Simple Static Web Apps

Learning to make web apps starts simply, in the browser. Let’s get started making our very first web apps.

Static Web Apps

A static web app is a web app that in which all of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are completely written ahead of time, never generated by a server.

A First Example

We will start simply, but not too simply. Too simply would be making a file consisting exclusively of the text Hello, World and opening that in a browser. No one would care too much about that. Instead, we will make a useful application.


Starting with CodeSandbox or any other development environment (The p5js Web Editor, Replit, Glitch, etc.), build your index.html like so (you might have extra items in the head, depending on how your editor primes your workspace—it’s all good):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <h1>Distance Converter</h1>
      <input id="in"> in =
      <output id="cm">?</output> cm
    <script src="sketch.js"></script>

An HTML file only states what elements should appear in your document. The head contains information about the document; the body contains what you see—in this case a level-one heading (h1) and a paragraph (p) containing a text input box (input), some text, and an output element. Elements are built from tags. There is almost always a start tag and usually an end tag. An element can also have attributes, which must appear in the start tag, and content, which appears between the tags. The HTML file does not define how the elements look nor how they behave. HTML is pure structure. The link and script elements connect your document to the CSS and JavaScript files that define the look and behavior: create empty files for these if your development environment did not already create them.

The elements of the document form a tree:


The tree that structures the elements is called the DOM. DOM is short for Document Object Model. That’s because what browsers show you is a document, and the document is made up of objects (well, elements really, but the name “object” stuck), and the HTML provides a structure, or model, or how the objects fit together.

Interested in Computer Science?

If so, you should get used to trees. They are ubiquitous in all areas of computer science.


HTML defines only the structure of an app; CSS defines its presentation, sometimes called the look-and-feel. What do we mean by presentation? Lots of things:

Our code-along will only show simple styles for now; we will end up with this:

body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  background-color: skyblue;
h1 {
  background-color: blue;
  color: white;
  margin-top: 0;
  padding: 20px;
  font-family: cursive;
p {
  margin-left: 20px;

This stylesheet has three style rules. A style rule has a selector and a property list. The property list is a list of property-value pairs.

The JavaScript

We’ve see that HTML is for structure and CSS is for presentation. JavaScript is for behavior. JavaScript is a popular, powerful programming language that can be used pretty much anywhere. It’s superpower is that it was designed to facilitate the construction of asynchronous, interactive, event-driven software. Hey, perfect for webapps! For example, in a web browser, programs mainly just look like this:

When event X occurs, perform action Y.

In our simple distance-converter app, we want to say:

When anything is input in our text box, update the output element with the new computed value.

Here’s the JavaScript code we will build and explain in the code-along:

const inchesInput = document.querySelector("#in")
const cmOutput = document.querySelector("#cm")

inchesInput.addEventListener("input", report)

function report() {
  const inches = inchesInput.value
  const centimeters = inches * 2.54
  if (isNaN(centimeters)) {
    cmOutput.textContent = "?"
  } else {
    cmOutput.textContent = centimeters
File names

The actual file names for the CSS and JS files don’t matter too much. Many development environments pre-create these files and give them names like the ones we used here, namely style.css and sketch.js. Feel free to rename them and give them more meaningful names, perhaps bmi.css and bmi.js.

Worth restating:


The content, or structure. The DOM. Elements and Attributes.


The presentation, or look-and-feel. Rules and Properties.


The behavior, or interaction. Can dynamically change the DOM and the styles.

Exercise: Memorize the three main roles of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It shouldn’t be too hard, since you already participated in a code-along and have already created your own web app!

A Slightly More Complex App

Our next code-along will be a little fancier. We’ll have two input boxes. 😮

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>BMI Calculator</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="bmi.css">
    <script src="bmi.js" defer></script>
    <h1>BMI Calculator</h1>
    <p>Weight in pounds <input id="weight"></p>
    <p>Height in inches <input id="height"></p>
    <p>The BMI is <output id="bmi"></output></p>
Exercise: Study the relationship between the written HTML and the picture below. See if you can reconstruct the drawing from the HTML code (without peeking, of course).


The JavaScript program has three main parts:

  1. Get HTML elements into JavaScript variables by calling document.querySelector with a selector expression.
  2. Attach event listeners to certain elements, so that when an event happens on an element, a particular function is called.
  3. Implement the functions to handle the events, generally by updating properties on elements (which will automatically make the browser update its display).
const KILOGRAMS_PER_POUND = 0.453592
const METERS_PER_INCH = 0.0254

const heightBox = document.querySelector("#height")
const weightBox = document.querySelector("#weight")
const bmiOutput = document.querySelector("#bmi")

heightBox.addEventListener("input", updateBMI)
weightBox.addEventListener("input", updateBMI)

function updateBMI() {
  const pounds = Number(weightBox.value)
  const inches = Number(heightBox.value)
  const kilograms = pounds * KILOGRAMS_PER_POUND
  const meters = inches * METERS_PER_INCH
  const bmi = kilograms / (meters * meters)
  bmiOutput.textContent = bmi.toFixed(2)

This code along is great opportunity to learn about some technical aspects of JavaScript and programming!

