LMU ☀️ CMSI 662
HOMEWORK #5 Due: 2024-04-26

Learning Objectives

In this assignment you will demonstrate:

Read and Watch

Read (or skim):


Go through:

For Submission

Submit via BrightSpace, a link to a GitHub repo where you will implement a complete webapp, specified as follows.

Using either the Flask micro framework (for Python) or Express (for JavaScript), complete the web app we did in class in our unit on Web Security. Keep everything we did in our code-along, including for instance storing salted hashes of passwords with pbkdf2, storing JWTs in cookies for authentication, and preventing XSS and CSRF attacks. You will just need to add the following:

If you know CSS, please include some minimal styling in your web app.

For fun, rather than making this a simple banking app where users have a “balance” in monetary units, allow users to hold something else (trading cards, stocks, cryptocurrency, gems, carbon credits, whatever) and make your web app do some fun animations on display and transfer.