the OWASP Top Ten. This “standard awareness document for developers and web application security” provides for each entry attack vectors, descriptions of the weakness, impacts, how to tell if software is vulnerable, how to prevent it, example attack scenarios, and references.The document is considered by many to be required reading for anyone producing web applications.


So what are the top 10?

We’ll be browsing the Top 10, of course.
This Top 10 List is Famous

But don’t think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

OWASP Proactive Controls

There are a number of other resources from OWASP besides the famous Top 10. You may be interested in this other Top 10 List, the OWASP Top Ten Proactive Controls, which are:

OWASP Cheatsheets

OWASP also has dozens and dozens of cheatsheets from its remarkable OWASP Cheat Sheet Series, each of which provides a wonderful introduction and description and useful details about security issues. Ones should get to know include: Injection Prevention, Authentication, Authorization, Key Management, User Privacy Protection, Input Validation. Actually, they’re all good.

Exercise: Skim each of the cheatsheets. They are so good, right?

Some Classics

We’ll do a few classics in class. For more, visit the lessons at Hacksplaining.


Cross-site scripting (XSS) ranks #1 on the CWE. It’s basically an injection attack in which you blindly take user input and render it straight into your HTML page (e.g., Q & A, forums, comments, tweets). If that user input contains JavaScript code, the browser is going to execute it. 😬

This one is somewhat web-specific, so we’ll deal with web servers later in the course when we do web security.

Even Google search had an XSS vulnerability once:

More at: HacksplainingAcunetixWikipediaTom ScottOWASPSoftware Testing


In a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack, the attacker tricks the victim into sending data to a server that the victim is authenticated with, but the payload is controlled by the attacker and causes unintended (and bad) things to happen, such as the user changing their password (to something the attacker might know) or to transfer money to the attacker’s account. The attack works if the user is authenticated only via a cookie or token. The attacker crafts a request with the malicious payload and gets the victim to invoke it, generally by visiting an evil site or clicking on a link or image. The malicious request has the same format as a legal form or API request that the user would normally make. There are many protections a server can employ to keep its users safe from these attacks. (Also, users should be careful what they click on.)

More at: HacksplainingAcunetixWikipediafrom Tom ScottOWASP

Session Hijacking

If an attack can sniff out or steal a cookie or authentication token, they will be able to impersonate a logged-in user. A session can be hijacked via session fixation, session predicition, XSS, malware installation, or session side jacking.

More at: WikipediaOWASPCWEAcunetix

SQL Injection

If an application composes SQL statements with string concatenation using user input, someone is going to give it a malicious string. Every programmer is probably familiar with Bobby Tables’s mom:

xkcd comic 327

What did she do? Well, it’s likely that the school’s backend accepted a student name from a form and made a query like this:


Let’s replace the variable with Bobby’s full name:


This is easy to defend against. You could sanitize but that’s not the best approach and is risky. Don’t do that, despite what the comic suggests!!!. Instead, use prepared statements with parameters. Higher-level libraries that allow programmatic access to databases have these best practices in place already and will not be vulnerable.

But don’t JUST rely on prepared statements! Defend in depth! Make sure you also:

More at: HacksplainingOWASPCWEAcunetixTom Scott

Billion Laughs

This attack can be made against machines that will accept an XML document and parse it without sanitization, because XML allows entity definitions which expand. Any entity expansion big enough qualifies as an XML Bomb. The original “Billion laughs” has a payload which expands into a billion lols:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE lolz [
 <!ENTITY lol "lol">
 <!ELEMENT lolz (#PCDATA)>
 <!ENTITY lol1 "&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;&lol;">
 <!ENTITY lol2 "&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;&lol1;">
 <!ENTITY lol3 "&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;&lol2;">
 <!ENTITY lol4 "&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;&lol3;">
 <!ENTITY lol5 "&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;&lol4;">
 <!ENTITY lol6 "&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;&lol5;">
 <!ENTITY lol7 "&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;&lol6;">
 <!ENTITY lol8 "&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;&lol7;">
 <!ENTITY lol9 "&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;&lol8;">

More at: WikipediaOWASPCWE

Stack Smashing

Also known as a stack buffer overflow attack, this occurs when a poorly coded function allocates a buffer (e.g., an array) as a local variable in the run-time stack and allows it to be filled with user input that it does not length-check. The attacker can writing a specially crafted string into this array in such a way that the function “returns” to a block of memory containing malicious machine code set by the attacker.

More at: WikipediaHacksplainingCWEThe classic 1996 paper by Aleph One

Format String Attack

Source code using any printf-like function that allows user input for the format string and a variable number of arguments is vulnerable to a well-crafted input string that can read and write memory.

Examples and more at: WikipediaOWASPCWEA comprehensive paperAnother paperAn Introduction

Resource Enumeration

Any time identifiers are generated sequentially with, say, an integer id, and these identifiers are visible, an attacker can figure out user ids, gift card ids, video conferencing ids, shipment ids, etc.

On sites where usernames are not expected to be public, knowledge of a username could aid an attacker. How do you prevent or defend?

More at: HacksplainingDev.ToDevelopSec

A Short Guide to Some Attacks

No details or links here, but you might find this summary useful.

Phishing Attacker tricks the victim into doing something bad, like sending money to the attacker or clicking on a malware-installing link Not falling for the scam by being vigilant, careful, examining links, examining email headers
Eavesdropping Attacker listens in on a communication End-to-end encryption of the communication channel
Stack Buffer Overflow (Smashing) Writing a specially crafted string into an non-bounds-checked buffer on the stack in such a way that a function “returns” to a block of memory containing malicious machine code set by the attacker Non-executable stack segments, stack canaries, not using vulnerable functions like strcpy, bounds checking
SQL Injection Inject and execute a SQL query of the attacker’s choice Use a query library, or prepared statements with bound parameters, NEVER compose raw SQL with string concatenation
XSS Inject executable JavaScript into a web document Input validation, performed server-side
CSRF Attacker tricks the user into submitting data of the attacker’s choice to a site that the user is authenticated with CSRF Tokens
IP Spoofing Attacker replaces the IP source address of packets with another one
Replay Attack Attacker saves intercepted messages then resends them (can cause purchases to be remade or extra posts to be created) Nonces
Ping of Death Attacker sends huge numbers of super large IP packets which need to be fragmented Firewall checks for large packet fragments
Brute-Force Password Attack Attacker guesses all possible passwords Require long passwords (>= 12 characters), disallow the top 1000, use slow hash function
Dictionary Attack Attacker guesses all possible likely and common passwords (esp. those from successful breaches published or sold online) Require long passwords (>= 12 characters), disallow the top 1000, use slow hash function
Rainbow Table Attack Attacker tries to get passwords from hashes using rainbow tables, an efficient way to use precomputed hashes Salt the hashes
Birthday Attack Replace a message in transit with one that has the same hash (message digest) More sophisticated hash algorithms
User Enumeration Attacker can determine a bunch of legal user ids (or similar resource ids) Do not use sequential ids, use UUIDs or secure random strings instead

For more detail, see this article.


We’ve covered:

  • Why study vulnerabilities
  • Catalogs
  • CWE
  • CVE
  • Classic exploits
  • A Handy Guide