Web Styling
Ray Toal
Loyola Marymount University
What This Talk is About
What This Talk is NOT About
For the millionth time...
Separate content, presentation and interactivity
More Oft-Repeated Advice
What are "Webstandards"?
A First Example
What Was That Last Style Sheet?
Oh, But What About XHTML?
What are the Important Things About CSS?
Know Your Selectors
*Any element
eAny e element
e1 e2Any e2 that is a descendant of an e1
e1 > e2Any e2 that is a child of an e1
e:first-childAny e that is the first child of its parent
e1 + e2Any e2 immediately preceded by a (sibling) e1
e#iThe e with id i
e[a]Any e that has an attribute a
e[a="v"]Any e with an attribute a with value v
e[a~="v"]Any e with an attribute a that is a space-separated list of values, one of which is v
e[a|="v"]Any e with an attribute a that is a hyphen-separated list of values, one of which is v
e.cSame as e[class~="c"] (HTML only)
e during the action
e:linke if e is the source of a non-visited hyperlink
e:visitede if e is the source of a visited hyperlink
e:lang(c)e if the document has associated language c with e
CSS 2.1 Properties
Display Properties
Kinds of Layouts
Floating and Positioning
CSS Tips and Tricks
Image Replacement
Designing for all Browsers
An XSLT Example
Summary and Other Closing Thoughts