Windows Concurrent and Distributed Programming

OLD NOTES WARNING. Someday I will have to modernize these.


It's instructive to see how processes, threads, communication and synchronization are handled in the low-level operating system API. These notes cover the Windows API.

Micorosoft's reference documentation is extensive. Some required reading:

The Windows API facilities for concurrent and distributed programming allow you to:


An executing application consisting of
  • A private, virtual address space
  • Code and data
  • Other resources such as files, pipes, synchronization objects, brushes, dialogs, etc.
  • One or more threads
The basic entity to which the O.S. allocates CPU time. A thread can execute any part of an application's code.
Synchronization Object
A kernel object that is either in a signaled or non-signaled state and can be passed to a wait function for the purpose of coordinating multiple threads. Since they are kernel objects they can be shared among processes and thus used for IPC.


A process is an instance of a running program. A process contains

Process Creation

Create a process with an API call that takes a log of arguments

    BOOL result = CreateProcess(

This returns whether or not the process was created. The actual handle of the new process is returned in the process information structure.

    typedef struct {
        HANDLE hProcess,
        HANDLE hThread,
        DWORD dwProcessId,
        DWORD dwThreadId

When a process and its main thread are created with CreateProcess() they get an initial usage count of 2. So the creator should always call CloseHandle() on these things.

The processId and threadId are system-wide unique ids that provide alternate ways of manipulating processes and threads.


Startup info contains: desktop, window title, x, y, width, height, flags, showFlags, standard input handle, standard output handle, standard error handle, ...

Objects and Handles

Remember some objects are owned by the kernel (processes, threads, modules, files, mailslots, pipes, semaphores, mutexes, events, timers, ...), and some are owned by the process (brush, pen, bitmap, font, cursor, caret, window, ...).

Objects are manipulated via their handle. The Windows API exposes low-level functions for this. Use like this:

    HANDLE h = CreateWindow(...);
    MoveWindow(h, ...);

Objects are chunks of memory and handles are (more or less) pointers to the memory (better: "opaque references"). Objects owned by the process are stored inside the process memory, so they are automatically destroyed when the process dies, but you should destroy them yourself. Kernel objects are stored in kernel memory:

TODO Picture goes here

All kernel objects have a

Most have additional attributes, depending on what kind of object it is.

You never destroy kernel objects because you do not own them. They are destroyed by the O.S. when the usage count goes to 0.

    Process A                              Process B
    ---------------------                  -----------------------

    HANDLE h1 = CreateMutex(0, FALSE, "dog");

                   (* Mutex "dog" created with usage
                      count = 1 *)

                                           HANDLE h2 = OpenMutex(0, FALSE, "dog");

                   (* Now usage count of dog is 2 *)


                   (* Usage count of dog is 1 *)


                   (* Usage count is now 0, the kernel will
                      destroy the mutex *)

If you forget to call CloseHandle() the system will close the handle when the process terminates. Not before, of course.

Exercise: So what's the big deal about closing handles?

Objects can be shared between processes:

Process Termination

Three ways to terminate a process


Each thread in a process has access to the address space, global variables, and all the resources of that process. A thread does have its very own context, and (sometimes) its very own message queue.

Windows schedules threads, not processes.


Use multiple threads within a process to do several concurrent tasks, like repagination, or spell checking, or hyphenation in a word processor.

Threads are incredibly cheap — way cheaper than Windows processes. (Traditionally Unix processes have been somewhere in the middle.) Threads are fast to start up and shut down and don't impact system resources like processes do. Use multiple threads for:

Thread Contexts

A thread has its own context which includes

The O.S. does the thread scheduling and context switching so you write threads that appear to be independent of each other. In old versions of Windows (up to 3.1), you had to shove in a bunch of PeekMessage() calls to satisfy the limitations of cooperative multitasking. (Old timers will remember the whole system mercilessly hanging when connecting to a busy server with the File Manager.)

Thread Creation

The API function is

    HANDLE h = CreateThread(

(There's also a CreateRemoteThread function to create a thread in another process.)

Almost all API calls use the handle; the only functions I know that use the thread id are AttachThreadInput() and PostThreadMessage() because these functions can manipulate the message queues of other threads in remote processes.

Useful Thread Functions

Thread Termination

Three ways that I know of:

When a thread terminates, regardless of how:

  1. Any user objects owned by the thread are freed (Owned by the thread? Yep. Most are indeed owned by the process, but the thread owns windows and hooks.)
  2. The thread's kernel object becomes signaled.
  3. The exit code changes from STILL_ACTIVE to whatever you set for it
  4. If this is the last active thread in the process, the process ends
  5. Kernel objects usage counts are decremented


Modern Windows uses preemptive multitasking. The actual algorithm is implementation dependent and subject to tweaking at Microsoft's whim. It sort of works like this:

Thread States


Thread Priority Computation

A thread's priority level is computed by combining its process's priority class with its own relative priority and a possible boost.

The computation is:

    Priority Level = base priority + boost


    base priority =
        if thread relative priority == idle then
            if process priority = realtime then
        else if thread relative priority == time critical then
            if process priority == realtime then
            process priority + thread relative priority
Process Priority Class
IdleNormalHighReal Time
Idle 11116
Lowest 261122
Below Normal 371223
Normal 481324
Above Normal 591425
Highest 6101526
Time Critical 15151531

To get/set the priority of a process

To get/set the relative priority of a thread


The system like to tweak priorities whenever it thinks everyone will be happier.

To turn boosting on and off

To determine whether boosting is enabled or not

Processes with NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS get helped (its threads either get boosts or extended quanta) when a window is brought to the foreground.

Message Queues

If a thread makes a call to a function in user32.dll, the thread gets its very own message queue.



The two approaches to synchronization are to use kernel objects or some other mechanism. Non-kernel object mechanisms include the interlocked functions and critical sections, which are super high-performance (WAY better than kernel objects) but can only be used in limited contexts).

Kernel Objects and Wait Functions

One way to do syncronization is to wait for a kernel object to be signaled. There are ten things you can wait for:

Kernel Object Signaled When...
Process It terminates
Thread It terminates
Console Input There is unread input in the console's input buffer
Change Notification The specified change occurs within a specified directory or directory tree
Memory Resource Notification
Event You call SetEvent() or PulseEvent(). It is also possible to create an event in the signaled state.
Mutex It is not owned by any thread. If a wait is successful then the waiting thread gets ownership and the mutex goes back to being unsignaled.
Semaphore Its count is greater than 0. If a wait is successful then the count is decremented by 1.
Waitable Timer The timer reaches the due time.




Waitable Timers

Other Mechanisms

Interlocked Variables

Interlocked Lists

Critical Sections

Asynchronous Procedure Calls

Overlapped I/O

Timer Queues

Interprocess Communication

Mechanisms for IPC