Language Theory

To understand how to express information and computation, it is useful to have a formal theory of what a language is.


Why would we ever even want a theory of languages?

Languages are all about how we represent and communicate information and computations. A formal theory of language allows us to rigorously define what language is, and from that we can show exactly what various languages can represent and say.


Theories of computation, including language theory, start from the idea that information can be represented as a string of symbols.

These notes assume a little familiarity with traditional mathematical and logical notation. If you need to brush up, see these math notes and these logic notes.


A symbol is a primitive unit of data representation. Information can be represented with strings of symbols. For example:

Exercise: Do you buy it? Can you think of any information that cannot be represented with a string of symbols? What about images? Sounds? Thoughts? Ideas? It’s okay to get philosophical and debate!


Symbols are chosen from an alphabet, such as $\{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\}$ for the language of natural numbers, or $\{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,.,\textrm{e},\textrm{E},+,-\}$ for the language of floating-point numbers.

Here are some examples of alphabets:


A string is a finite sequence of symbols over some alphabet.

Examples: For the alphabet $\{a,b,c\}$, three example strings are: $abbcbabb$, $b$, $aaa$.

When talking about strings, we might use variables to represent them. In this case the variable names should be, necessarily, outside the alphabet:

Examples: $w = abbcbabb$, $x = b$, $y = aaa$.

The length of a string is the number of symbol occurrences in the string.

Example: if $w = abbac$, then $|w| = 5$.

The empty string, denoted $\varepsilon$, is the (unique) string of length 0.

The concatenation of two strings $x$ and $y$ is the string obtained by appending $y$ to the end of $x$. We have a notation for repeated concatenation: $w^0 = \varepsilon$, $w^1 = w$, $w^2 = ww$, and $w^{k+1} = ww^k$.

Example: if $x = abb$ and $y = ca$ then $xy = abbca$.

Example: $w\varepsilon = \varepsilon w = w$.

Example: $(abc)^4 = abcabcabcabc$.

Tricky Notation?

String concatenation looks like numeric multiplication, and string repetition looks like numeric exponentiation, but behaviorally, concatenation is like numeric addition and repetition is like numeric multiplication. If you’ve programmed in Python, you’ll see that is indeed true.

$ python
>>> "abc" + "def"
>>> "abc" * 3

Guido got it right.

The reversal $w^R$ of a string $w$ is the string formed by reversing $w$; formally $\varepsilon^R = \varepsilon$ and $(\sigma w)^R = w^R \sigma$ for some symbol $\sigma$.

$x$ is a substring of $y$ iff $\exists v. \exists w. y = vxw$.

Because we are defining languages with an eye toward modeling computation, we almost always require alphabets to be non-empty and finite, and require all strings to have a finite (but unbounded) length. Even with a finite alphabet and finite-length strings, you can still have an infinite number of strings!

Example: The finite alphabet $\{0,1\}$ gives rise to the infinite number of strings $0$, $1$, $00$, $01$, $10$, $11$, $000$, $001$, etc.

Formal Languages

A formal language is a set of strings over some alphabet. That’s it. That’s the definition. If a string $w$ is a member of a language $L$ we say $w$ is an utterance of $L$.


Examples first! Here are some example languages:

Exercise: For each of the example languages above, give a few strings in (utterances of) the language.
Why are languages sets?

A language as a set of strings is actually quite useful. It distinguishes strings “in” the language from those not in the language. A language is a set of (legal) utterances.

Now it’s true that this definition does not say anything about the “meaning” of each utterance. That has to be handled separately. But we are off to a good start.

Language Operations

Because languages are sets, $\varnothing$ is a language, and the union ($L_1 \cup L_2$) and intersection ($L_1 \cap L_2$) of languages make perfect sense. So does the cardinality of a language, $|L|$, the number of strings in the language. In addition:

Therefore, given an alphabet $\Sigma$, the following are languages over $\Sigma$:

The Infinite Library

The language $\Sigma^*$ (the language of all possible strings over an alphabet) is fascinating. It’s basically the infinite library, which contains every book that has ever been written and that could possibly ever be written, i.e., every single possible arrangement of symbols. It contains solutions to climate change and world hunger, the cures for all cancers, and all human histories and futures (yours included). It also contains an infinite amount of misinformation. The problem is, you can’t distinguish what is right from wrong.

