
Of the many ways to organize data, trees are one of the most popular. Let’s start with a very abstract look at these things.


Humans deal with complexity in several ways, most notably via abstraction (suppression of details), classification (grouping, naming, tagging), and hierarchy. Here are examples of hierarchical arrangements of objects, starting with an example from geography:

North America

Here is an example showing that a book has a hierarchical structure:

Book Tree

The structure of a computer program is often tree-shaped, for example:

Java AST

File systems are a classic example of hierarchy:

  ├── Library
  │   ├── Fonts
  │   │   ├── Farisi.ttf
  │   │   ├── GillSans.ttf
  │   │   └── Sana.ttc
  │   └── Keychains
  │       └── System.keychain
  ├── Users
  │   ├── jessica
  │   │   ├── homework
  │   │   │   ├──
  │   │   │   └── hw2.txt
  │   │   └── resume.pdf
  │   └── kimiko
  │       ├── IMG0001.jpg
  │       └── IMG0002.jpg
  └── bin
      ├── date
      ├── hostname
      ├── kill
      └── sleep

And if you’ve done any web development, you’ve worked with a DOM tree:


It’s important to know that this tree, known as the DOM, or Document Object Model is exactly the data structure used in web browsers. Knowledge of this tree is absolutely essential for web programmers as front-end web development involves the styling and manipulation of the DOM. The operations to manipulate the DOM all use the language of trees.

Exercise: Have you done any screenwriting? Make a representation of your favorite script.
Spend some time making observations about these data arrangements. Here are a few to get you started: (1) There are no “cycles” among the nodes in a tree. (2) They are usually drawn upside down with the “root” at the top. (3) For some trees, the order of the “children” of a node seem significant (like in the book, expression, and HTML examples), but in other cases it does not (like in the geography and file system examples). What other observations can you make?

More Motivation

These hierarchies have an interesting “look” to them: the various objects are arranged with connectors between them in such a way that there are no cycles. This idea shows up in other places! When finding minimal connectivity in networks, we get this kind of structure:


We can also arrange items this way to make it possible to do extremely efficient search, spell checking and autocomplete.

binary search tree

ternary search tree

Looks like we are on to something here. The science in computer science gets us wondering if there is anything deeper here to study. These connected, cycle-free arrangements, remind us of trees, so that’s what we will call them. Now let’s build up a theory to get us primed to do great things.

Talking About Trees

It is good to have a vocabulary surrounding trees so we can talk about them precisely and start using them in computer programming. Let’s start with the basics.

Nodes and Edges

Here’s a tree:


And here is some vocabulary:

(a.k.a. vertex) A data element in the tree
(a.k.a. branch, or link) A connection between two distinct nodes
A collection of nodes and edges such that (1) there are no cycles, and (2) every node is reachable from every other node
Empty Tree
A tree with zero nodes
Singleton Tree
A tree with only one node
The number of nodes in the tree

For the tree above:

  • The nodes are $A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P$.
  • The size is 16.
  • It is not empty.
Exercise: Prove that the number of edges in a non-empty tree with $n$ nodes is $n-1$.


We are going to store data in trees, and so trees are a kind of data structure. And what do we do with data structures? We navigate through them. For trees, the way we navigate is through paths.

A sequence $\langle n_0\,n_1\,n_2\,\ldots\,n_k\rangle$ where $k \geq 0$ and there exists an edge connecting $n_{i-1}$ and $n_i$
The first node in the path, $n_0$
The last node in the path, $n_k$
The number of edge occurrences, $k$
Simple Path
A path in which all nodes are distinct

For the tree above, the following are paths:

  • $\langle C\,\rangle$
  • $\langle D\,\rangle$
  • $\langle C\,B\,A\,H\,E\,D\,I\,M\,O\rangle$
  • $\langle P\,K\,I\,J\,I\,D\,E\,H\,G\,H\,G\,H\,A\rangle$
  • $\langle N\,M\,O\,M\,I\,J\rangle$
  • $\langle A\,B\,C\,B\,A\,H\,E\,D\,I\,K\,P\,L\,P\rangle$

The paths have lengths 1, 1, 8, 12, 5, an 12, respectively. Only the first three are simple paths. The rest are non-simple paths.

Oriented Trees

The tree above did not look like the pictures of hierarchies that came before. All of the hierarchies had a special node at the top and all the edges seemed to grow outward from it. Ah, so there are at least two different kinds of trees:

Free Tree
A tree with no distinguished nodes and no directions on the edges
Oriented Tree
A tree with a distinguished node, called the root, and with every edge directed away from the root.

