
If your users don’t have a good experience using your applications, well, you know what might happen next.

Unit Goals

To gain a working knowledge of some usability issues.

A Definition

The ISO says the usability of an interface is a measure of the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which specified users can achieve specified goals in a particular environment with that interface.

Exercise: Find out what the moniker UI/UX refers to.


The Nielsen Norman Group has a massive amount of information on usability. There’s a Wikipedia article on the subject too.

Usability Recommendations for Web Applications

Here are some traditional (in most cases ancient) usability "recommendations" that are widely known, though many are debated (since the web of today is in some sense different from the web of 25 years ago):

Exercise: The Nielsen Norman Group articles referenced above are about 20 years old. Find some new, more modern, and useful (SORRY!) articles.

Want more? The Nielsen Norman Group will sell you a series of 13 reports on specific topics with 837 design guidelines based on their usability research with over 1500 screenshots.

Other Things That Matter

Have you thought about names?

Read this article. And read this one too.

Did you already know all that?

Oh, and while you’re reading that second article, read the related articles too.


We’ve covered:

  • A definition of usability
  • A seemingly random, not terrible useful list of usability guidelines
  • Shoutouts to the Nielsen Norman Group
  • Don’t make assumptions about peoples’ names