When you “know” everything, you know nothing.

For any language $L$ over the alphabet $\Sigma$, we have $L \subseteq \Sigma^*$. Since we must specify an alphabet for each language, the complement of a language makes sense. It is defined as follows: $\overline{L} = \Sigma^* - L$

Let’s see the language operations in use. Suppose we are given the alphabet $\Sigma = \{a,b\}$, and two languages over $\Sigma$, which we’ll define as $L_1 = \{ba, b\}$ and $L_2 = \{abb, bb\}$.


Random Language Facts

Here are some interesting theorems about languages. Ready? Let $\Sigma$ be an alphabet and $A$, $B$, $C$, and $D$ be languages over $\Sigma$ (i.e., subsets of $\Sigma^*$). Then:

Exercise: For each of the above theorems, try to understand what they are saying and why they are true. If you are motivated, try to write proofs for each. They aren’t super hard to prove, provided you know some basic Set Theory.

Language Definition

Formal languages were developed to help us study the foundations of mathematics and computation. It’s true that in this context, languages are just sets, so we can communicate them in set notation, for example:

But wait, even though that definition used mathematical symbols in part, there was a big informal piece between the curly braces. This can be a problem. Informal definitions lack precision. Like what even are floating point numerals? We can list as many examples as possible to get the idea. Maybe we can list them all, say something like { 0, 8, 3.5, 13.55, 3E8, 3.2E89, 5.111E+2, 21.34E-2, 1e-8, 2.55e+233, ...}. This is also not precise. Let’s try harder, with a definition:

Also not very satisfying: it is very verbose, kind of confusing, and hard to tell if it is even right. It is “precise” but it is still informal ! We need something better. Something formal. As it happens, we can do this! There are two major approaches:

Definition by Generation
We can give a formalized set of rules that systematically generate all and only those strings in the language. The language is then the set of all string generated by the language.
Definition by Recognition
We can give a formal definition of a process that determines, for a given string, whether or not it is in the language. The language is then the set of all strings recognized by the process.


A formal grammar is a list of rules that generates all and only those strings in a particular language. The rules have variables that get replaced in order to generate the actual strings of the language. Here’s a grammar for our floating point numeral language. The alphabet for this language is $\{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ., E, e, +, – \}$. Our grammar will use four variables, $\{ \mathit{numeral}, \mathit{fractionalPart}, \mathit{exponentPart}, \mathit{digit} \}$:

$ \begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{numeral} & \longrightarrow & \mathit{digit}^+ \; \mathit{fractionalPart}? \; \mathit{exponentPart}?\\ \mathit{fractionalPart} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"."} \; \mathit{digit}^+ \\ \mathit{exponentPart} & \longrightarrow & (\texttt{"E"} | \texttt{"e"}) \; (\texttt{"+"} | \texttt{"–"})? \;\mathit{digit}^+ \\ \mathit{digit} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"0"} .. \texttt{"9"} \end{array} $

There are multiple grammar notations out there; the one used here features the following notation:

If $G$ is a grammar, then $L(G)$ is the language defined by the grammar $G$. A string is in $L(G)$ if it is derivable from $G$’s initial rule, repeatedly replacing instances of a rule’s left hand pattern with its right hand side, until you get completely rid of the variables and are left only with strings in the language’s alphabet. Here is an example derivation:

$ \begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{numeral} & \Longrightarrow & \mathit{digit}^+\;\mathit{fractionalPart}?\;\mathit{exponentPart}? \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{338}\;\mathit{fractionalPart}?\;\mathit{exponentPart}? \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{338.}\;\mathit{digit}^+\;\mathit{exponentPart}? \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{338.253}\;\mathit{exponentPart}? \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{338.253}\;(\texttt{"E"} | \texttt{"e"}) \; (\texttt{"+"} | \texttt{"–"})? \;\mathit{digit}^+ \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{338.253e}\;(\texttt{"+"} | \texttt{"–"})? \;\mathit{digit}^+ \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{338.253e}\;\mathit{digit}^+ \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{338.253e18} \\ \end{array} $
Exercise: Show that the following strings are in the language defined by the grammar above:
  • 3
  • 8.5501e-88
  • 5E+11

and that the following are not in the language:

  • -2.3E1
  • 55.e+2
  • ^^Dog!