Here is an oriented tree:


If drawn with the root at the top and all edges pointing downward (as is conventional) then the arrows are redundant and often omitted. Like so:


So yeah, sometimes the only way to tell if a particular picture of a tree is representing a free or an oriented tree is by context.

Oriented trees introduce a lot more vocabulary. Here are many of the important terms.

Rather than explicit definitions, we’re going to explain the terms relative to the example oriented tree we just saw.

$A$ is the parent of $B$ and $C$ and $D$
The children of $A$ are $B$ and $C$ and $D$
$B$ and $C$ are siblings
Root node
The only node without a parent
Leaf node
A node without children
The number of children of $n$
The greatest degree of the nodes in $t$
Level(n) = if $n$ is the root then 0 else 1 + Level(Parent($n$))
Same as Level($n$)
Maximum length over all paths from $n$ to a leaf
The height of $t$’s root node
The size of its largest level of $t$
Ancestors(n) = if $n$ is the root then $\varnothing$ else {Parent($n$)} $\cup$ Ancestors(Parent($n$))
The set of all nodes reachable from $n$ following the edges leaving it in the direction of the arrows
The sum of all the depths of all the nodes in $t$
The subtree rooted at $n$
A node with $k$ children. A 0-node is a leaf. A 1-node has exactly one child. A 2-node has exactly two children. And so on.
Exercise: Critique this proposed alternate definition of oriented tree: An oriented tree is either empty or is a node connected to zero or more non-empty oriented trees with directed edges.

Ordered Trees

Remember in the examples above that int the book and HTML trees, the order mattered, but that in the geography and file system examples, it did not? We actually have a special word for the former, and some variations of interest.

Ordered Tree
An oriented tree in which the ordering of the children matters (strictly speaking, the children form a list, rather than a set)
$k$-ary Tree
An ordered tree in the children of each node have a unique index position $\in 0 \ldots k-1$ for some integer $k \geq 0$
Binary Tree
A 2-ary Tree
Trinary (a.k.a. Ternary) Tree
A 3-ary Tree
Fibonacci Tree
A tree from the set of trees defined inductively as: (1) $F_0$ is the empty tree, (2) $F_1$ is a tree with only one node, and (3) $F_{k+2}$ is a node whose left subtree is a $F_{k+1}$ tree and whose right subtree is a $F_k$ tree.
Binomial Trees
$B_k$ consists of a node with $k$ children: the first of which is the root of a $B_{k-1}$ tree, the second is the root of a $B_{k-2}$ tree, etc.
Exercise: What would you call a 1-ary tree, in addition to calling it a unary tree?
Exercise: Draw the trees $F_0$ through $F_5$.
Exercise: Draw the trees $B_0$ through $B_5$.

Uses of Trees

Earlier we mentioned three places where trees tended to show up. Let’s review them here and connect them to the kinds of trees we just defined:

Free Trees

Network applications

Oriented Trees

Hierarchical data

k-ary Trees

Searching, spell-checking, autocomplete


Circles and lines are commonly used to show trees, but there are other ways. Here are a few notations people have used in the past for oriented trees. Maybe you can think up sone on your own, too.


This notation for oriented trees is hopefully self-explanatory:

North America
          Los Angeles
              Eagle Rock
              San Pedro

Table (Array)

Since every node in an oriented tree has zero or one parent, we can store a tree very compactly by keeping only the index of the parent together with the data in the node, for example:

  0 │               │    │
  1 │ Mexico        │  5 │
  2 │ Los Angeles   │ 17 │
  3 │ Po`ipu        │ 15 │
  4 │ Hollywood     │  2 │
  5 │ North America │  0 │
  6 │ Montreal      │  8 │
  7 │ San Pedro     │  2 │
  8 │ Quebec        │ 11 │
  9 │ Alberta       │ 11 │
 10 │ Chibougamau   │  8 │
 11 │ Canada        │  5 │
 12 │ Eagle Rock    │  2 │
 13 │ Colima        │  1 │
 14 │ Sonora        │  1 │
 15 │ Hawai`i       │ 19 │
 16 │ Guadalajara   │ 20 │
 17 │ California    │ 19 │
 18 │ Alaska        │ 19 │
 19 │ USA           │  5 │
 20 │ Jalisco       │  1 │
 21 │ Juneau        │ 19 │
 22 │ Utqiaġvik     │ 19 │
 23 │ Sunland       │  2 │

Venn Diagram

Interestingly, nested structures exhibit a natural hierarchy, making it suitable for oriented trees:

Venn Diagram


The outline representation we saw earlier forces us to put each item on its own line. We can use parentheses to give us much more flexibility. Each node has the form (root subtree subtree ...)

