Network Address Translation

We didn’t really run out of IPv4 addresses, right?

Unit Goals

To appreciate the coolness of NAT and understand how it works.

Why NAT?

There aren’t enough IPv4 addresses to go around.

NAT, or network address translation, also known as “transparent proxying” or “IP Address Overloading” or “IP Masquerading” is a way to keep IPv4 alive. Or to at least hide your real IP address.

Let’s learn by example, assuming the normal use case of a private IP network.

How NAT Works, By Example

Here’s a typical scenario:


Suppose a host on this private network,, from an application on port 9266, wants to send a TCP packet to on port 8053.

It creates and sends off a TCP packet to the NAT box like this:

Source Port9266
Dest Port8053

Source IP192.168.1.5
Dest IP207.44.189.183
Note the trickery!

The host is sending a TCP segment to a host on its own network such that the destination in the TCP segment differs from the destination in the IP datagram that wraps the TCP segment. It’s all good. But pretty cool, right?

The NAT box maintains a mapping of (its own) port numbers to (IP, Port) pairs. So, on receiving the above segment, it makes a new entry in its table. Let’s say the next free slot in the table was at 7969. It makes an entry like so:

7966192.168.18.33, 2409
7967192.168.3.150, 1511
7968192.168.11.101, 8080
7969192.168.1.5, 9266

Then the NAT rewrites the TCP segment into:

Source Port7969
Dest Port8053

Source IP24.1.0.77
Dest IP207.44.189.183

and sends it on its way.

The remote machine sees the segment as coming from the NAT box, at port 7969. Therefore, when it replies, it sends a segment like:

Dest Port7969

Source IP207.44.189.183
Dest IP24.1.0.77

The NAT recognizes this segment as coming from the outside addressed to port 7969. So it does a lookup in the translation table and rewrites the segment to:

Dest Port9266

Source IP207.44.189.183
Dest IP192.168.1.5

and sends it to the right host on its own network.


We’ve covered:

  • Why we need NAT
  • How NAT works