Also, generate three of your own strings in the language and three strings not in the language.
Exercise: Make sure you understand the difference between $\longrightarrow$ and $\Longrightarrow$.

By the way, note that there can be many grammars that specify the same language. For example, here’s another grammar for the floating-point numeral language:

$ \begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{numeral} & \longrightarrow & \mathit{digit}^+ \; (\texttt{"."} \; \mathit{digit}^+)? \; ((\texttt{"E"} | \texttt{"e"}) \; (\texttt{"+"} | \texttt{"–"})? \;\mathit{digit}^+)?\\ \mathit{digit} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"0"} .. \texttt{"9"} \end{array} $

If the first grammar above was called $G_1$ and this grammar was called $G_2$, we would have $L(G_1) = L(G_2)$.

Practice with Grammars

If you think about it, coming up with a grammar for a language you have in mind is an endeavor similar to programming: you know what you want to end up with, but you need to create the very formal, precise steps to get you there. How do you get good at coming up with grammars? Certainly it helps to have a mentor and learn tricks of the trade over time with practice. Whether you have a mentor or not, it does help to start with a whole bunch of examples. So with that in mind, here are a handful of grammars for you to study:

The language of integer binary numerals divisible by 2:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{even} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"–"}?\;(\texttt{"0"}\,|\,\texttt{"1"})^* \; \texttt{"0"} \\ \end{array}$

The language of integer decimal numerals divisible by 5:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{divisibleByFive} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"–"}?\;\mathit{digit}^*\;(\texttt{"0"}\,|\,\texttt{"5"}) \\ \mathit{digit} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"0"} .. \texttt{"9"} \end{array}$

The language $\{ \varepsilon, 0, 1, 01, 10, 010, 101, 0101, 1010, \ldots\}$ of alternating zeros and ones:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{alternating} & \longrightarrow & \mathit{startsWithZero} \;|\; \mathit{startsWithOne} \\ \mathit{startsWithZero} & \longrightarrow & \varepsilon\;|\;\texttt{"0"}\;\mathit{startsWithOne} \\ \mathit{startsWithOne} & \longrightarrow & \varepsilon\;|\;\texttt{"1"}\;\mathit{startsWithZero} \end{array}$

The language $\{0^i1^j \mid i \textrm{ is even} \wedge j \textrm{ is odd} \}$:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{evenZerosThenOddOnes} & \longrightarrow & (\texttt{"00"})^*\;\texttt{"1"}\;(\texttt{"11"})^* \end{array}$

The language $\{ a^nb^n \mid n \geq 0 \}$ = $\{ \varepsilon, ab, aabb, aaabbb, aaaabbbb, \ldots\}$:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{anbn} &\longrightarrow & \varepsilon \mid \texttt{"a"}\;\mathit{anbn}\;\texttt{"b"} \end{array}$

The language of palindromes over $\{a,b\}$, namely $\{w \in \{a,b\}^* \mid w=w^R\}$:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{pal} & \longrightarrow & \varepsilon \;|\;\texttt{"a"}\;|\;\texttt{"b"}\;|\;\texttt{"a"}\;\mathit{pal}\;\texttt{"a"}\;|\;\texttt{"b"}\;\mathit{pal}\;\texttt{"b"} \\ \end{array}$

The language of parentheses, curly braces, and square brackets, in which everything is properly balanced and nested, for example ()[{()}[[]]()]:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{balanced} & \longrightarrow & (\texttt{"("}\;\mathit{balanced}\;\texttt{")"}\mid\texttt{"["}\;\mathit{balanced}\;\texttt{"]"}\mid\texttt{"\{"}\;\mathit{balanced}\;\texttt{"\}"})^*\\ \end{array}$

The language $\{ a^nb^nc^n \mid n \geq 0 \}$:

$\begin{array}{lcll} \mathit{anbncn} & \longrightarrow & \varepsilon \mid \texttt{"a"}\;x\;\texttt{"b"}\;y\;\texttt{"c"} & \\ x & \longrightarrow & (\texttt{"a"}\;x\;z)? & \textrm{—generate a $z$ for each $a$ you make} \\ z\;\texttt{"b"} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"b"}\;z & \textrm{—move $z$'s to the right, past the $b$'s} \\ z\;y & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"b"}\;y?\;\texttt{"c"} & \textrm{—when the $z$ hits the $y$, make new $b$ and $c$} \\ \end{array}$