In groups of 2-4, extend this BMI application with some enhanced styling (try a background image, some borders, better colors, different fonts, and so on). In the HTML file, try type="number" as an attribute for both of the input elements. See if you can line up the text entry boxes (we haven’t covered this in class, so ask around or search the web, surely CSS has something that might help).
Exercise: Recall the three main sections of the JavaScript program.

More HTML Elements

So far we’ve seen: html, head, title, meta, link, body, h1, p, input, output, script.

We’ll be covering HTML more thoroughly later, but for now, here are some elements to try out (research required, of course):

Exercise: Find the different type of input elements and try them out. A few to get started: text, number, range, date, color, email, url, tel, password, checkbox, radio, file.


So, you’ve built a beautiful, complex DOM for your web app. You have hundreds of elements, beautifully nested in a way that perfectly describes your content in a meaningful way.

Now you need to identify elements, or specific groups of elements, so that you can style them (with CSS) or interact with them (with JavaScript). There are lots and lots of ways to make selectors. In the examples above we saw these selectors:

Here is a complete list.

Wait, How about learning selectors the fun way? Play CSS Diner.

Exercise: Seriously, play CSS Diner. Complete every level!

Fancier Styling

So far we’ve seen: margin, padding, border, color, background-color, and font-family.

It seems fitting to take a sneak peak at some of the things you can do with CSS before moving on.

Colors, Shadows, Alignment, and Transforms

Our next code-along will show a message on a rainbow background with some crazy font decorations and rotation. Think of this as a base for exploring CSS, not as a recommended way to style up text in a “real” webapp.

body {
  background-color: #cccccc;
  margin: 0
section {
  margin: 10px;
  border: 8px dashed linen;
  font: bold italic 50px Avenir, Helvetica;
  color: white;
  text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;
  text-align: center;
  background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple);
  padding: 30px;
  transform: rotate(-5deg);

Speaking of being creative, go ahead and experiment with styles and text. There are several places on the web with tutorials and references for CSS; More complete coverage of CSS will come later in the course.
Styling and Accessibility

Be careful with styling. There are a number of things you need to be aware of, such as not using color to carry meaning (some users may have degrees of color-blindness) and don’t use pictures for text (as some visually-impaired users may require screen readers). Styling can be overdone and detract from your message. However, styling can enhance usability and the user experience, so by all means learn and practice how to style well.

Grid Layout

When you first learn CSS, you start with colors, fonts, borders, padding, margins, shadows, and simple text alignment (left, center, right). Maybe you do transforms (translate, scale, rotate) early.

But a huge part of CSS is known as layout. CSS offers two layout schemes: grid and flex. Grid gives you the ability to section up your page like so:

How exactly does it work? There are a zillion options. Here are some tutorials:

Exercise: Play CSS Grid Garden.
Exercise: If you are viewing these notes on the web, use your browser’s inspector to see how the grid is set up.

One of the main uses for grid is to layout a site with a header, footer, navigation panel, and main content area. Sometimes you will want your app to take up the entire browser viewport and anchor the header and footer to the top and bottom of the viewport, and allow the content inside to scroll.

Flex Layout

While grid is generally used for big-picture layout, Flex (aka “Flexbox”) is more about laying out a bunch of items in a row, or maybe in a column, and maybe they “wrap”. To get started, you’ll want to understand three things:

We’ll study them in class using this little widget that you can explore with:

Of course there is a great deal more to flex! Check out:

Exercise: Play Flexbox Froggy.
Exercise: Play Flexbox Defense.


CSS properties can be transitioned from one value to another over time. The simplest example is probably to start the transition on hover:

p {
  text-align: center;
  transition: scale 3s;
p:hover {
  scale: 5;

There are four parts to a transition:

You normally write them all together with the transition property. Example:

transition: width 2.5s ease 0.5s
We will practice with more transitions, for now, all using hover.

Transitions, like all other CSS properties, can be affected with JavaScript. In the JavaScript section below, there is an example of starting transitions with various events.

