Fractal Geometry

The so-called Euclidean geometry of points, lines, circles, polygons, spheres, and
polygonal solids doesn't quite describe things we see around us, does it?


"Natural" objects such as clouds, mountains, trees, snowflakes, coastlines, galaxies, plants, vascular systems, river deltas, smoke, turbulence, and percolation are not easily described with "traditional" geometry.

The geometry of the smooth and regular is called Euclidean Geometry.

The geometry of nature is called Fractal Geometry.

So What Is A Fractal?

There are quite a few definitions out there:

Exercise: Kenneth Falconer says rather than giving a precise definition of fractal, we can best characterize them by a collection of features. Find his characterization.


Self-similarity means "looks roughly the same" at different scales. We see this in nature; here zooming in on a cauliflower (from H.-O. Peitgen, J. Jürgens, and D. Saupe, Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science):


In nature, the self-similarity ends after a few orders of magnitude of zooming in. But we can give mathematical definitions with extremely simple rules that generate objects that are infinitely self-similar. Here's an introductory example:


There are many ways to define dimension. Topologically, the dimension of a set of points is the number real numbers required to unambiguously denote a point in the set. But there's something called the fractal dimension, which this video will tell you about:

Fractal dimensions need not be integers. Many shapes with a fractal dimension strictly larger than their topological dimension are called fractals.

Fractals in Nature

Do a web search for fractals in nature and you'll find a zillion images. Or better, watch this short narrated slide show from Nicole Kershaw:

Generating Fractals

There are quite a few ways to describe (or draw) fractals.

Picture Grammars


Iterated Function Systems

These are described here.



Adding Randomness


Coastlines and Landscapes


Fractals in Dynamic Systems