The language $\{ a^{2^n} \mid n \geq 0 \}$:

$\begin{array}{lcll} \mathit{aToTwoToN} & \longrightarrow & \mathit{double}^*\;\texttt{"a"}\;\mathit{right} & \textrm{—mark the end} \\ \mathit{double}\;\texttt{"a"} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"aa"}\;\mathit{double} & \textrm{—move right, doubling $a$'s as you go} \\ \mathit{double}\;\mathit{right} &\longrightarrow & \mathit{right} & \textrm{—got to end, no more to double} \\ \mathit{right} & \longrightarrow & \varepsilon \\ \end{array}$

The language $\{ww \mid w \in \{a,b\}^* \}$:

$\begin{array}{lcll} \mathit{s} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"a"}\;s\;x \mid \texttt{"b"}\;s\;y \mid \mathit{middle} & \\ \mathit{middle}\;x & \longrightarrow & \mathit{middle}\;\texttt{"a"} & \textrm{—an $x$ generates an $a$} \\ \mathit{middle}\;y & \longrightarrow & \mathit{middle}\;\texttt{"b"} & \textrm{—a $y$ generates a $b$} \\ \texttt{"a"}\;x & \longrightarrow & x\;\texttt{"a"} & \textrm{—move $a$'s to end} \\ \texttt{"a"}\;y & \longrightarrow & y\;\texttt{"a"} & \\ \texttt{"b"}\;x & \longrightarrow & x\;\texttt{"b"} & \textrm{—move $b$'s to end} \\ \texttt{"b"}\;y & \longrightarrow & y\;\texttt{"b"} & \\ \mathit{middle} & \longrightarrow & \varepsilon & \textrm{—drop midmarker when no longer needed} \\ \end{array}$

Exercise: Give a grammar for the language of unary primes: $\{1^p \mid p \textrm{ is prime}\}$
Why are we studying such silly languages?

Obviously we need to get to the point where we can design grammars for real programming languages. But studying the fundamentals of language and grammars with bite-size pieces helps us uncover patterns that we can use in designing our large grammars. It also gives insights into what is easy and what is hard. For example: some grammars above looked very straightforward and some required bizarre “marker” symbols that were passed around to...“compute” something it seems. The scientist in you should wonder if distinctions like that are fundamental in some sense, and if so, how can we capture this state of affairs formally.
We are going to do lots of derivations for many of the grammars above.

More Example Grammars

You can’t have too many examples, so let’s see more. To help us out a bit, we’re going to take the following variables a being previously defined:

Here is the language of words starting with a letter and containing letters, digits, and underscores only:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{id} & \longrightarrow & \mathit{letter}\;(\mathit{alnum}\;|\;\texttt{"_"})^* \end{array}$

The language of simple hex colors in HTML: Hash followed by 3 or 6 hex digits:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{simpleHexColor} & \longrightarrow & \texttt{"#" }\mathit{threeHexDigits}\;\mathit{threeHexDigits}? \\ \mathit{threeHexDigits} & \longrightarrow & \mathit{hexDigit}\;\mathit{hexDigit}\;\mathit{hexDigit} \end{array}$

Now let’s create a language for integer expressions with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, negation, and parentheses. When languages start to get complex, it helps to see examples and non-examples:

43 2

Here is a first pass. We say: “An expression is either (1) an integer, (2) a negated expression, (3) two expressions with a binary operator between them, or (4) a parenthesized expression.” This gives us:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{exp} & \longrightarrow & \mathit{digit}^+ \\ & | & \texttt{"–"} \; \mathit{exp} \\ & | & \mathit{exp} \; (\texttt{"+" | "–" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**"}) \; \mathit{exp} \\ & | & \texttt{"(" }\mathit{exp}\texttt{ ")"} \end{array}$

How did we do? Let’s see if we can derive something interesting:

$ \begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{exp} & \Longrightarrow & \mathit{exp}\texttt{ + }\mathit{exp} \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{– }\mathit{exp}\texttt{ + }\mathit{exp} \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{– }\mathit{digit}\texttt{ + }\mathit{exp} \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{–8+ }\mathit{exp} \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{–8+ }\mathit{exp}\texttt{ * }\mathit{exp} \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{–8+ }\mathit{digit}\;\mathit{digit}\texttt{ * }\mathit{exp} \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{–8+5}\;\mathit{digit}\texttt{ * }\mathit{exp} \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{–8+55* }\mathit{exp} \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{–8+55* }\mathit{digit} \\ & \Longrightarrow & \texttt{–8+55*3} \\ \end{array}$

Derivations can get pretty long. Is there a better way to see how our strings are made?