Here are some good tutorials and guides for transitions:

Fancier JavaScript

In a web app, JavaScript gives you interactivity:

So far we’ve only seen getting (1) listening for text box actions via the input event, (2) reading the content of a text box with .value and (3) updating the content of an output element with .textContent. Let’s do more!

Code-Along Time! We'll make an app that progresses like so:
  1. Draw a ball where the mouse is clicked.
  2. Transition the ball to move, in an animated fashion, to where the mouse is clicked
  3. Have the ball follow the mouse, with the mousemove event.

Along the way we will learn about string interpolation and perhaps other cool JavaScript features.

Exercise: Events for you to research: mouseover, mouseout, mousedown, mouseup, focus.

The final result:

Bringing It All Together

It’s crucial to remember:


The content, or structure. The DOM. Elements and Attributes.


The presentation, or look-and-feel. Rules and Properties.


The behavior, or interaction. Can dynamically change the DOM and the styles.

Here are the essential elements, CSS properties, and JavaScript events we’ve covered so far. How many do you recall?

  • html
  • head
  • meta
  • title
  • link
  • script
  • body
  • h1
  • p
  • input
  • output
  • header
  • footer
  • section
  • div
  • margin
  • padding
  • border
  • color
  • background-color
  • background-image
  • font-family
  • font
  • text-align
  • text-shadow
  • display
  • transform
  • querySelector
  • addEventListener

  • textContent
  • style
  • value

  • click
  • input
  • mousemove
Events are one of JavaScript’s signature capabilities

JavaScript is known for being all about events. The set of events a JavaScript program can listen for and respond to is set by the environment (browser, mobile device, server, etc.) and programmers can create their own events, too. Here are some events you may encounter:

  • input, when the text inside an element changes (by typing, cutting, pasting, etc.)
  • keydown, when a key has been pressed down
  • mouseenter, when the mouse cursor has been moved into the bounding box of the element
  • open, when a web socket connection has been established
  • touchend, when a touchpoint has been removed from a touch surface
There are hundreds more.

Learning More

These notes have just barely introduced you to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, covering far less than 1% of what is out there. You’re just getting started. Where can you learn more?

HTML Resources

CSS Resources

JavaScript Resources

Recall Practice

Here are some questions useful for your spaced repetition learning. Many of the answers are not found on this page. Some will have popped up in lecture. Others will require you to do your own research.

  1. What is a static web app?
    A web app in which all of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are completely written ahead of time, never generated by a server.
  2. What does the HTML document contain?
    Elements. (Technically you can also have a document type definition and comments, but mainly the important thing is the elements.)
  3. What are elements made of in HTML?
    Tags, attributes, and content.
  4. Where are the attributes specified in an HTML element?
    In the start tag.
  5. What is the tree of elements called?
    The DOM, or Document Object Model.
  6. What is CSS for?
    Presentation, or look-and-feel.
  7. What are some of the things CSS helps you present? Name at least five.
    Text and Fonts, Layout, Position, Alignment, Border, Margins, Padding, Colors, Backgrounds, Image Processing, Scrolling and Overflow, Paging, Masking, Transformations, Transitions, Audio and Speech.
  8. What are style sheets made of?
  9. What are CSS style rules made of?
    Selectors and Property lists.
  10. How do you specify a CSS that says that all h1 elements should be rendered in Arial and green?
    h1 {font-family: Arial; color: green}
  11. HTML is for content, CSS for presentation, and JavaScript for what?
    Behavior, or interaction.
  12. What is the basic idea behind event-driven programming, as you see in JavaScript for the web?
    When event X occurs, perform action Y.
  13. How do we get an HTML elements into a JavaScript variable?
    Call document.querySelector with a selector expression.
  14. How do we attach an event listener to the JavaScript variable inputBox that calls the function report whenever the user types or pastes in the box?
    inputBox.addEventListener('input', report)
  15. How do you update the content of the output answer with the text "42"?
    answer.textContent = '42'
  16. What famous webapp will help you learn selectors?
    CSS Diner
  17. What are the two main CSS properties for colors?
    color and background-color
  18. What are two kinds of CSS layouts?
    Grid and Flex
  19. What is a CSS transition?
    A way to make a property change its value over time.
  20. How do you make a ball shape using HTML and CSS?
    Use a div element with a border-radius of 50%.
  21. How do you set the position of a div at the coordinates at which the mouse is clicked?
    Listen for the click event and in the event handler, set its style to position: absolute, and set its top and left properties to the event’s offsetX and offsetY properties.


We’ve covered:

  • The relationship between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • What The DOM is
  • A few HTML elements and attributes
  • Some very basic CSS
  • JavaScript in the Browser
  • A taste of more advanced HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Where to learn more