(North America
    (Canada Alberta (Quebec Chibougamau Montreal))
        (Jalisco Guadalajara)
          (Los Angeles
              Eagle Rock
              San Pedro))
        (Hawai`i Po`ipu)
        (Alaska Juneau Utqiaġvik)))
Exercise: Which of the representations above work for ordered trees and which do not?

There are several variations on string representations. By way of example, the representation of the DOM tree we saw earlier can be expressed as a string in the Hypertext Markup Language, HTML, as follows:

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <p>Hello, world, this is my <a href="fido.html">dog</a>.
      <img src="fido.jpg" alt="fido">
      <!-- That wasn't too bad -->

Representations of Free Trees

Free trees don’t have a root, so we pretty much treat them as graphs, and can use any one of the many known graph representations (adjacency list, adjacency matrix, incidence list), which we will study later when looking at graphs. For now, we’ll be focusing exclusively on oriented trees.

Operations on Oriented Trees

How many operations can we think of? Let’s see. For a tree $t$ and a node $n$, we can imagine:

Sometimes we will be traversing trees, performing operations on each node as we go. Two popular approaches to traversal are:

Breadth-First Traversal: A C B D G E F H
Goes level by level, usually requires lots of storage, will give shortest path solution in state space searching.
Depth-First Traversal: A D E H F B C G
Goes out as far as possible and backtracks, only requires as much storage space as the tree's depth.

So we can add the operations:

When traversing, it is assumed you always process the children in the proper order in ordered trees.

Exercise: Give the order of breadth-first and depth-first traversals of each of the example hierarchies at the beginning of this page.


Implementing trees is such a big topic, because there are so many kinds of trees. Let’s get a big picture before diving into programming.

In practice, $k$-ary trees are so prevalent, with so many applications and so many variations, that we have a whole separate page of notes on them.

For now, though, let’s take a quick peek at how a plain-old ordered tree (with no bounds on the number of children) would be represented in Java. Note that there’s no real distinction between the tree and its root: we just deal with nodes and just straight up treat a node as the root of “its” tree. We are only going to write a small number of methods; you can write the rest:
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class TreeNode<T> {

    private T data;
    private List<TreeNode<T>> children = new ArrayList<>();

    public TreeNode(T data) { = data;

    public TreeNode<T> appendChild(T item) {
        var newNode = new TreeNode<>(item);
        return newNode;

    public int size() {
        return 1 +;

    public boolean isLeaf() {
        return children.isEmpty();

    public int height() {
        return isLeaf() ? 0
                : 1 +;

    public void depthFirst(Consumer<T> consumer) {
        children.forEach(node -> node.depthFirst(consumer));

    public void breadthFirst(Consumer<T> consumer) {
        Queue<TreeNode<T>> queue = new LinkedList<>();
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            var node = queue.remove();
            for (var child : node.children) {

    public String toString() {
        var builder = new StringBuilder("(");
        for (var child : children) {
        return builder.toString();

How is the tree used? This gives you an idea:
public class TreeNodeExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var nodeA = new TreeNode<String>("A");
        var nodeB = nodeA.appendChild("B");
        var nodeC = nodeA.appendChild("C");
        var nodeG = nodeC.appendChild("G");

        System.out.printf("Here is a tree: %s%n", nodeA);
        System.out.printf("It has size %d%n", nodeA.size());
        System.out.printf("It has height %d%n", nodeA.height());
        System.out.printf("Is B a leaf? %b%n", nodeB.isLeaf());
        System.out.printf("Is G a leaf? %b%n", nodeG.isLeaf());
        System.out.println("Here are the nodes in depth first order:");
        System.out.println("Here are the nodes in breadth first order:");
$ javac && java TreeNodeExample
Here is a tree: (A(B(D)(E)(F))(C(G)(H)))
It has size 8
It has height 2
Is B a leaf? false
Is G a leaf? true
Here are the nodes in depth first order:
Here are the nodes in breadth first order:
Exercise: Study the implementation and the example script to make sure you understand every line of each.
Exercise: Draw the tree whose string representation is (A (O P (Q R) S) C (B (T U V W) J K (L M N)) (D E (G (H I))) F).
Exercise: Ugh! That example script is no way to test! Write a proper unit test!
Exercise: Add more methods (and their tests of course).


We’ve covered:

  • Examples of hierarchical data
  • The definition of “tree”
  • Vocabulary surrounding nodes, edges, and paths
  • Oriented trees
  • The large vocabulary surrounding oriented trees
  • Kinds of ordered trees (k-ary, binomial, Fibonacci)
  • Outline, Table, Linked, Venn Diagram, and String representations
  • Operations on oriented trees
  • Breadth-First and Depth-First Traversals
  • A simple implementation