Derivation Trees

Here’s a better way to “show” the derivation we just performed:


But wait! There can be more than one way to derive a string, and sometimes the resulting derivation tree is different:


Exercise: Show the (long-form) derivation of the string corresponding to the second tree above.
Exercise: Give at least two derivation trees for -5*(34/-55+(21-8)+233). How many distinct trees are there for this string?

Is having multiple derivation trees for a string a big deal?


A grammar is ambiguous if there exists more than one derivation tree for a given string. Natural language grammars are often ambiguous.

Exercise: Show that the following sentences, possibly derived from a grammar for English, are ambiguous.
  • Lawyers give poor free advice.
  • Teacher strikes idle kids.
  • Seven foot doctors sue hospital.
  • Stolen painting found by tree.
  • Enraged cow injures farmer with ax.
  • Two sisters reunited after 18 years at checkout counter.
  • The train left the station crowded and dirty.
  • Landmine claims dog arms company.
  • Hershey bars protest.
  • They cooked for the first time on the stove.
Try your best to show reasonable English grammar “trees.”

But for a programming language, we don’t really like ambiguity, since the derivation tree tells us the structure of a program (its syntax) from which we wish to assign a meaning (semantics). Under the widely accepted meanings of decimal integers and arithmetic operations, those two trees we saw earlier suggest meanings of 157 (multiply-then-add) and 141 (add-then-multiply). Yikes!

One way to get rid of ambiguity in our language is to force operator precedence and associativity in the grammar. The following convention has arisen:

Because expressions are made up of terms and terms are made up of factors, the utterance 1+3*2 is made up of two terms, 1 and 3*2. Therefore we say multiplication has higher precedence than addition. This is the only way to make the derivation tree! There is no ambiguity here. Now what about (1+3)*2? This expression has a single term, which has two factors: (1+3) and 2. Note how the parentheses matter!

But what about the utterance 5-1-3? Should this be structured to do the leftmost subtraction first (yielding 1) or the rightmost first (yielding 7)? This is where associativity comes in. Tradition says subtraction is left-associative, so we want a structure with:

   /   \
  –     3
 / \
5   1 

Exponentiation is traditionally right-associative, so 3**2**5 would desire a derivation structure as:

 /    \
3     **
     /  \
    2    5

We are now ready to give the non-ambiguous grammar for our integer arithmetic expression language:

$ \begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{exp} &\longrightarrow& \mathit{exp} \;(\texttt{"+"}\,|\,\texttt{"–"})\; \mathit{term} \\ & | & \mathit{term} \\ \mathit{term} &\longrightarrow& \mathit{term} \;(\texttt{"*"}\,|\,\texttt{"/"}\,|\,\texttt{"%"})\; \mathit{factor} \\ & | & \mathit{factor} \\ \mathit{factor} &\longrightarrow& \mathit{primary}\;(\texttt{"**"}\;\mathit{factor})? \\ \mathit{primary} &\longrightarrow& \mathit{numeral} \\ & | & \texttt{"–"}\;\mathit{primary} \\ & | & \texttt{"("} \; \mathit{exp} \; \texttt{")"} \\ \mathit{numeral} & \longrightarrow & \mathit{digit}^+ \end{array} $

We are going to make a long-ish expression and show that it has one and only one derivation tree.

The Formal Definition of a Grammar

We’ve seen that we use grammars to formally describe mathematical objects we call languages. But we were kind of hand-wavy in defining what a grammar is and how derivations work. Grammars are mathematical objects themselves and so can be described formally. Here is how:

A grammar is a quadruple $(V, \Sigma, R, S)$ where:

  • $\Sigma$ is the alphabet of the language being described
  • $V$ is a set of variables, such that $\Sigma \cap V = \varnothing$
  • $R \subseteq (V \cup \Sigma)^*V(V \cup \Sigma)^* \times (V \cup \Sigma)^*$ is a set of rules
  • $S \in V$ is the start variable

The formal definition of $R$ looks complex but it really just says “the left hand side must contain at least one variable.” That is all. Super reasonable too! It’s there so once you get rid of all the variables, you don’t keep going.

Example. The grammar shown earlier for the language

$\{ 0^n1^n \mid n \geq 0 \}$

is formally denoted

$(\{s\}, \{0,1\}, \{(s,\varepsilon), (s,0s1)\}, s)$

Please work through this to make sure you “see” it and understand it.
Exercise: Give the formal representation of the grammars from the previous section.

Derivations can be formalized too:

Given any grammar rule set $R$, there exists a corresponding derivation relation $\Rightarrow_R$ defined as $\{ (xwy, xzy) \mid w R z \}$. That is, $xwy \Rightarrow_R xzy \textrm{ iff } wRz$.

As can the language defined by a grammar:

The language defined by grammar $(V, \Sigma, R, S)$ is $\{ \sigma \in \Sigma^* \mid S \Rightarrow_R^* \sigma \}$

We also use the notation $L(G)$ for the language defined by grammar $G$.

You might be wondering about the | and ? and * and + symbols and why they do not appear in our formal definition. As it turns out, they are not needed: they are just shorthands (“syntactic sugar”) for proper rules. We will work out in class exactly how they can be replaced with regular rules.

The page you are reading calls $\,V$ the set of variables and $\,\Sigma$ the alphabet. You may encounter folks who call $\,V$ the set of non-terminals and $\,\Sigma$ the set of terminals. No matter what the names, $\,V \cap \Sigma=\varnothing$.

Well...actually...there are still other folks that call $\,V$ a vocabulary and make it the set of all variables plus the alphabet symbols and consequently tell you now that $\,\Sigma \subset V$.

I know, I know. The moral here is that there ain’t just one way to label all the ideas behind grammars. Different authors describe this stuff differently.

Restricted Grammars

In practice, it is often super-convenient to talk about grammars with restricted rule sets, as these may yield grammars which are much simpler to understand and work with. Of course, you lose the ability to derive as many languages as an unrestricted grammar, but the simplicity might be worth it. There are many dozens of known restricted grammar types, but there are three that you should know: Context-Free, Right-Linear, and Type-1.

Context-Free Grammar

A CFG is a grammar where $R \subseteq V \times (V \cup \Sigma)^*$, that is, the left hand side is just a single variable. So simple and clean, sensible and intuitive. Because of this, they’ve been massively successively successful and the foundation for the vast majority of structural definitions for real programming languages. Interestingly, they aren’t actually powerful enough to capture all legal programs in most programming languages! We’ll see later how to handle this problem in practice.

Why are they called context free?

Context-free grammars are so-named because variables can be rewritten regardless of the context in which they appear. (For example, context free grammars would allow say, an expression in a programming language, to be any identifier whatsoever at any time, regardless of whether one is in the context in which the identifier was previously declared or not.)

Right-Linear Grammar

An RLG is a grammar where $R \subseteq V \times (\Sigma^* \cup \Sigma^*V)$, that is, the left hand side is just a single variable and the right hand side is a string of zero or more symbols followed by at most one variable. Pretty interesting: their derivations line up with the idea of a linear computation without memory. More on this later.

Type-1 Grammar

In every rule in a Type-1 grammar, the right hand side never has fewer symbols and variables than the left hand side—with only one possible exception: if the language contains the empty string, we can have one rule that maps the start symbol to the empty string. The conceptual idea for a Type-1 grammar is that the derivation string never gets shorter. These correspond to computations with bounded memory.

Language Recognition

A grammar lets us formally specify a language by generating all and only those strings in the language. But we can define a language another way: we can give a process that, when given a string, determines whether it belongs to a language?

Hey this is actually very cool! Such a process can be used in a compiler! Let’s learn.


One way to define a language through recognition is to use automata with accept states. In earlier notes we saw a Turing Machine which accepted all and only those strings in the language of even binary numerals:


Both the grammar even → ("0"|"1")*"0" and the Turing Machine above “define” the same language, one in a generative fashion and the other in a recognitive fashion. Cool.

But there’s more! Just like we showed several ways to dumb-down restrict grammars for the purpose of generating certain interesting classes of languages, Turing Machines can be restricted in several ways, too, each of which correspond to certain kinds of grammars. (This is either creepy, a massive coincidence, or something fundamental about information.) Languages and Automata are intimately related! For example, we can:


Automata theory is a huge topic, and there is so much more to study. We’ll get to it later. But there’s one interesting aspect worth noting now: Machines that allow more than one possible operation from a given configuration are called non-deterministic, and those that allow only one are called deterministic. Okay, fine, but here’s the philosophical question: is non-determinism more “powerful” than determinism? That is, can we recognize more languages with non-deterministic machines of a given class than deterministic ones? It turns out:

  • For FAs and TMs, there is NO difference in recognition power between deterministic and non-deterministic versions.
  • For PDAs, there IS a difference in recognition power between deterministic and non-deterministic versions.
  • For LBAs, we don’t know!

Who knew right? 🤯

Analytic Grammars

An analytic grammar is crafted with the idea of making recognition—going from candidate string to start symbol—much more natural. You don’t think about generating all possible utterances from the start symbol; instead, you think of matching rules to a candidate string. This idea is pretty nice when you need to write compilers or interpreters.

We’ll be seeing analytic grammars in the future, when talking about programming language syntax (since that’s the context in which they are the most meaningful). If you want to see a bit more right now, see what Wikipedia has to say.

Formal Language Classification

Time for a little side exploration into how we can categorize languages. There are a gazillion ways to do so. Perhaps the first and certainly the most historically significant classification scheme is due to Chomsky, and is now known as the Chomsky Hierarchy:

$2^{\Sigma^*}$All languages over $\Sigma$
RERecursively Enumerable / Recognizable / Type-0
RRecursive / Decidable
Type-1“Context-Sensitive” (BAD NAME)
CFContext-Free / Type-2
LRDeterministic Context-Free
REGRegular / Type-3

The main language types in this hierarchy are listed below.

Language Type Description Grammar Recognizer
Finite A language with only a finite number of strings. $S \rightarrow w_1 | \ldots | w_n$ Loop-free FA
(Type 3)
A language in which strings can be recognized by processing them one symbol at a time, without backtracking, and without using additional memory. RLG FA
Deterministic Context Free
A language recognizable on a deterministic PDA. (Stacks are nice! Θ(1) access! Determinism is nice too! Much more efficient.) DCFG DPDA
Context Free
(Type 2)
A language recognizable on a non-deterministic PDA. (Stacks are nice! Θ(1) access! But with non-determinism, recognition is slower.) CFG PDA
Type 1 A language recognizable on an LBA. (Type 1 languages are often called “context-sensitive,” but that is not a very accurate name because all languages “beyond” Type 1 in the hierarchy are sensitive to context). Type 1 LBA
Recursive (R) A language in which string membership is decidable. There are no predetermined memory bounds, and no bounds on the number of steps. ? TM that always halts
Recursively Enumerable
(Type 0 / RE)
A language in which string membership is partially decidable: if a string is in the language, you can determine that for sure; if a string is not, you might not be able to determine this. (Unrestricted) Grammar TM

We sometimes add:

Fun fact: $\textit{RE} \cap \textit{co-}RE = R$.


The language class RE lines up with what we understand to be computable.

The Chomsky Hierarchy is just a start. There are hundreds of other classes of languages. Perhaps the two most famous are:

Note, by definition, $\mathit{P} \subseteq \mathit{NP}$, but no one has been able to prove whether or not $\mathit{P} = \mathit{NP}$. There is a cash prize waiting for you if you can do it.

Exercise: Research and provide definitions for these other classes of languages: $\mathit{LL}$, $\mathit{LOGSPACE}$, $\mathit{PSPACE}$, $\mathit{EXPSPACE}$, $\mathit{EXPTIME}$, $\mathit{LALR}$, $\mathit{SLR}$, $\mathit{BPP}$, $\mathit{RP}$, and $\mathit{LINEARSIZE}$.

Yes, these language classes are all connected to complexity theory in a deep way. We’ll encounter them later, but if you’re impatient and interested in this stuff, check out the Complexity Zoo.

Historical Note

The development of formal languages originated with early work by Emil Post, Axel Thue, and others working in the early 20th century on questions related to the foundations of mathematics and computation. Post created a system for transforming strings, called a Post Canonical System. We now know a much simpler formulation of Post’s work, namely a semi-Thue system, a.k.a. string rewriting system. An SRS can rewriting any string into any other; it is nothing more than a tuple $(\Sigma, R)$ where $\Sigma$ is the alphabet of symbols and $R \subseteq \Sigma^* \times \Sigma^*$ is the rewriting relation.

That’s it!

However, despite their simplicity, they are rather clunky to use to define languages. Chomsky’s genius move was to add variables, making a special kind of a rewriting system known as a grammar. Brilliant! This is why all computer scientists encounter grammars and only very few have heard of string rewriting systems.


Up to now, our only definition of “language” has been a set of strings over some alphabet, and we’ve looked at many ways to describe a set of strings. A description of the set of strings in the language is called a syntax. But you probably have a sense that languages exist to convey meaning. The way meaning is attached to utterances of a language is known as semantics.

For instance, we saw the language of simple arithmetic expressions above. We gave the grammar:

$\begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{exp} & \longrightarrow & \mathit{digit}^+ \\ & | & \texttt{"–"} \; \mathit{exp} \\ & | & \mathit{exp} \; (\texttt{"+" | "–" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**"}) \; \mathit{exp} \\ & | & \texttt{"(" }\mathit{exp}\texttt{ ")"} \end{array}$

and said the language WAS the set of strings generated by this grammar. To give the utterances meaning, we could define a function mapping every utterance to its meaning, which in this case would be a number.

Exercise: Look up the difference between a numeral and a number and make sure you understand it deeply.

The mapping can be based on the grammar, so something like:

How do we deal with semantics in formal language theory? Interestingly, semantics tends to live in a different theory—not in “formal” language theory, but rather in a theory affectionately known as PLT.

Programming Language Theory (PLT)

Formal Language Theory, it seems, is only concerned with defining or determining which strings are in a language and which are not. It is not concerned with assigning meaning to those strings. We have to go beyond what we’ve learned so far to deal with questions of meaning. Linguists study semiotics. Computer Scientists study programming language theory, otherwise known as PLT.

In PLT, programming languages are, yes, fundamentally sets of strings, but where each of the members of the language is a program, representing a computation. The concern of the syntactic aspect of the formal (contrived) languages we’ve seen so far is really just to provide a foundation for studying computability and complexity, while the concern of programming languages is for humans to express powerful computations. Programming languages feature extremely rich syntaxes and complex semantics, and introduce us to two worlds: the static and the dynamic.

PLT is a significant and very active branch of computer science that deals with everything about programming languages, including their design, classification, implementation, interpretation, translation, analysis, features, expressiveness, limitations, syntax, semantics, and so on. It is concerned with:


How do we formally specify the structure of programs?


How do we formally specify the meaning of programs?

Type Theory

How do we classify constructs and entities in our programs (by their structure and behavior)?

Static Analysis

What can we say about a program just by looking at it (without running it)?


How do we construct compilers (translators) and interpreters (executors)?

Runtime Systems

What do programs look like at runtime, and what do we need to execute them?


How do we mechanically prove program properties, such as correctness and security?


How do we write programs that operate on, and generate, other programs?


On what bases can we rigorously classify PLs in meaningful ways?

Basically, anything in the study of Programming Languages seems to fall under the topic of PLT. But in the popular culture, the PLT community seems to be associated with the most theoretical, the most mathematical, the most foundational. PLT people write papers whose formulas have a lot of Greek letters. Logic and category theory are everywhere. And when it comes to actual programming, the PLT community is all over the most cutting-edge stuff, like dependent types. And they appear to favor functional programming languages. Haskell, Scheme, and the ML Family of Languages show up a lot in current research. So do proof assistants, like Agda and Coq.

This is good, though.

PLT is a huge field but there is good news for students: Some one has already built, and is currently maintaining, a most excellent curated portal for PLT. So many great links to books, papers, articles, tutorials, and even to other portals! Browse and lose yourself in the good stuff.

You can also begin a journey at Wikipedia’s PLT article.


We’ve covered:

  • Symbols, alphabets, and strings
  • Formal Languages
  • Grammars
  • Parse Trees
  • Ambiguity
  • The formal definition of a grammar
  • Context-Free, Right-Linear, and Type-1 Grammars
  • Language Recognition
  • The Chomsky Hierarchy
  • A bit of history
  • What Programming Language Theory is concerned with